畢業學年度 | 論文標題 | 連結 | 學位 | 畢業時長(years) |
關鍵字 | ||||
112 | 基於卷積強... 基於卷積強化自注意力機制之糾正標註法以及應用於乙型鏈球菌之奈米孔核苷酸序列 (An Error-Correction Method Based on Convolution-Augmented Self-Attention Mechanism for Nanopore DNA Sequencing of Streptococcus agalactiae) | NTHU | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
乙型鏈球菌(Streptococcus agalactiae)、核苷酸定序(DNA sequencing)、序列糾正(Sequencing revising)、深度學習(Deep learning)、卷積強化自注意力機制(Convolution-augmented self-attention mechanism) 乙型鏈球菌... | ||||
112 | 玻璃微流道... 玻璃微流道晶片在側壁加熱與低雷諾數下之溫度量測與模擬分析 (Temperature Measurement and Numerical Analysis of Glass Microchannel Chips with Sidewall Heating at Low Reynolds Numbers) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.06 |
溫度螢光感測塗料(Temperature sensitive paint)、玻璃微流道晶片(Glass microchannel chip)、側壁加熱(Sidewall heating)、控溫裝置(Controlling temperature system) 溫度螢光感... | ||||
111 | 基於晶格波... 基於晶格波茲曼法與機器學習之具多孔介質肋條微通道脈動流熱性能優化 (Thermal Performance Optimization of Pulsatile Flow in a Porously Ribbed Microchannel Based on LBM and Machine Learning) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 3.00 |
微流道(Microchannel)、多孔介質肋條(Porous Media Ribs)、脈動流(Pulsating Flow)、實驗設計法(Design of Experiment)、機器學習(Machine Learning)、晶格波茲曼方法(Lattice Boltzmann Method) 微流道(M... | ||||
111 | 熱傳與紊流... 熱傳與紊流場量測結合多維神經網路預測之離壁式折流板熱交換器熱性能提升研究 (Enhancement of Thermal Performance in Detachedly Baffled Heat Exchanger by Synergizing Heat Transfer and Turbulent Flow Field Measurements with Multidimensional Neural Network Predictions) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.00 |
可變攻角離壁式折流板(Dettached Baffle with Variable Angle of Attack)、U形熱交換器(U-shaped heat exchanger)、質點影像測速儀(PIV)、紅外線熱像儀(Infrared Thermography)、熱流相關性(Thermal-Fluidic Correlation)、人工神經網路(Artificial Neural Networks) 可變攻角離... | ||||
111 | C反應蛋白... C反應蛋白分子拓印電化學感測晶片研發以及應用於指尖血快速檢測 (Research and Development on C-Reactive Protein Electrochemical Biosensing Chips Based on Molecular Imprinting Polymer for Rapid Sensing of Finger Blood Samples) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.77 |
自組裝單層模(Self-assembled monolayer)、分子拓印(Molecularly imprinted polymer)、C反應蛋白(C-reactive protein)、發炎感染(Infectious disease)、電化學檢測(Electrochemical sensor)、免標記(Label-Free)、現場可程式閘陣列(Field-programmable gate array)、定點照護檢驗(Point-of-care testing) 自組裝單層... | ||||
111 | 基於卷積強... 基於卷積強化之自注意力機制深度學習應用於大腸桿菌之奈米孔核甘酸序列定序 (Nanopore DNA Sequencing with Convolution-Augmented Self-Attention Mechanism Based Deep Learning Model for Escherichia coli Identification) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 3.39 |
核甘酸定序(DNA sequencing)、鹼基呼叫器(basecaller)、深度學習(deep learning)、自注意力機制(self-attention) 核甘酸定序... | ||||
110 | 以實驗方法... 以實驗方法探討PDMS矩形微流道內不同角度之平板結構物下的流場與熱傳特性 (Micro-PIV and TSP Measurements for Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer Characterization in Rectangular PDMS Microchannels with inclined flat plates) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.99 |
微流道(Microchannel)、共軛熱傳(Conjugate heat transfer)、溫度螢光感測塗料(Temperature sensitive paint)、微粒子影像測速法(Micro particle image velocimetry)、不同攻角平板結構物(inclined flate plates) 微流道(M... | ||||
110 | 側向電平衡... 側向電平衡之微流體電阻式脈衝感測器研發及其應用於三種奈微米材質之量測分析 (Development of Microfluidic Resistive Pulse Sensors with Electrical Balance for Measurement and Analysis of Three Nano-Micron Materials) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.95 |
負電荷修飾之聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯微粒(negatively charged PMMA microparticles)、大腸桿菌(Escherichia coli)、銀奈米線(silver nanowires)、微流道晶片(microfluidic chips)、電平衡(electrical balance)、側向感測(lateral sensing)、表面型態重建(surface morphology reconstruction)、電阻式脈衝感測器(resistive pulse sensors) 負電荷修飾... | ||||
110 | 應用晶格波... 應用晶格波茲曼方法探討滑移與脈動效應對肋條微通道熱傳增益之影響 (Effects of flow slip and pulsation on heat transfer enhancement in a ribbed microchannel using lattice Boltzmann method) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.90 |
微流道(Microchannel)、滑移流(Slip Flow)、脈動流(Pulsatile Flow)、微結構(Microstructure)、耦合熱傳(Conjugate Heat Transfer)、晶格波茲曼方法(Lattice Boltzmann Method) 微流道(M... | ||||
110 | 側壁加熱矩... 側壁加熱矩形微流道於不同下壁面材質下之共軛熱傳分析 (Conjugate Heat Transfer Analysis of Sidewall-Heated Rectangular Microchannels with Different Bottom Wall Materials) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩(外籍生) | 3.46 |
微流道(Microchannel)、共軛熱傳(Conjugate Heat Transfer)、軸向熱傳(Axial Conduction)、TSP(Micro-PIV)、Micro-PIV(TSP)、數值模擬(Numerical Analysis) 微流道(M... | ||||
110 | 以紅外線測... 以紅外線測溫與質點影像測速技術研究平行與交錯翼型擾流器於雙通道之紊性熱傳增益 (IRT and PIV Investigations of Turbulent Heat Transfer Enhancement in a Two Pass Channel with Inline and Staggered Wing-Shaped Turbulators) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.46 |
翼型擾流器(Wing-ShapedTurbulators)、正方形雙通道(Two-PassSquareChannel)、熱流相關性(ThemalFluidRelationships)、紅外線熱像儀(IRT)、質點影像測速儀(PIV) 翼型擾流器... | ||||
109 | 機翼形擾流... 機翼形擾流器於正方形雙通道紊流流場與熱傳增益相關性之實驗研究 (Experimental Study of Airfoil-Shaped Turbulators on Turbulent Thermal Fluid Relationships in a Twin-Pass Square Channel) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.19 |
機翼形擾流器(Airfoil-shaped Turbulators)、正方形雙通道(Two-Pass Square Channel)、熱流相關性(Thermal Fluid Relationships)、質點影像測速儀(PIV)、紅外線熱像儀(IRT) 機翼形擾流... | ||||
109 | 以實驗及數... 以實驗及數值方法探討PDMS矩形微流道於不同流道高度下側壁加熱之共軛熱傳行為 (Experimental and numerical study on conjugate heat transfer analysis of side-wall heated rectangular PDMS microchannel with different channel heights) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.10 |
微流道(Microchannel)、共軛熱傳(Conjugate heat transfer)、溫度螢光感測塗料(Temperature sensitive paint)、深寬比(Aspect ratio) 微流道(M... | ||||
109 | 微流道輔助... 微流道輔助表面官能基修飾之精細銀奈米線電極滾印製程開發及其在生醫感測之可行性分析 (Development of Microchannel-Assisted Surface Functional Group Modification Fine Silver Nanowires Electrode Roll-Printing Process and Its Feasibility Analysis in Biosensing Applications) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 3.04 |
銀奈米線(silver nanowires)、滾印(roll-printing)、微流道輔助親水修飾(microchannel-assisted wetting)、微電極(microelectrode) 銀奈米線(... | ||||
109 | 整合氮化矽... 整合氮化矽奈米孔微流道晶片於大腸桿菌基因樣本之雜訊探討與電子訊號分析 (Noise Study and Electrical Signal Analysis of Integrated Silicon Nitride Nanopores in Microfluidic Chips for Escherichia Coli Genomic DNA Samples) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.98 |
固態式奈米孔(solid-state nanopore)、微流道晶片(microfluidic chips)、雜訊(noise)、移位速度(translocation speed)、表面型態重建(surface morphology reconstruction) 固態式奈米... | ||||
109 | 圓形與正方... 圓形與正方形陣列結構物對於PDMS微流道內之流場與熱傳分析 (Flow Field and Heat Transfer Analysis on PDMS Microchannels with Circular and Square Pin Array) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.10 |
微流道(Microchannel)、熱傳(heat transfer)、陣列結構物(Pin Array)、微粒子影像測速法(Temperature Sensitive Paint)、溫度螢光感測塗料(Micro Particle Image Velocimetry) 微流道(M... | ||||
109 | 具新型翼形... 具新型翼形擾流器正方形雙通道之被動與主動熱傳增益實驗探討 (Experimental Study of Passive and Active Heat Transfer Enhancement in a Two-Pass Square Channel with Novel Wing-Shaped Turbulators) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.09 |
翼形擾流器(Wing-Shaped Turbulator)、脈動流(Pulsating Flow)、蛇形熱交換器(Serpentine Heat Exchanger)、熱流相關性(Thermal-Fluidic Correlation)、質點影像測速儀(PIV)、紅外線熱像儀(Infrared Thermography) 翼形擾流器... | ||||
109 | 180度銳... 180度銳轉正方形雙通道內具離壁式曲面肋條之熱傳增益與流場實驗探討 (Experiment Study of Heat Transfer Enhancement and Flow Features in a 180-Deg Sharp-Turning Square Channel with Detached Curved Ribs) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.45 |
離壁式曲面肋條(Detached Curved Ribs)、蛇行熱交換器(Serpentine Heat Exchanger)、轉彎區(Turn Region)、熱流相關性(Thermofluidic Correlation)、質點影像測速儀(PIV)、紅外線熱像儀(Infrared Thermography) 離壁式曲面... | ||||
108 | 以實驗方法... 以實驗方法探討微流道傾斜式結構誘導聲流的流場與熱傳增益 (Experimental study on flow field and heat transfer analysis of microchannel flow with staggered structures using acoustic streaming) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.45 |
微流道(Microchannel)、誘導聲流效應(Acoustic streaming)、熱傳(Heat transfer)、微粒子影像測速法(Micro Particle Image Velocimetry)、溫度螢光感測塗料(Temperature Sensitive Paint) 微流道(M... | ||||
108 | 奈米線蛋白... 奈米線蛋白質生醫感測器研發及應用於低濃度急性腎損傷生物標記檢測 (Development of Nanowire-based Biosensors for Low-Concentration Detection of Acute Kidney Injury Biomarkers) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.28 |
介電泳組裝(dielectrophoresis assembly)、銀奈米線(Ag nanowire)、電化學阻抗譜(Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy)、蛋白質檢測(Protein detection)、急性腎損傷(acute kidney injury)、嗜中性白血球明膠酶相關運載蛋白(neutrophil gelatinase-associated transport protein) 介電泳組裝... | ||||
108 | 應用新型熱... 應用新型熱晶格波茲曼模型探討多孔介質與流體脈動於微流道熱性能之影響 (Evaluation of Porous Media and Flow Pulsation on Thermal Performance of Microchannels using a Novel Thermal Lattice Boltzmann Method) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.19 |
多孔介質(Porous media)、脈動流(Pulsating Flow)、微流道(Microchannel)、熱傳增益(Heat Transfer)、熱晶格波茲曼方法(Thermal Lattice Boltzmann Method) 多孔介質(... | ||||
108 | 以紅外線測... 以紅外線測溫與質點影像測速技術探討具百葉窗擾流器管道脈動紊流與熱傳增益 (IRT and PIV Study on Pulsatile Turbulent Channel Flow and Heat Transfer Enhancement with Louvered Turbulators) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.19 |
三維百葉窗擾流器(Louvered-type turbulators)、質點影像測速儀(Particle Image Velocimetry)、紅外線熱像儀(Infrared Thermography)、脈動流(Pulsating flow)、熱傳增益(Heat Transfer Enhancement) 三維百葉窗... | ||||
108 | 固態電子式... 固態電子式奈米孔製作之精確性探討及其應用於單分子檢測 (Investigation of Accurate Fabrication of Solid-State Nanopores and Their Applications to Single Molecule Detection) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.02 |
固態式奈米孔(Solid-state nanopore)、氮化矽(Silicon nitride)、電擊穿(Voltage breakdown)、DNA螢光觀測(DNA fluorescence observation)、易位訊號量測(Translocation signal measurement) 固態式奈米... | ||||
107 | 滾印製作高... 滾印製作高導電之銀奈米線軟性微電極及應用於觸覺感測電子皮 (Roll-Printed Highly-Conductive-Flexible Silver Nanowires Microelectrodes and Their Application to Electronic Tactile Sensing Skin) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.64 |
軟性電子(flexible electronics)、銀奈米線(silver nanowire)、滾印製程(roll printing)、觸覺感測(tactile sensing)、微電極(microelectrode) 軟性電子(... | ||||
107 | 旋轉紊性熱... 旋轉紊性熱流場之晶格玻茲曼建模與模擬 (Lattice Boltzmann Modeling and Simulation of Rotating Turbulent Thermal Flow) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩逕博 | 5.43 |
晶格玻茲曼方法(Lattice Boltzmann method)、旋轉(Rotating)、大渦模擬(Large eddy simulation)、紊性熱流(Turbulent thermal flow)、寬高比(Aspect ratio)、方管(Rectangular ducts)、格點加密(Grid refinement) 晶格玻茲曼... | ||||
107 | 螺旋擾流器... 螺旋擾流器正方形雙通道之紊流平均熱流相關性分析與暫態特徵正交分解研究 (Mean Thermal-Fluidic Correlation and Transient Proper Orthogonal Decomposition of Turbulent Flow in Twin-Pass Square Channel with Spiral Turbulators) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.13 |
紊性熱流相關性(Turbulent Thermal-Fluidic Correlation)、皮爾遜積矩相關係數(Pearson Product-moment Correlation Coefficient)、斯皮爾曼等級相關係數(Spearman Rank Correlation Coefficient)、特徵正交分解(Proper Orthogonal Decomposition(POD))、螺旋擾流器(Spiral Turbulator)、正方形雙通道(Twin-Pass Square Channel)、質點影像測速儀(PIV)、紅外線熱像儀(Infrared Thermography) 紊性熱流相... | ||||
107 | 百葉窗型擾... 百葉窗型擾流器扇葉攻角與截距對正方形雙通道紊動熱流特性之影響 (Influences of Slat Attack Angle and Pitch Ratio on Turbulent Hydrothermal Characteristics in a Louvered Two-Pass Square Channel) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.13 |
百葉窗型擾流器(Louver-Type Turbulator)、扇葉攻角(Slat Attack Angle)、截距比(Pitch Ratio)、雙通道熱傳(PIV)、質點影像測速儀(Infrared Thermography)、紅外線測溫儀(undefined) 百葉窗型擾... | ||||
107 | 應用晶格波... 應用晶格波茲曼方法探討奈米粒子濃度與脈動流於百葉窗型微結構流道之熱傳增益 (Lattice Boltzmann study of nanoparticle concentration and flow pulsation on heat transfer enhancement in a louvered microchannel) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.13 |
百葉窗微結構(Louver Microstructures)、奈米流體(Nanofluids)、脈動流(Pulsating Flow)、微流道(Microchannel)、熱傳(Heat Transfer)、晶格波茲曼方法(Lattice Boltzmann Method) 百葉窗微結... | ||||
106 | 探討微流道... 探討微流道寬高比對氣泡誘導聲流之流場與熱傳增益 (Aspect ratio effects on microchannel flow and heat transfer enhancement with bubble-induced acoustic streaming) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.99 |
微流道(microchannel)、寬高比(aspect ratio)、氣泡誘導聲流(bubble-induced acoustic streaming)、熱傳增益(heat transfer enhancement)、微粒子影像測速法(µ-PIV)、溫度螢光感測塗料(TSP) 微流道(m... | ||||
106 | 以實驗方法... 以實驗方法探討微流道交錯式結構誘導聲流之流場與熱傳增益 (Experimental study on flow field and heat transfer analysis in microchannel flow using acoustic streaming with staggered structures) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.98 |
微流道(Microchannel)、誘導聲流效應(Acoustic streaming)、熱傳(Heat transfer)、微粒子影像測速法(Micro-Particle Image Velocimetry)、螢光溫度感測塗料(Temperature Sensitive Paint) 微流道(M... | ||||
106 | 百葉窗型擾... 百葉窗型擾流器雙通道在不同葉片數目下之紊流場量測與熱流相關性分析 (Turbulent Flow Measurement and Thermal Fluid Analysis in a Louvered Two-Pass Square Channel with Different Slat Numbers) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 4.50 |
質點影像測速儀(PIV)、方形雙通道(Two-Pass Square Channel)、擾流器(Turbulator)、百葉窗(Louver)、紊流(Turbulent Flow) 質點影像測... | ||||
106 | 轉彎效應對... 轉彎效應對平滑壁面正方形雙通道之紊流統計參數與熱流相關性影響之實驗研究 (Experimental Studies of 180-Deg Sharp Turn Effect on Turbulence Statistics and Thermal-Fluidic Correlations in a Smooth Square Duct) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.50 |
質點影像測速儀(PIV)、紅外線測溫儀(Infrared Thermography)、180度銳轉正方形通道(180-Deg Sharp Turn Square Duct)、紊流統計參數(Turbulence Statistics)、相關係數(Pearson Correlation Method)、熱流相關性(Thermal-Fluidic Correlation) 質點影像測... | ||||
106 | 擾流器與管... 擾流器與管道截面形狀引導之核心流與近壁流對熱交換器熱傳效能之影響 (Influence of Core Flow and Boundary Layer Flow Induced by Perturbator and Channel Cross-Sectional Geometry on Heat Transfer Performance in Heat Exchangers) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩逕博 | 5.27 |
質點影像測速儀(PIV)、紅外線測溫儀(Infrared Thermography)、平行四邊形管道(Parallelogram Channel)、入口效應(Entrance Effect)、肋條角度(Rib Angle)、百葉窗型擾流器(Louver)、核心流干擾(Core Flow Disturbance)、近壁流干擾(Boundary Layer Disturbance)、紊流(Turbulent Flow)、熱傳(Heat Transfer) 質點影像測... | ||||
105 | 滾印製作排... 滾印製作排列式銀奈米線束電極及應用於太陽能電池 (Development of Roll-Coated Aligned-Silver Nanowire-Bundle Electrode and Its Application to Solar Cells) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
透明導電薄膜(Transparent conductive electrode)、銀奈米線(AgNWs)、滾印製程(Roll coating)、排列(Aligned)、成束(Bundled)、有機太陽能電池(Solar cell) 透明導電薄... | ||||
105 | 平行四邊形... 平行四邊形單、雙通道寬高比及側壁傾角對紐賽數之函數關係 (Nusselt Numbers as Composite Functions of the Aspect Ratio and Included Angle in Single and Two-Pass Parallelogram Channels) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 4.00 |
微通道(Microchannel)、平行四邊形截面(Parallelogram cross-section)、寬高比(Aspect ratio)、側壁傾角(Included angle)、T熱邊界條件(T boundary condition)、H1熱邊界條件(H1 boundary condition)、H2熱邊界條件(H2 boundary condition)、紐賽數(Nusselt number)、關係式(Correlation) 微通道(M... | ||||
105 | 以實驗方法... 以實驗方法探討微流道交錯式薄膜氣泡腔體誘導聲流之流場與熱傳增益 (Experiment study on flow field and heat transfer analysis in microchannel flow using bubble-induced acoustic streaming with staggered cavities and membrane) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.95 |
氣泡誘導聲流(bubble-induced acoustic streaming)、薄膜(membrane)、微粒子影像測速法(Micro Particle Image Velocimetry)、溫度螢光感測塗料(Temperature-Sensitive Paint)、流場可視化(flow visualization)、熱傳增益(heat transfer enhancement) 氣泡誘導聲... | ||||
105 | 燒結成塊微... 燒結成塊微孔隙過濾元件與真空模組之 整合與封裝及其應用於全血血漿分離 (Compact and Efficient Sintered Porous Filters Driven with Vacuum Modules for Plasma Separation from Whole Blood) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.92 |
燒結成塊微孔隙過濾元件(sintered porous filters)、真空模組(vacuum module)、形狀記憶高分子(shape memory polymer)、血漿過濾(plasma separation)、定點照護(point-of-care testing) 燒結成塊微... | ||||
105 | 具有和不具... 具有和不具有真空之液-汽兩相往復式熱虹吸管之熱性能比較實驗研究 (An experimental study of comparative thermal performances between reciprocating liquid-vapor two-phase thermosyphons with and without vaccum) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩(外籍生) | 5.47 |
兩相流(two phase flow)、往復運動(reciprocating)、熱虹吸管(thermosyphon) 兩相流(t... | ||||
105 | 分子拓印微... 分子拓印微珠之微小化 及其應用於食品藥物殘留檢測 (Miniaturization of Molecularly-Imprinted Polymer Beads and Their Applications to Detection of Drug Residue in Foods) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.32 |
分子拓印高分子(Molecularly imprinted polymer)、微液滴(Droplets)、動物用藥(Animal drug residues)、專一性(Specificity)、選擇性(Selectivity coefficient) 分子拓印高... | ||||
104 | 完全發展入... 完全發展入口狀況平滑壁面平行四邊形雙通道之流場與熱傳表現研究 (Flow Field and Heat Transfer Performance in Stationary Two-Pass Smooth Parallelogram Channels with Fully Developed Inlet Flow) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
質點影像測速儀(PIV)、紅外線熱像儀(Infrared Thermography)、平行四邊形通道(Parallelogram Channel)、入口幾何形狀(Entrance Geometry)、紊流(Turbulent flow)、熱傳(Heat Transfer) 質點影像測... | ||||
104 | 以溫度與速... 以溫度與速度同步量測技術探討突縮擴結構流場與熱傳增益 (The development of simultaneous temperature and velocity measurements and applications on heat transfer analysis of in-lined/staggered cavities microchannel flow) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
同步量測(simultaneous measurements)、突縮擴流道(cavities microchannel)、熱傳增益(heat transfer)、溫度螢光感測(TSP)、微粒子影像測速(PIV) 同步量測(... | ||||
104 | 以微粒子影... 以微粒子影像測速法與溫度螢光感測塗料量測技術探討氣泡誘導聲流之流場及熱傳分析 (PIV and TSP measurements and analysis on flow field and heat transfer with bubble-induced acoustic streaming) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
微流體(Microfluidic)、氣泡誘導聲流(Bubble-induced acoustic streaming)、溫度螢光感測塗料(Temperature-Sensitive Paint)、微粒子影像測速法(Micro-Particle Image Velocimetry) 微流體(M... | ||||
103 | 微粒子影像... 微粒子影像測速法及溫度螢光感測技術應用於微流體90度彎管之流場與熱傳分析 (The investigation of flow field and heat transfer in 90° bend microchannels using micro particle image velocimetry and temperature sensitive paint) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
微粒子影像測速法(Micro particle image velocimetry)、溫度螢光感測技術(Temperature sensitive paint)、微流體90度彎管(90° bend microchannels) 微粒子影像... | ||||
103 | 利用螢光感... 利用螢光感測分子技術進行微管道內溫度及速場同步量測 (Simultaneous measurement of velocity and temperature profile in microchannel flow using molecule based sensors) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
微粒子影像測速技術(PIV)、溫度螢光感測分子(TSP)、同步量測(Simultaneous measurement)、衰變時間(Lifetime) 微粒子影像... | ||||
103 | 睡眠呼吸中... 睡眠呼吸中止症虛擬手術之肌肉組織特性與手術後呼吸道擴張流場分析 (Virtual surgery and simulation analyses on human upper airway of obstructive sleep apnea patients) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
呼吸中止症(Obstructive Sleep Apnea)、上呼吸道重建(airway reconstruction)、流場模擬(virtual surgery)、虛擬手術(muscle material characteristics) 呼吸中止症... | ||||
102 | 溫度螢光感... 溫度螢光感測技術與粒子影像速度量測技術應用於兩相區段流熱傳分析 (The experimental study of heat transfer with segemnted flow in microchannel using temperature sensitive paint and micro particle image velocimetry) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
雙相空氣/乙醇區段流(Two-phase ethanol/air segmented flow)、PDMS微蛇形流道(PDMS serpentine microchannel)、溫度螢光微分子技術(TSP technique)、微粒子影像測速(Micro-PIV) 雙相空氣/... | ||||
102 | 45度斜角... 45度斜角平行四邊形平滑壁面雙通道之流場與熱傳數值模擬 (Numerical Simulation of Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer in Two-Pass Smooth-Wall Parallelogram Channels with 45-deg Inclined Angle) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
平行四邊形雙通道、流場、熱傳、數值模擬 平行四邊形... | ||||
102 | 具平滑壁面... 具平滑壁面及附設接觸與非接觸肋條壁面平行四邊形雙通道流場之研究 (Experimental Studies of Fluid Flow In Two-Pass Parallelogram Channels with Smooth Wall and Attached/Detached 90-Degree Rib Arrays) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩(外籍生) | 無口試日期 |
內冷卻通道(Internal blade cooling)、肋條擾流器(rib turbulator)、質點影像測速法(PIV)、紊流(turbulence) 內冷卻通道... | ||||
101 | 壓電與導電... 壓電與導電混成高分子製程開發與材料特性探討及其應用於奈米發電機 (Development and Investigation of Hybrid Piezoelectric /Conducting Polymers and Their Applications in Power Nanogenerators) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
氟化三氟聚乙烯(PVDF-TrFE)、導電高分子(PEDOT:PSS)、導電高分子(Recrystallization polarization process)、奈米壓印(Nanoimprint)、次20奈米草結構(Sub-20 nanograss structure) 氟化三氟聚... | ||||
101 | 快速篩選A... 快速篩選A型流行性感冒病毒適合體之新整合型微流體系統 (A Novel Integrated Microfluidic System for Rapid Screening of Influenza A Virus-Specific Aptamers) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
流行性感冒病毒(Influenza virus)、適合體(Aptamer)、系統性配分子指數增益演繹程序(SELEX)、微機電系統(MEMS)、微流體(Microfluidics) 流行性感冒... |