畢業學年度 | 論文標題 | 連結 | 學位 | 畢業時長(years) |
關鍵字 | ||||
112 | 兩種創新的... 兩種創新的超表面:一、多功能幾何相位超表面作為波片、光束分束器和原路反射器;二、間隙表面電漿子超表面作為原路反射器 (Two innovative metasurfaces: 1. Multi-functional Pancharatnam-Berry phase metasurfaces as waveplates, beam splitters, and retroreflectors; 2. Gap surface plasmon metasurfaces as retroreflectors) | NTHU | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
超材料(metamaterial)、超表面(metasurface)、原路反射器(retroreflector)、幾何相位超表面(Pancharatnam-Berry (PB) phase metasurface)、間隙表面電漿子超表面(Gap surface plasmon metasurface) 超材料(m... | ||||
112 | 高熵合金納... 高熵合金納米粒子修飾之二硫化鉬/矽奈米線應用於高效率光催化析氫反應 (High-Efficiency Photocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution Reaction by Hybridized High Entropy Alloy Nanoparticles on MoS2/Si Nanowires) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.20 |
析氫反應(Hydrogen Evolution Reaction)、光催化(Photocatalysis)、高熵合金(High-Entropy Alloy)、矽納米線(Silicon Nanowires)、二硫化鉬(Molybdenum Disulfide)、可持續能源(Sustainable Energy) 析氫反應(... | ||||
112 | 超材料完美... 超材料完美吸收體整合CMOS MEMS熱電式感測器用於無濾波片非色散性紅外光氣體感測 (Integration of Metamaterial Perfect Absorber with CMOS-MEMS Thermoelectric Sensor for Filter-less Non-dispersive Infrared Gas Sensing) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.20 |
超材料(Metamaterial)、完美吸收體(Perfect absorber)、半導體製程(CMOS)、微機電(MEMS)、熱電式感測器(Thermoelectric sensor)、無濾波片(Filter-less)、氣體感測(Gas sensing)、非分散性紅外線感測(Non-dispersive Infrared sensing)、三明治結構(MIM sandwich structure) 超材料(M... | ||||
112 | 利用奈米解... 利用奈米解析度及高效電漿子銀探針對近場圖像進行空間與光譜分析 (Spatial Spectral Analysis of Near-field Images by Utilizing Nano-resolution and Highly Efficient Silver-coated Plasmonic Tip) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩(提早入學) | 2.53 |
拉曼光譜(Raman spectroscopy)、原子力顯微鏡(Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM))、針尖增強拉曼光譜(Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (TERS))、掃描近場光學顯微鏡(Scanning Near-field Optical Microscopy (SNOM))、奈米成像(Nanoscale imaging)、電漿子探針(Plasmonic tip (p-tip)) 拉曼光譜(... | ||||
112 | 結合表面增... 結合表面增強拉曼散射之高階繞射光柵耦合表面電漿子共振生物感測晶片 (A Dual-functional Biosensing chip based on High Diffraction Order Grating-coupled Surface Plasmon Resonance and SERS) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.04 |
表面電漿子共振(Surface Plasmon Resonance)、表面增強拉曼光譜(Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering)、免標記感測(Label-free Detection) 表面電漿子... | ||||
112 | 獨立彈性結... 獨立彈性結構陣列中的波傳導現象 (Wave Propagation in Flexural Systems) | NTHU NDLTD | 博 | 2.93 |
波傳導現象(Wave Propagation)、陀螺(Gyroscopes)、鋼樑(Beams)、負折射(Negative Refraction) 波傳導現象... | ||||
111 | 基於三種超... 基於三種超材料的新型表面波之研究:時間調製光柵、手性結構以及拓樸彈性繩 (The Studies of Exotic Surface Waves Based on Three Metamaterials: Dynamical Gratings, Chiral Structures, and Topological Elastic Strings) | NTHU NDLTD | 博 | 5.71 |
超材料(Metamaterials)、表面波(Surface waves)、時變光柵(Time gratings)、手性結構(Chiral structures)、拓樸彈性繩(Topological elastic strings) 超材料(M... | ||||
111 | 電漿子增強... 電漿子增強型二維材料光偵測器具優異光電性能於中紅外光及可見光區域 (Plasmonically Enhanced 2D Materials-Based Photodetectors with Superior Optoelectronic Performance in Mid-Infrared and Visible Regions) | NTHU NDLTD | 博 | 6.69 |
等離子體結構(Plasmonic Structures)、等離子體超表面(Plasmonic Metasurface)、幾種二維材料(2D Materials)、石墨烯(Graphene)、黑磷(Black Phosphorus)、MoS2(MoS2)、鈣鈦礦量子點(Perovskite Quantum Dots (PQDs))、和銅基硫族化物 Cu2NiSnS4(Copper-Based Chalcogenides Cu2NiSnS4)、中紅外光電探測器(Mid-Infrared Photodetector)、可見光電探測器(Visible Photodetector) 等離子體結... | ||||
111 | 二維二硫化... 二維二硫化鉬複合電漿子超材料於可見光感測之應用 (Hybridizing 2D-Molybdenum Disulfide with Plasmonic Metamaterials for Ultrasensitive Photodetection in the Visible Region) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩逕博 | 5.66 |
電漿子材料(Plasmonics)、二硫化鉬(Molybdenum disulfide)、光感測(Photosensor)、半金屬(Semimetal)、矽奈米線(Silicon nanowire)、銀奈米顆粒(Silver nanoparticle) 電漿子材料... | ||||
111 | 電漿子超材... 電漿子超材料的兩個應用: 一、奈米電漿子細線作為優異透明導電電極;二、類金屬電極與電漿子共振器用於超高敏二硫化鉬光偵測器。 (Two Applications of Plasmonic Metamaterials: 1. Nanoscale Plasmonic wires as Superior Transparent Conducting Electrode 2. Semimetal electrode contact and Plasmonic Resonator for Ultrasensitive MoS2 Photodetection) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩逕博 | 7.34 |
超材料(Metamaterials)、電漿子(Plasmonics)、透明電極(Transparent electrodes)、半導體光感測器(Semiconductor photodetectors) 超材料(M... | ||||
111 | 利用立體超... 利用立體超材料達成負磁導係數、散射角度控制、高指向性完美吸收體及放光體之應用 (Achieving Mid-Infrared Negative Permeability, Angular Reconfiguration, Directive Perfect Absorption/Emission with Vertical Metamaterials) | NTHU NDLTD | 學逕博 | 6.31 |
超材料(Metamaterials)、完美吸收體(Perfect absorber)、中紅外線(Mid Infrared)、奈米天線(Nanoantenna)、負磁導率(Negative permeability)、三維超材料(3D-metamaterials)、紅外線光源(IR source)、完美放光體(Perfect emitter)、高指向性(High directive)、輻射方向調控(Angular reconfiguration) 超材料(M... | ||||
111 | 用高效電漿... 用高效電漿子探針增強拉曼光譜技術進行奈米解析度樣品表面材料分析 (Material analysis on the sample surface with Nano-resolution by using highly efficient plasmonic tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.16 |
探針增強拉曼技術(Tip-enhanced Raman Spectroscopy)、反射模組(Reflection module)、原子力顯微鏡(Atomic force Microscopy)、掃描式近場顯微鏡(Scanning Near-field Optical Microscopy)、奈米級成像(Nanoscale imaging) 探針增強拉... | ||||
111 | 二硫化鉬應... 二硫化鉬應用於無機/有機異質徑向P-N接面矽奈米結構太陽能電池之研究 (Study on Molybdenum Disulfide applied to inorganic/organic heterogeneous radial P-N junction Si nanostructured solar cells) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.05 |
徑向異質接面太陽能電池(radial heterojunction solar cell)、矽奈米結構(silicon nanostructure)、金屬輔助化學蝕刻(metal-assisted chemical etching)、二硫化鉬(molybdenum disulfide)、熱裂解法(pyrolysis method)、有機物PEDOT:PSS(PEDOT:PSS)、溶液旋塗法(solution spin-coating)、電洞傳輸層(hole transport layer) 徑向異質接... | ||||
110 | 電漿子輔助... 電漿子輔助增強之銀修飾二氧化鈦光觸媒用於環境淨化之研究 (Development of plasmonic enhanced Ag/TiO2 photocatalyst for environmental purification) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.98 |
二氧化鈦(Titanium dioxide)、銀奈米粒子(silver nanoparticle)、表面電漿共振(surface plasmon resonance)、光觸媒(photocatalyst)、玻璃纖維(fiberglass) 二氧化鈦(... | ||||
110 | 於氮化鎵基... 於氮化鎵基板磊晶成長二硫化鉬、二硫化鎢異質結構以用於產氫 (Epitaxial Grown MoS2/WS2 Heterojunction on GaN for HER Application) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.96 |
二維材料(2Dmaterials)、過渡金屬二硫屬化物(TMDs)、異質結(heterojunction)、二硫化鉬(MoS2)、二硫化鎢(WS2)、產氫(HER) 二維材料(... | ||||
110 | 以雙離子型... 以雙離子型與陽離子型共聚物改質應用於抗沾黏與抗菌之可控性表面。 (Modification of controllable surface with zwitterionic, and cationic polymer for antifouling and antibacterial applications) | NTHU NDLTD | 博 | 6.84 |
抗沾黏(Antifouling)、殺菌(bacteria)、表面電漿子(killing)、滅菌(surface)、薄膜(plasmon)、過濾(resonance)、脱菌(Sterilization) 抗沾黏(A... | ||||
110 | 銀及其合金... 銀及其合金電漿子奈米線作為優秀透明導電電極之研究 (Plasmonic Nanowires by Silver and Its Alloy as A Superior Transparent Conducting Electrode) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.73 |
銀鋁合金(silver-aluminum alloy)、奈米線(nanowires)、超穎材料(metamaterial)、透明導電電極(Transparent) 銀鋁合金(... | ||||
110 | 超穎材料結... 超穎材料結構之光學應用研究 (Metamaterial Structures for Optical Applications) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩逕博 | 5.40 |
超穎材料(Metamaterials)、雙曲面超材料(Hyperbolic Metamaterials)、完美吸收體(Perfect Absorber)、會更斯超穎介面(Huygens' Surface) 超穎材料(... | ||||
110 | 鋁電漿子效... 鋁電漿子效應增強之紫外光波段光感測及表面共振拉曼散射研究 (Aluminum Plasmonics for Photodetection and Surface-Enhanced Resonance Raman Scattering in the Ultraviolet region) | NTHU NDLTD | 博 | 5.34 |
等離子體(Plasmonics) 等離子體(... | ||||
109 | 藉由單層原... 藉由單層原子蝕刻技術達到大面積均勻且可控制層數之二硫化鎢薄膜 (Large Scale, Uniform, and Layer-by-layer Control of Few Layer WS2 Film by Atomic Layer Etching) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.21 |
二維材料(two-dimensional material)、二硫化鎢(tungsten disulfide (WS2))、單層原子蝕刻(atomic layer etching (ALE))、大面積單層蝕刻(large scale single-layer etching)、過渡金屬二硫屬化物(transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs))、自限性(self-limiting) 二維材料(... | ||||
109 | 新型簡便且... 新型簡便且穩定的三維樹枝狀奈米銀電漿子圖案化SERS晶片基板經由田口法優化並運用於人類p53腫瘤抑制蛋白之快速檢測 (A Novel, Facile, and Stable Three-Dimensional Plasmonic Silver Nano-Dendrite Patterned SERS Substrate Optimized by Taguchi Method for Rapid Immunochemical Biosensing of p53 Tumor Suppressor Protein) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.12 |
表面增強拉曼光譜(SERS Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy)、局部表面電漿共振(LSPR Localized surface plasmon resonance)、p53腫瘤抑制蛋白(p53 tumor suppressor protein)、樹枝狀奈米銀(Sliver nano-dendrites)、田口法(Taguchi method)、微影製程(Lithography process) 表面增強拉... | ||||
109 | 骨模仿特性... 骨模仿特性之β型鈦鈮鉭鋯合金在動物實驗具骨引導特性於骨醫材應用 (In vivo Osseointegration of Bone-Mimetic β-Ti-28Nb-11Ta-8Zr Alloys for Orthopedic Applications) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.92 |
鈦鈮鉭鋯合金(Ti-Nb-Ta-Zr)、骨模仿特性楊式模數(bone mimetic elastic modulus)、陽極氧化(anodic oxidation)、體內實驗(in-vivo test)、骨引導性(osseointegration) 鈦鈮鉭鋯合... | ||||
109 | 表面電漿增... 表面電漿增益之單層二硫化鉬光子電晶體及鈣鈦礦量子點奈米雷射 (Surface-plasmon-enhanced monolayer MoS2 phototransistor and perovskite quantum dot nanolaser) | NTHU NDLTD | 學逕博 | 5.89 |
表面電漿(Surface plasmon)、電漿子學(Plasmonics)、單層二硫化鉬(Monolayer MoS2)、光子電晶體(PhotoFET)、奈米雷射(Nanolaser)、鈣鈦礦(Perovskite) 表面電漿(... | ||||
109 | 應用於接近... 應用於接近紫外光波前工程之高效率全介電質超穎介面 (High Efficiency All Dielectric Huygens' Metasurfaces for Wavefront Engineering at the Edge of UV) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.63 |
波前工程(ultraviolet)、全介電質(metasurfaces)、超穎介面(Huygens')、紫外光(Dielectric) 波前工程(... | ||||
109 | 透過多極共... 透過多極共振的相位偵測實現超高靈敏度 的折射係數感測器 (Ultrasensitive biosensors achieved by hybridizing high-order plasmonic resonances in phase interrogation) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.12 |
多極共振(phase interrogation)、感測器(high-order)、折射係數(metamaterial)、相位偵測(sensor)、超穎材料(refractive index sensor) 多極共振(... | ||||
109 | 利用經田口... 利用經田口法優化之新型圖案化SERS晶片 實現高靈敏度及快速之肌原蛋白I檢測 (Optimization by Taguchi Analysis of a Facile Ag-Based Patterned SERS Substrate for Ultrasensitive and Rapid Cardiac Troponin I (cTnI) Detection) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩(外籍生) | 2.08 |
矽奈米線(Silicon nanowires)、蛋白質檢測(Protein detection)、局部電漿共振效應(Localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR))、表面增強拉曼光譜(Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS)) 矽奈米線(... | ||||
108 | 超高解析度... 超高解析度、高通量及高雜訊比表面電漿子銀探針於先進近場光學之應用 (Silver Plasmonic Probe Enabling Super Resolution, Great Throughput, and High Signal-to-noise Ratio for Advanced Near-field and Spectroscopic Applications) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.48 |
表面電漿子(Surface plasmon polariton (SPP))、電漿子探針(Plasmonic tip)、近場掃描光學顯微鏡(Near-field scanning optical microscopy (NSOM))、自組裝層(Self-assembled monolayer (SAM))、針尖增強拉曼光譜(Tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (TERS)) 表面電漿子... | ||||
108 | 超高解析度... 超高解析度、高通量及高訊雜比電漿子光學探針設計及其空間與光譜成像應用 (Super Resolution and High Throughput and Great Signal-to-Noise Ratio Plasmonic Tip and its Spatial and Spectral Imaging Applications) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩逕博 | 8.31 |
表面電漿子共振(Surface plasmon resonance)、電漿子光學探針(Plasmonics tip)、近場光學掃描顯顯影(Near-field scanning optical microscopy)、針尖增強拉曼光譜顯影(Nanofocusing) 表面電漿子... | ||||
108 | 高靈敏之X... 高靈敏之X型超材料吸收體折射係數感測器 (Highly sensitive X-shaped metamaterials absorber for refractometric sensing) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.26 |
超材料(Metamaterial)、折射係數感測(refractometric)、吸收體(sensor) 超材料(M... | ||||
108 | 以三維裂環... 以三維裂環共振器實現之等向性完美吸收體 (Isotropic perfect absorbers realized by three-dimensional split ring resonators) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.19 |
超材料(Metamaterials)、完美吸收體(Perfect absorber)、三維(Three-dimensional)、自組裝(Self-assembly)、中紅外(Mid-infrared)、不受極化角影響(Polarization-independence) 超材料(M... | ||||
108 | 三個超材料... 三個超材料及奈米元件的應用:一、透明導電電極;二、氣體偵測器;三、矽奈米線電晶體癌症檢測晶片。 (Three Applications Based on Metamaterials and Nanodevices: 1. Transparent conducting electrodes; 2. Gas sensors; 3. Silicon nanowires field effect transistors for cancer detection.) | NTHU NDLTD | 學逕博 | 5.18 |
超材料(metamaterials)、奈米元件(nanodevices)、透明導電電極(transparent conducting electrodes)、氣體檢測器(gas sensors)、癌症檢測(cancer detection)、微影製程(lithography process) 超材料(m... | ||||
107 | 折射係數感... 折射係數感測以及表面增益紅外線吸收感測的雙功能超材料吸收體 (A Metamaterial Absorber Bifunctional Sensor Based on Refractive Index and Surface Enhanced Infrared Absorption Sensing) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.98 |
超材料(metamaterial)、完美吸收體(perfect absorber)、法諾共振(Fano-resonance)、折射係數(refractive index)、表面增強紅外光吸收(SEIRA) 超材料(m... | ||||
107 | 利用幾何優... 利用幾何優化實現高度增強拉曼訊號之三維UTLC-SERS多功能快速檢測晶片 (Rapid Biochemical Screening with Highly Intensified Raman Signal by using Geometry-Optimized 3-D SERS-UTLC Multifunctional Chip) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.95 |
薄層層析法(Thin-Layer Chromatography)、表面強化拉曼(Surface-Enhanced-Raman-Spectroscopy)、矽奈米線陣列(Silicon-Nanowire-Array) 薄層層析法... | ||||
107 | 隱形斗篷及... 隱形斗篷及主動式調控吸波/反射體 (Invisible Cloak and Active Tunable Absorber/Reflector) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.47 |
隱形斗篷(invisible cloak)、超材料(metamaterials)、主動式元件(active device)、吸波體(absorber) 隱形斗篷(... | ||||
107 | 將剛硬與可... 將剛硬與可撓式電漿子元件與二維二硫化過渡金屬整合並探討其於能源及光電方面之應用 (Hybridizing Rigid and Flexible Plasmonic Devices with 2D- Transition Metal Dichalcogenides for Energy and Opto-Electronic Applications) | NTHU NDLTD | 博 | 4.33 |
等离子体(Plasmonics)、二维二硫化物过渡金属(2D Transition Metal Dichalcogenides)、能源(Energy)、光电(Optoelectronic) 等离子体(... | ||||
107 | 追尋於米氏... 追尋於米氏散射產生的全介電質奈米雷射 (In pursuit of dielectric nanolaser induced by Mie Resonance) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 3.09 |
米式散射(Mie_scattering)、介電質(dielectric)、奈米雷射(nanolaser) 米式散射(... | ||||
106 | 利用控制自... 利用控制自組裝金奈米立方體、八面體和菱形十二面體顆粒與銀薄膜間的極短間距來達到高度增強拉曼訊號之晶片 (Promising SERS substrate of self assembly gold nanocubes, octahedra, and rhombic dodecahedra with extremely small nanogaps on a silver mirror) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.96 |
表面增強拉曼光譜(Surface enhanced Raman spectrum)、鏡面上沈積奈米顆粒(nanoparticles on mirror)、多形狀奈米金顆粒合成(Polyhedral nanoparticles)、自組裝結構(Self assembly structure)、田口統計方法(Taguchi method) 表面增強拉... | ||||
106 | 透過優化薄... 透過優化薄層層析法與表面增強拉曼光譜結合之奈米微結構的多功能晶片實現混合物定量及快速篩檢分析 (Optimizing multifunctional nano-structured substrates of ultra-thin layer chromatography/ surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy to achieve quantitative and rapid screening for mixtures) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.90 |
層析法(chromatography)、表面增強拉曼光譜(surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy)、矽奈米線陣列(silicon nanowire arrays)、三維奈米結構(3-dimensional nanostructure)、黃光微影(photolithography)、圖樣化製作(patterned fabrication) 層析法(c... | ||||
106 | 應用於快速... 應用於快速生化檢測的三維圖案化多功能晶片 (Rapid Biochemical Mixture Screening by Three-Dimensional Patterned Multifunctional Substrate) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩逕博 | 6.47 |
表面增強拉曼效應(Surface enhanced Raman scattering)、超薄層層析法(Ultra thin layer chromatography)、金屬輔助濕式蝕刻(Metal assisted chemical etching)、局部表面電漿共振(localized surface plasmon resonance)、三維圖案化多功能晶片(three-dimensional patterned multifunctional substrate) 表面增強拉... | ||||
106 | 使用高電子... 使用高電子選擇比金屬背電極提升以矽奈米線為基礎的異質介面太陽能電池 (Efficiency enhancement of a heterojunction solar cell based on silicon nanowire and PEDOT:PSS by an electron-selective back contact) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩(外籍生) | 2.47 |
HIT太陽能電池(HIT solar cells)、c-Si太陽能電池(c-Si solar cells)、電子選擇層(PEDOT:PSS)、硝酸銀(Electron Selective Layer)、PEDOT:PSS(Silicon nanostructures) HIT太陽... | ||||
105 | 探討銀之合... 探討銀之合成技術與其於電漿子光學上之應用: 表面電漿極化子傳輸、光降解、表面電漿極化子振幅調制技術 (Synthesis and applications of visible plasmonic Silver: Far surface plasmon polariton (SPP) propagation, excellent photodegradation, and SPP amplitude modulations) | NTHU NDLTD | 博 | 無口試日期 |
微米銀板(Ag Microplates)、表面電漿極化子傳輸距離(SPP Propagation length)、光觸媒(Phtocatalysis)、光降解(photodegradation)、表面電漿極化子(Surface Plasmon Polaritons)、表面電漿極化子振幅調制(SPP Amplitude Modulations) 微米銀板(... | ||||
105 | 免標定、高... 免標定、高品質因子的混雜非對稱超材料共振器 (Hybridized asymmetric metamaterial resonator with label free、high Q factor) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.00 |
兆赫波(THz)、免標定(label free)、高品質因子(high Q factor)、Fano共振(Fano resonance) 兆赫波(T... | ||||
105 | 鎢與碳化物... 鎢與碳化物共晶瓷金之研究 (Eutectic W-Carbide Cermets) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.97 |
瓷金複材(Cermets)、熔融複材(Fused Composites)、耐火金屬(Refractory Metals)、格隙型碳化物(Interstitial Carbides)、共價型碳化物(Covalent Carbides)、共晶層狀結構(Eutectic lamellar structure) 瓷金複材(... | ||||
105 | 添加鍺43... 添加鍺430不鏽鋼在氯離子溶液中抗孔蝕性能研究 (Pitting Resistance of Ge-added Stainless Steels in Chloride Solution) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.97 |
鍺(Ge)、不鏽鋼(Stainless steel)、腐蝕(Corrosion)、電化學(Electrochemisty)、浸泡(Immersion)、孔蝕(Pitting corrosion) 鍺(Ge)... | ||||
105 | 鎢膠結硼化... 鎢膠結硼化物與碳化物之熔融瓷金研究 (Boride-W and Boride-Carbide-W Fused Cermets) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.97 |
熔融瓷金(Fused Cermets)、硼化物瓷金(Cemented Boride)、耐火金屬(Refractory Metals)、格隙型碳化物(Interstitial Carbides) 熔融瓷金(... | ||||
105 | 以實驗驗證... 以實驗驗證一維雙曲超材料之表面態及光學拓樸相轉換行為 (Experimentally Demonstrate the Surface State and Optical Topological Phase Transition of One Dimensional Hyperbolic Metamaterials) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.89 |
雙曲超材料(onedimensionalhyperbolicmetamaterials)、表面態(surfacestate)、拓樸相轉換(topologicalphasetransition) 雙曲超材料... | ||||
105 | 高效率及全... 高效率及全介電質中紅外熱發射器 (The Realization of highly efficient, all-dielectric-based thermal emitter at the mid-infrared regime) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.47 |
熱輻射體(thermal emitter)、全介電質(all-dielectric)、放射率(emissivity)、克希何夫定律(Kirchhoff's law of thermal radiation)、空間同調性(spatial coherence)、時間同調性(temporal coherence) 熱輻射體(... | ||||
105 | 以奈米壓印... 以奈米壓印製程製作免標定免耦合器與高品質因素之雙斷刻非對稱性棒狀生物感測器 (Utilzing nanoimprint lithography to fabricate asymmetric 2-cut bar resonators for lable free, coupler free high FOM bio-sensors applications) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 3.36 |
奈米壓印(nanoimprint)、免標定(label free)、免耦合(coupler free)、生物感測器(bio-sensor) 奈米壓印(... | ||||
104 | Reali... Realization of a low-cost, high-conversion-efficiency solar cell by radial heterogeneous P-N junction of PEDOT:PSS/Si nanostructures (利用PEDOT:PSS/矽奈米結構徑向異質P-N接面來實現低成本、高轉換效率太陽能電池) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
徑向異質接面太陽能電池(radial heterogeneous solar cell)、矽奈米結構(silicon nanostructures)、金屬輔助化學蝕刻(metal-assisted chemical etching)、KOH蝕刻(KOH etching)、有機物PEDOT:PSS(PEDOT:PSS)、溶液旋塗法(solution spin-coating method) 徑向異質接... | ||||
104 | 低成本、高... 低成本、高效能結合薄膜液相層析法與表面增強拉曼光譜技術的多功能晶片應用於生化快速篩檢 (A low-cost, high-performance ultra-thin layer chromatography/surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy multifunctional chip for biochemical rapid screening) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
液相層析(liquid chromatography)、表面增強拉曼光譜(Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy) 液相層析(... | ||||
104 | 新型兩性雙... 新型兩性雙離子性4-乙烯基吡啶羧基甜菜鹼刷狀高分子於生物惰性晶片之設計 (Novel design of bio-inert sensor chips grafted with zwitterionic 4-vinylpyridine carboxybetaine polymer brushes) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
雙離子高分子(zwitterionic polymer)、抗沾黏(antifouling)、氣相穩定性(air-stability)、雙親性(amphiphilicity)、表面電漿共振(surface plasmon resonance) 雙離子高分... | ||||
103 | 透過隨機方... 透過隨機方式設計兆赫波超材料雙面完美吸收體 (Experimental realization of double-sided perfect metamaterial absorber at terahertz gap through stochastic design) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
超材料(metamaterial)、完美吸收體(perfect absorber)、雙面(double-sided) 超材料(m... | ||||
103 | Achie... Achieving sub-wavelength imaging through a flat hyperlens composed of silver nanowires in a modified anodic aluminum oxide (AAO) template (not found) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
陽極氧化鋁(anodic aluminum oxide)、雙曲透鏡(hyperlens) 陽極氧化鋁... | ||||
103 | 藉由介電質... 藉由介電質環形超穎材料達到隱形斗篷的效果 (Achieving Harry Potter's Invisible Cloak by Dielectric Annulus Based Metamaterial) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
超穎材料、隱形斗篷 超穎材料、... | ||||
103 | Plasm... Plasmonic-Enhanced Infrared Absorption Signal Optimized by a Prototype of Genetic Algorithm Method (not found) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
Plasmonic、Surface-Enhnaced Infrared Absorption、Genetic Algorithm Plasm... | ||||
103 | A min... A miniaturized rectangular-profile microstrip bandpass filter enabled by triple-mode resonance for IEEE 802.11ac applications (not found) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
bandpass filter bandp... | ||||
103 | β-Ti-... β-Ti-28Nb-11Ta-8Zr 合金之陽極氧化表面改質添加SrHA及其生物活性研究 (Surface Modification and Bioactivity of β-Ti-28Nb-11Ta-8Zr Alloy Treated by Anodic Oxidation and SrHA loading) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
陽極氧化(anodic oxidation)、二氧化鈦奈米管(surface modification)、氫氧基磷灰石(Ti-Nb-Ta-Zr)、鍶(hydroxyl apatite)、骨母細胞(Strontium)、生物相 容性(titanium nanotubes) 陽極氧化(... | ||||
102 | 利用金屬輔... 利用金屬輔助化學蝕刻配合田口數值分析製造高深寬比之矽微米洞狀結構 (Fabricating High Aspect Ratio Silicon Micro-Holes Implemented by Metal-Assisted Chemical Etching with Taguchi Analysis) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩(外籍生) | 無口試日期 |
高深寬比(high aspect ratio)、矽穿孔結構(through silicon via)、金屬輔助化學蝕刻(metal-assisted chemical etching)、田口方法(Taguchi method) 高深寬比(... | ||||
102 | Utili... Utilization of Taguchi method to synthesize vanadium dioxide thin films and their application for an active perfect absorber (not found) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
二氧化釩(Vanadium dioxide)、濺鍍法(Sputtering)、田口法(Taguchi method)、完美吸收體(Perfect absorber) 二氧化釩(... | ||||
102 | Giant... Giant rotatory power at visible frequency by periodic planar gammadion-shaped metamaterials (not found) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
極化旋轉能力、超材料、旋光性、光學活性 極化旋轉能... | ||||
101 | 藉由隙環共... 藉由隙環共振器顯微技術拍攝在近紅外之活體細胞內部影像 (Intracellular Imaging of Living Cells by Split Ring Resonators Microscopy in Near-Infrared (NIR) Region) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
超材料、活體細胞、內部影像、近紅外 超材料、活... | ||||
101 | 陽極處理具... 陽極處理具骨相容彈性模數之β型鈦鈮鉭鋯植體及其宿主細胞與抗菌能力之揭露 (Host Cellular and Antibacterial Responses on the Osseocompatible Elastic Modulus β-Ti-28Nb-11Ta-8Zr Implant with Anodic Oxidation) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
陽極氧化(anodic oxidation)、表面改質(surface modification)、鈦鈮鉭鋯奈米孔洞(Ti-Nb-Ta-Zr)、彈性模數(nanopores)、衝擊強度(elastic modulus)、抗腐蝕性(impact strength)、銀奈米粒子(corrosion resistance)、抗菌(silver nanoparticles (AgNPs))、綠膿桿菌(antibacterial ability)、抗藥性金黃色葡萄球菌(Escherichia coli (E. coli))、骨母細胞(Pseudomonas aeruginosa (P. aeruginosa)) 陽極氧化(... |