畢業學年度 | 論文標題 | 連結 | 學位 | 畢業時長(years) |
關鍵字 | ||||
112 | 擴增實境融... 擴增實境融入國中光合作用雙語數位教材對學生的科學學習成就、科學學習動機與英文詞彙能力的影響 (The effects of integrating augmented reality into junior high bilingual digital teaching materials on students’ science achievement, science learning motivation, and English vocabulary ability) | NTHU | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
雙語AR光合作用學習系統(bilingual augmented reality photosynthesis learning system)、科學學習成就(science achievement)、科學學習動機(science learning motivation)、英文詞彙能力(English vocabulary ability) 雙語AR光... | ||||
112 | 虛擬實境融... 虛擬實境融入國中人體消化系統雙語數位教材對學生的科學學習成就、英語詞彙能力與學習投入的影響 (The effects of integrating virtual reality into junior high bilingual digital teaching materials on students’ science achievement, English vocabulary ability, and learning engagement) | NTHU | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
人體消化系統(Human digestive system)、英語詞彙能力(English vocabulary ability)、學習投入(learning engagement)、科學學習成就(science achievement)、雙語數位教材(bilingual digital teaching materials) 人體消化系... | ||||
112 | 建構假新聞... 建構假新聞特徵輔助辨識系統與分享行為分析之研究 (A Study Aims to Construct a System that Could Aid to Recognize Fake News and Share the Behavioral Analysis.) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 5.46 |
假新聞(Fake News)、實體辨識(Named Entity Recognition)、文字探勘(Text Mining)、虛假指數(Disinformation Index) 假新聞(F... | ||||
112 | 狹義相對論... 狹義相對論時空概念虛擬學習系統對學生學習成就、認知負荷和物理學習態度的影響 (Developing and evaluating the effect of a virtual reality special relativity learning system on student's learning achievement, cognitive load and physics learning attitudes) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 3.43 |
狹義相對論時空概念虛擬學習系統(virtual reality special relativity learning system)、學習成就(learning achievement)、認知負荷(cognitive load)、物理學習態度(physics attitudes) 狹義相對論... | ||||
111 | 發展並評估... 發展並評估結合虛擬實境和擴增實境電學學習系統對學生科學成就、概念理解與科學學習動機的影響 (Developing and evaluating the impact of a combined virtual reality and augmented reality electricity learning system on students' science achievement, conceptual understanding and motivation to learn science) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 4.98 |
電學學習系統(Electricity learning system)、科學學習成就(science achievement)、概念理解(conceptual understanding)、科學學習動機(science learning motivation) 電學學習系... | ||||
111 | 發展並評估... 發展並評估擴增實境透鏡成像學習系統對學生科學學習成就、概念理解、科學學習動機與探究能力的影響 (Developing and evaluating the effects of an augmented reality lens imaging learning system on students’ science achievements, conceptual understanding, science learning motivation and inquiry ability) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.98 |
科學學習成就(augmented reality lens imaging learning system)、科學學習動機(conceptual understanding)、探究能力(inquiry ability)、概念理解(science achievement)、擴增實境透鏡成像學習系統(science learning motivation) 科學學習成... | ||||
111 | 探討擴增實... 探討擴增實境透鏡成像學習系統對學生學習成就、概念理解、學習投入和認知負荷的影響 (The impact of an augmented reality lens imaging learning system on students’ learning achievement, conceptual understanding, learning engagement, and cognitive load) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.98 |
概念理解(conceptual understanding)、認知負荷(cognitive load)、學習投入(learning engagement)、學習成就(learning achievement)、擴增實境透鏡成像學習系統(augmented reality lens imaging learning system) 概念理解(... | ||||
111 | 使用眾包數... 使用眾包數據的資料探勘與視覺化呈現城市活力之研究 (Using Data Mining and Visualizattion of Crowd-Sourcing Data to Illustrate the City Vitality) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩(提早入學) | 2.47 |
眾包數據(Crowdsourced data)、城市活力(Urban vitality)、基於位置的社交媒體(LBSM)(Location-Based Social Media)、電信信令(Telecom signaling)、GoogleMap(GoogleMap)、城市功能(city functions) 眾包數據(... | ||||
111 | 虛擬實境記... 虛擬實境記憶迷宮應用於社會科學習之研究—以鄭和下西洋學習內容為例 (Application of Virtual Reality Memory Maze in Learning Social Studies—Taking Zheng He’s Expedition as an Example) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.95 |
尋路(wayfinding)、記憶宮殿(memory palaces)、虛擬實境(virtual reality)、學習成效(learning achievement)、學習動機(learning motivation)、認知負荷(cognitive load) 尋路(wa... | ||||
111 | 探討以虛擬... 探討以虛擬實境模擬思覺失調症狀於大眾同理心與態度的影響 (Exploring the impact of virtual reality simulation of schizophrenia symptoms on public empathy and attitude) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.95 |
虛擬實境(Virtual Reality)、思覺失調症(Schizophrenia)、同理心(Empathy)、態度改變(Attitude Change) 虛擬實境(... | ||||
111 | 擴增實境運... 擴增實境運用於國小幾何教學對學生學習成就、學習動機與認知負荷之影響 (The Effects of Augmented Reality on Students' Learning Achievement, Motivation, and Cognitive Load in Teaching Elementary Geometry) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.93 |
擴增實境(Augmented Reality)、行動載具(Mobile devices)、國小幾何(Elementary geometric concepts)、學習成就(Learning achievement)、學習動機(Learning motivation)、認知負荷(Cognitive load) 擴增實境(... | ||||
111 | 以虛擬實境... 以虛擬實境技術建構全境式火場求生模擬演練學習系統 (Using Virtual Reality Technology to Build a Full-Scale Fire Survival Simulation Learning System) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩(提早入學) | 2.43 |
虛擬實境(Virtual reality)、防災教育(Disaster prevention education)、火災防災演練(Fire prevention drills)、火災防災素養(Fire Preparedness Competence)、記憶延續性(Memory continuity) 虛擬實境(... | ||||
111 | 體感式虛擬... 體感式虛擬實境環境對於英文單字學習之影響 (The Effect of Embodied Virtual Reality Environments on English Vocabulary Learning) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 5.83 |
虛擬實境(Virtual Reality)、記憶(Memory)、英文單字(English Vocabulary)、存在感(Presence)、焦慮(Learning Motivation)、學習動機(Anxiety) 虛擬實境(... | ||||
111 | 以文字探勘... 以文字探勘及視覺化技術分析網路評論為基礎之餐廳推薦系統 (The Restaurant Recommendation System Based on Text Mining and Visualization Techniques of Google Reviews) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.74 |
社群媒體(Social Media)、文字探勘(Text Mining)、機器學習(Machine Learning)、情緒分析(Sentiment Analysis)、推薦系統(Recommendation System)、視覺化(Visualization) 社群媒體(... | ||||
111 | 以文字探勘... 以文字探勘技術支援社群媒體自我傷害高風險訊息偵測 (Using Text Mining Techniques for High-Risk Suicide Messages Detection on Social Media) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.74 |
文字探勘(Text Mining)、機器學習(Machine Learning)、自殺防治(Suicide Prevention)、自動標記(Automatic Labeling)、異常檢測(Machine Learning) 文字探勘(... | ||||
111 | 以文字探勘... 以文字探勘分析網路霸凌之現象-以厭女風氣為例 (Analysis of Misogynic Images by Using Text Mining Technology – A Cyberbullying Case Study) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.46 |
網路霸凌(Cyberbullying)、機器學習(Machine Learning)、文字探勘(Text Mining)、自然語言處理(Natural Language Processing)、女性貶抑(Misogyny) 網路霸凌(... | ||||
111 | 以文字探勘... 以文字探勘分析小說文本人物性格之研究 (Research of Character Analysis in Novel Based on Text Mining) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩(提早入學) | 2.53 |
機器學習(machine learning)、自然語言處理(natural language processing)、性格分析(personality analysis)、劇本篩選(script filtering)、對立原則(principle of antagonism) 機器學習(... | ||||
111 | 以自然語言... 以自然語言處理技術建構自主學習之學習資源問答機器人 (Constructing a Question-Answering Robot for self-directed learning resources acquiring with natural language processing techniques) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.76 |
自主學習(self-directed learning(SDL))、文字探勘(text mining)、自然語言處理(natural language processing(NLP))、問答機器人(question-answering system) 自主學習(... | ||||
110 | 探討擴增實... 探討擴增實境融入國中化學之學習成效與認知負荷- 以「物質結構與化學反應平衡」為例 (Exploring the Learning Effectiveness and Cognitive Load of Integrating Augmented Reality into Middle School Chemistry - Taking "Material Structure and Chemical Reaction Balance" as an Example) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.95 |
擴增實境(Augmented Reality)、POE教學策略(POE teaching strategies)、學習成效(learning effectiveness)、認知負荷(cognitive load)、學習動機(learning motivation) 擴增實境(... | ||||
110 | 以虛擬實境... 以虛擬實境發展相對論質能互換概念學習系統之研究 (Development and application of virtual reality in learning Mass–Energy equivalence concepts of special theory of relativity) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.91 |
狹義相對論(Special Relativity)、質能互換(Mass–Energy equivalence)、虛擬實境(virtual reality) 狹義相對論... | ||||
110 | 建構高中自... 建構高中自然科學自主學習之網路資源推薦系統 (Construct an online learning resource recommendation system for high school natural sciences SDL) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.71 |
自主學習(Self-directed Learning)、文字探勘(Text mining)、推薦系統(Recommendation System)、看板系統(Kanban System) 自主學習(... | ||||
110 | 結合擴增實... 結合擴增實境與程式教育桌遊對運算思維能力及認知負荷影響之探究 (A Study of Integrating Augmented Reality into Programming Educational Board Game on the Effectiveness of Computational Thinking Ability and Cognitive Load) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.65 |
擴增實境(Augmented Reality)、運算思維(Computational Thinking)、程式設計(Programming)、認知負荷(Cognitive Load) 擴增實境(... | ||||
110 | 基於文字探... 基於文字探勘及視覺化技術之履歷分類輔助系統 (The Resume Classification Assisting System Based on Text Mining and Visualization Techniques) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.53 |
文字探勘(text mining)、履歷(resume)、自然語言處理(Natural Language Processing)、視覺化(visualization tool)、學歷(education)、職務(job) 文字探勘(... | ||||
109 | 虛擬實境融... 虛擬實境融入國小兒童注意力訓練之研究 (The Study of Attention Training for Elementary Pupils with Virtual Reality Technology) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.96 |
注意力訓練(attention training)、多向度注意力(multi-dimensional attention)、虛擬實境(virtual reality)、學習焦慮(learning anxiety)、認知負荷(cognitive load) 注意力訓練... | ||||
109 | 結合虛擬實... 結合虛擬實境與擴增實境發展「細胞的分裂」學習系統並評估其對學生概念理解與科學學習動機的影響 (Developing and evaluating the effects of the mixed virtual reality and augmented reality learning system on students’ conceptual understanding and science learning motivation about cell division.) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 3.92 |
虛擬實境(virtual reality)、擴增實境(augmented reality)、細胞的分裂(cell division)、概念理解(conceptual understanding)、科學學習動機(science learning motivation) 虛擬實境(... | ||||
109 | 結合擴增實... 結合擴增實境與虛擬實境對國中學生在遺傳學概念理解、學習投入程度及探究能力的影響 (Evaluating the effects of mixing augmented reality and virtual reality on junior high school students’ conceptual understanding, learning engagement and scientific inquiry ability about genetics) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 3.92 |
擴增實境(augmented reality)、虛擬實境(virtual reality)、遺傳學(genetics)、概念理解(conceptual understanding)、學習投入程度(learning engagement)、探究能力(inquiry ability) 擴增實境(... | ||||
109 | 結合虛擬實... 結合虛擬實境與擴增實境發展遺傳學學習系統並評估其學習成效 (Developing and Evaluating the Learning Effect of Genetics Learning System Based on Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩(提早入學) | 2.42 |
虛擬實境(virtual reality)、擴增實境(augmented reality)、遺傳學(genetics)、科學學習成就(science achievement)、概念理解(conceptual understanding)、自然科學學習動機(science learning motivation) 虛擬實境(... | ||||
109 | 以非監督式... 以非監督式演算法結合空間型構法則探討五大人格特質中的校園意象 (Exploring the campus image of the Big Five personality traits using unsupervised algorithm and space syntax) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.74 |
數位足跡(digital footprint)、五大人格特質(Big Five personality traits)、校園意象(campus image)、空間型構法則(space syntax)、Wineglass「空間-時間」模型(Wineglass space-time model)、時間序列(time series)、機器學習(Machine Learning) 數位足跡(... | ||||
109 | 開發和評估... 開發和評估虛擬實境家具擺設系統對大學生空間家具配置、人體工學與家具尺寸、動線規劃與設計圖面溝通表達能力的影響 (Developing and Evaluating the Effect of the Virtual Reality Furnishings System on College Students’ Furniture Layout in Space, Ergonomics and Furniture Dimension, Route Planning, Communication and Presentation Ability of Design Drawing) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.73 |
虛擬實境家具擺設(Virtual reality furnishings)、空間家具配置(furniture layout in space)、人體工學與家具尺寸(ergonomics and furniture dimension)、動線規劃(route planning)、設計圖面溝通表達能力(communication and presentation ability of design drawing) 虛擬實境家... | ||||
109 | Cardb... Cardboard VR遊戲式虛擬濕地生態系統對於學生環境教育學習成就與學習動機之影響 (The Effects of Cardboard VR Game-based Virtual Wetland Ecology System on Students’ Learning Achievement and Motivation in Environmental Education) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.73 |
Cardboard VR(Cardboard VR)、濕地生態(wetland ecology)、環境教育(environmental education)、數位遊戲式學習(digital game-based learning)、學習成就(learning achievement)、學習動機(learning motivation) Cardb... | ||||
109 | 以機器學習... 以機器學習分析數位音樂情緒資訊之研究 (Analyzing Emotional Information of Digital Music by Machine Learning) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.11 |
數位音樂(Digital music)、音樂資訊檢索(Music Information Retrieval)、音樂情緒(Music Emotion)、情緒模型(Emotion Model)、機器學習(Machine Learning) 數位音樂(... | ||||
108 | 溶解虛擬實... 溶解虛擬實驗室的發展及其對學生科學學習成就、概念理解和科學態度的影響 (Developing and evaluating the effects of virtual laboratory of dissolution on students’ achievement,conceptual understanding and attitudes toward science) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.94 |
虛擬實境(virtual reality)、擴增實境(augmented reality)、溶解(dissolution)、科學學習成就(science achievement)、概念理解(conceptual understanding)、科學學習態度(science attitudes) 虛擬實境(... | ||||
108 | 魚菜共生融... 魚菜共生融入自然與生活科技領域以跨年級教學對國小學生知識、技能和態度影響之行動研究 (Action Research on the Influence of Multi-grade Instruction on the Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes of Elementary School Students Through the Introduction of Aquaponics into Nature and Living Technology Course) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | (竹教大學號無法計算) |
魚菜共生(aquaponics)、跨年級教學(cross-grade teaching)、學習成就(learning achievement)、操作技能(operational skills)、學習態度(learning attitudes) 魚菜共生(... | ||||
108 | 結合擴增實... 結合擴增實境與卡牌操作之虛擬實驗設計與學習成效分析-以國中化學鋅銅電池實驗為例 (Virtual Experiment Design and Learning Achievement Analysis Based on Augmented Reality and Card Operation-An Example of Junior High School Chemical Daniell cell Experiment) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.92 |
擴增實境(Augment reality)、虛擬實驗(Virtual experiment)、化學(Chemistry)、鋅銅電池(Daniell cell)、探究式學習(Inquiry-based learning) 擴增實境(... | ||||
108 | 應用機器學... 應用機器學習及情緒分析偵測憂鬱高風險之網路文章 (Applying machine learning and sentiment analysis to detect online posts with high depressive tendencies) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.25 |
憂鬱(depression)、自我傷害(self-harm)、社群媒體(social media)、文字探勘(text mining)、情緒分析(sentiment analysis)、機器學習(machine learning) 憂鬱(de... | ||||
107 | 燃燒虛擬實... 燃燒虛擬實驗室的發展及其對學生科學學習成就和科學學習動機的影響 (Developing and evaluating the effects of virtual laboratory of combustion on students’ achievement and motivation toward science learning) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.96 |
虛擬實驗室(virtual laboratory)、虛擬實境(virtual reality)、擴增實境(augmented reality)、空氣與燃燒(air and combustion)、科學學習成就(science learning achievement)、科學學習動機(science learning motivation) 虛擬實驗室... | ||||
106 | 物質受熱變... 物質受熱變化虛擬實驗室的發展及其對學生科學學習成就、科學態度和認知負荷的影響 (Developing and evaluating the effects of virtual labs on student’s science achievement, attitudes toward science and cognitive load) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | (竹教大學號無法計算) |
虛擬實境(virtual reality)、物質受熱變化(heat and changing states of matter)、科學學習成就(science achievement)、科學態度(attitudes toward science class)、認知負荷(cognitive load) 虛擬實境(... | ||||
106 | 探討虛擬實... 探討虛擬實境融入動手操作導向課程對學生「物質受熱變化」學習成就及概念理解的影響 (The effects of using virtual reality within a physical manipulatives-oriented curriculum on students’ science achievement and conceptual understanding of heat and changing states of matter) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | (竹教大學號無法計算) |
動手做實驗(physical manipulatives)、虛擬實境(virtual reality)、物質受熱(heat and changing states of matter)、學習成就(science achievement)、概念理解(conceptual understanding) 動手做實驗... | ||||
105 | 虛擬實境在... 虛擬實境在奈米科技教學之應用—以形狀記憶合金為例 (Educational Application of virtual reality in Shape Memory Alloys) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
奈米科技(nanotechnology)、形狀記憶合金(shape memory alloys)、虛擬實境(virtual reality)、情境式學習(contextual learning)、教學實驗(teaching experiment) 奈米科技(... | ||||
105 | 虛擬實境之... 虛擬實境之教學應用與研究 —以液晶顯示器為例 (A Study of Educational Application of Virtual Reality in Nanotechnology - Photoelectric Effect of Liquid Crystal Display) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | (竹教大學號無法計算) |
液晶顯示器(liquid crystal displays)、虛擬實境(photoelectric effect)、光電效應(nanotechnology)、奈米科技(virtual reality)、3D液晶眼鏡(situated learning)、情境式學習(3D liquid crystal glasses) 液晶顯示器... | ||||
104 | 虛擬實境在... 虛擬實境在奈米科技教學上的應用 - 以富勒烯結構分析為例 (Application of Virtual Reality in Nanotechnology Instruction – A Case Study of Fullerene Structural Analysis) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
奈米科技(Nanotechnology)、富勒烯(Fullerenes)、巴克球(Buckyballs)、奈米碳管(Nanotubes)、虛擬實驗室(Virtual Labs) 奈米科技(... | ||||
103 | 虛擬實驗設... 虛擬實驗設計與教學應用之製備與分析金奈米粒子 (Design and Instructional Applications of a Virtual Experiment for Preparing and Analyzing Gold Nanoparticles) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
奈米科技(nanotechnology)、金奈米粒子(gold nanoparticles)、穿透式電子顯微鏡(transmission electron microscopy)、情境式學習(contextual learning)、虛擬實境(virtual labs) 奈米科技(... | ||||
102 | 擴增實境月... 擴增實境月相觀測系統之學習成效研究 (not found) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
月相觀測(moon observation)、擴增實境(augmented reality)、探究式教學(inquiry instruction)、行動學習(mobile learning) 月相觀測(... | ||||
102 | 虛擬校園生... 虛擬校園生態池於自然科教學 之建置與研究 (Development And Research Of A Virtual Ecological Pond For Science Education) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
虛擬實境(Virtual Reality)、校園生態池(Campus Ecological Ponds)、行動學習(Mobile devices)、體感技術(Motion Sensing,) 虛擬實境(... | ||||
102 | 合作式數獨... 合作式數獨遊戲之設計與教學應用研究 (The Design of Cooperative Sudoku and Teaching Applications) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
數獨遊戲(Sudoku)、邏輯推理(logical reasoning ability)、網路學習社群(web-base learning community)、合作學習(cooperative learning)、鷹架(scaffolding) 數獨遊戲(... | ||||
101 | 虛擬磁力顯... 虛擬磁力顯微鏡之設計與教學應用 (Design and Teaching Applications of Virtual Magnetic Force Microscope) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
虛擬實境(virtual reality)、磁力顯微鏡(magnetic force microscope (MFM))、奈米科技(nanotechnology)、生物羅盤(biological compass)、情境式學習(situated learning)、體感式遊戲(motion sensing game) 虛擬實境(... | ||||
101 | 虛擬穿透式... 虛擬穿透式電子顯微鏡之設計與教學應用 (Design and Teaching Applications of Virtual Transmission Electron Microscopy) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
穿透式電子顯微鏡(transmission electron microscope (TEM))、虛擬實驗室(virtual laboratory)、晶體結構(3D crystal structure) 穿透式電子... | ||||
101 | 擴增實境校... 擴增實境校園蝴蝶生態系統之學習成效研究 (A Study of Learning Effectiveness on the AR Campus Butterfly Ecological System) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
虛擬蝴蝶園(virtual butterfly Garden)、蝴蝶生態(butterfly ecology)、數位遊戲式學習(digital game-based learning)、擴增實境(augmented reality)、探究式教學(Inquiry teaching) 虛擬蝴蝶園... |