畢業學年度 | 論文標題 | 連結 | 學位 | 畢業時長(years) |
關鍵字 | ||||
112 | 噻吩親水性... 噻吩親水性高分子的合成與應用 (Synthesis and applications of thiophene-based hydrophilic conjugated polymers) | NTHU | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
噻吩(thiophene)、親水性高分子(hydrophilic polymer)、光催化產氫(photocatalytic hydrogen evolution) 噻吩(th... | ||||
112 | 以二茂鐵與... 以二茂鐵與蒽為色團的擬輪烷晶體和薄膜的光響應機械運動 (Photoresponsive mechanical motions of pseudorotaxane crystals and films containing ferrocene and anthracene as chromophores) | NTHU | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
超分子(Supramolecule)、分子機器(Molecular-machine)、光響應材料(Photoresponsive-materials)、軟性致動器(undefined) 超分子(S... | ||||
112 | 利用氧化大... 利用氧化大環金複合體合成與特性分析含吲哚咔唑之環狀共軛分子 (Synthesis and characterization of indolocarbazole-containing cyclic conjugated molecules by oxidation of macrocyclic gold complex) | NTHU | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
吲哚咔唑(indolocarbazole)、環狀分子(cyclic-molecules) 吲哚咔唑(... | ||||
111 | 合成與鑑定... 合成與鑑定應用於鋰離子電池與光催化產氫光觸媒之環戊二噻吩衍生親水導電共軛高分子 (Synthesis and characterization of cyclopentadithiophene-based hydrophilic conductive conjugated polymers for lithium ion battery and photocatalyst) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.95 |
有機合成(Organic Synthesis)、有機材料鑑定(Organic Material Characterization)、光電材料(Opto-electronic materials)、有機共軛高分子(Organic Conjugated Polymers)、親水性高分子(Hydrophilic Polymers) 有機合成(... | ||||
111 | 含咔唑之環... 含咔唑之環狀共軛分子的高分子合成及特性分析 (Synthesis, characterization, and polymerization of carbazole-containing cyclic conjugated molecules) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.95 |
咔唑(carbazole)、環狀共軛分子(cyclic conjugated molecules)、開環聚合(ROMP)、麥克默里反應(McMurry reaction) 咔唑(ca... | ||||
111 | 含取代基之... 含取代基之二噻吩基乙烯和偶氮苯基團的多刺激響應性偽輪軸烷 (Multi-Stimuli Responsive Pseudorotaxanes Comprising Substituted Dithienylethene and Azobenzene Groups) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.95 |
二噻吩基乙烯(Pseudorotaxanes)、偶氮苯(Multi-Stimuli)、多刺激響應性(Dithienylethene)、偽輪軸烷(Azobenzene)、多刺激響應性偽輪軸烷(undefined) 二噻吩基乙... | ||||
111 | 用於光電應... 用於光電應用之含吲哚咔唑聚三芳基胺合成與鑑定 (Synthesis and Characterization of Indolocarbazole Containing Poly(triarylamine)s for Opto-Electronic Applications) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.95 |
光折變(Photorefractive)、共軛高分子(conjugated polymer)、有機高分子(organic polymer)、吲哚咔唑(Indolocarbazole)、聚三芳基胺(Poly(triarylamine)) 光折變(P... | ||||
111 | 刺激反應性... 刺激反應性分子機械在凝聚相中的機械運動 (Mechanical Motions of Stimuli-Responsible Molecular Machines in Condensed Phase) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.95 |
超分子化學(Supramolecular chemistry)、分子機械(Molecular machines) 超分子化學... | ||||
111 | 由主客體複... 由主客體複合物組成之刺激反應性分子晶體 (Stimuli-Responsive Molecular Crystals Comprising of Host-Guest Complexes) | NTHU NDLTD | 學逕博 | 4.85 |
超分子化學(Supramolecular-chemistry)、刺激響應分子晶體(Stimuli-responsive-molecular-crystal)、分子機器(Molecular-machine)、二茂鐵(Ferrocene)、偶氮苯(Azobenzene)、冠醚環(Crown-ether)、偽輪烷(Pseudorotaxane)、晶體多態性(Crystal-polymorphism) 超分子化學... | ||||
110 | 可降解之共... 可降解之共軛高分子及無甲醛交聯劑之合成與討論 (Synthesis and characterization of fluorene-containing conjugated polymers and formaldehyde-free crosslinking agent) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩(外籍生) | 2.91 |
共軛高分子(Conjugated polymer)、高分子合成(Polymer synthesis)、有機場效應電晶體(Organic Field Effect Transistor)、無甲醛交聯劑(Formaldehyde-free crosslinking agent) 共軛高分子... | ||||
110 | 具有 9,... 具有 9,10-雙(4己基噻吩基) 蒽的環狀和線性共軛分子之合成與性質分析 (Synthesis and characterization of cyclic and linear conjugated molecules comprised of 9,10-bis(4-hexylthienyl) anthracene) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.91 |
9,10-雙(4己基噻吩基) 蒽(9,10-bis(4-hexylthienyl) anthracene)、4己基噻吩的環狀共軛單體(4-hexylthiophene-containing cyclic conjugated monomers)、環狀含蒽共軛分子(Cyclic anthracene-containing conjugated molecules)、開環複分解聚合(ring-opening metathesis polymerization (ROMP))、線性含蒽共軛分子和聚合物(linear anthracene-containing conjugated molecules and polymers)、環狀(cyclic)、共軛(conjugated) 9,10-... | ||||
110 | 合成與鑑定... 合成與鑑定應用於產氫光觸媒之高度親水共軛噻吩高分子 (Synthesis and characterization of thiophene-containing hydrophilic conjugated polymers for photocatalytic hydrogen evolution) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.90 |
產氫(conjugated polymers)、皂化(hydrogen evolution)、親水性(hydrophilic)、共軛高分子(thiophene)、噻吩(saponification) 產氫(co... | ||||
110 | 二苯并-1... 二苯并-18-冠-6-醚與茂金屬銨鹽組成之準輪烷晶體的機械運動 (Mechanical Motions of Pseudorotaxanes Crystals Composed of Metallocene Complexes and DB18C6) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.90 |
茂金屬(Metallocene)、準輪烷晶體(Pseudorotaxanes)、二苯并-18-冠-6-醚(undefined) 茂金屬(M... | ||||
109 | 光反應環狀... 光反應環狀共軛分子的合成和性質分析 (Synthesis and characterization of photo-responsive cyclic conjugated molecules) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
光反應(Photo-response)、環狀(cyclic)、共軛(conjugated)、分子(molecule)、開環聚合(ROMP) 光反應(P... | ||||
109 | 含二芳基乙... 含二芳基乙烯和偶氮苯基團的多功能性偽輪烷 (Multi-Stimuli Responsive Pseudorotaxanes Comprising Diarylethene and Azobenzene Groups) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.94 |
超分子(supramolecule)、偽輪烷(pseudorotaxane)、偶氮苯(azobenzene)、二芳基乙烯(diarylethene)、光刺激制動器(photo-responsive actuator) 超分子(s... | ||||
109 | 用於有機電... 用於有機電子元件之熱交聯共軛高分子鑑定 (Characterization of Thermally Crosslinkable Conjugated Polymers for Organic Electronic Devices) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.94 |
共軛高分子(conjugated polymer)、有機場效電晶體(OFET)、鈣鈦礦(perovskite)、太陽能電池(solar cell)、交聯(crosslink)、聚(三芳基胺)(PTAA) 共軛高分子... | ||||
109 | 應用至電子... 應用至電子元件與電光元件之導電高分子的合成與鑑定 (Synthesis and Characterization of Conductive Polymers for Electric and Electro-Optic Devices) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩逕博 | 6.90 |
導電高分子(Conductive Polymer)、鈀金屬催化聚合(Palladium Catalyzed Polymerization)、矽-鋰離子電池(Silicon-Lithium Ion Battery)、有機光折變元件(Organic Photorefractive Device)、有機場效電晶體(Organic Field Effect Transistor) 導電高分子... | ||||
109 | 新型功能性... 新型功能性共軛寡聚物和高分子的合成:開環異位聚合反應、形態學、光致變色及發光特性 (Synthesis of Novel Functional Conjugated Oligomers and Polymers: Ring-Opening Metathesis Polymerization, Morphology, Photochromic and Photoluminescence Properties) | NTHU NDLTD | 博 | 4.90 |
共嵌段共聚物(blockcopolymer)、二噻吩乙烯(dithienylethene)、光致變色(photochromism)、光致發光(photoluminescence)、開環異位聚合(ring-opening metathesis polymerisation)、耳語廊模式(whispering gallery mode)、共振發光(resonant luminescence) 共嵌段共聚... | ||||
108 | 合成與分析... 合成與分析含二芳基乙烯之共軛化合物 (Synthesis and Characterization of Conjugated Molecules Comprising Diarylethene) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.92 |
光致變色(Photochromic)、二芳基乙烯(Diarylethene)、麥克莫里反應(McMurry reaction)、開環聚合(Ring opening metathesis polymerization) 光致變色(... | ||||
108 | 用於有機場... 用於有機場效電晶體和光折變裝置之聚三芳基胺合成與鑑定 (Synthesis and Characterization of Poly(triarylamine)s for Organic Field-Effect Transistor and Photorefractive Devices) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.92 |
聚三芳基胺(Poly(triarylamine))、高分子(Polymer)、有機場效電晶體(Organic field-effect transistor)、有機光折變裝置(Organic photorefractive device)、布赫瓦爾德-哈特維希反應(Buchwald–Hartwig reaction) 聚三芳基胺... | ||||
108 | 噻吩衍生親... 噻吩衍生親水共軛高分子的合成鑑定並應用於 鋰離子電池與光觸媒 (Synthesis and characterization of thiophene-based hydrophilic conjugated polymer for lithium ion battery and photocatalyst) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.92 |
噻吩(thiophene)、共軛高分子(conjugated polymer)、皂化(saponification)、電極黏著劑(electrode binder)、產氫(hydrogen evolution)、高分子點(polymer dot) 噻吩(th... | ||||
107 | 偶氮苯超分... 偶氮苯超分子材料之光熱機械運動 (Mechanical motions of azobenzene-containing supramolecular materials) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.94 |
準輪烷(pseudorotaxane)、單晶(azobenzene)、順反異構化(cis-trans isomerization)、光致機械運動(single crystal)、偶氮苯(photomechanical conversion) 準輪烷(p... | ||||
107 | 可交聯電洞... 可交聯電洞傳導高分子的合成及檢測 (Synthesis and characterization of crosslinkable hole-transport polymers) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.94 |
可交聯電洞傳導高分子(thermally crosslinkable)、鈣鈦礦太陽能電池(carbazole-thiophene)、咔唑-噻吩(fluorene-aniline)、芴-苯胺(PTAA)、熱交聯(perovskite solar cells) 可交聯電洞... | ||||
107 | 包含9,1... 包含9,10-dithienylanthracene的環狀共軛分子的合成和特徵 (Synthesis and characterization of cyclic conjugated molecules comprising 9,10-dithienylanthracene) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.94 |
蒽噻吩衍生物(anthracene-containing conjugated molecules)、構型異構物(conformer)、環二聚體(cyclic dimer)、光二聚化(photodimerization) 蒽噻吩衍生... | ||||
107 | 冠醚與含二... 冠醚與含二茂鐵銨鹽組成之準輪烷晶體的光誘導機械運動 (Photoinduced Mechanical Motions of Pseudorotaxane Crystals Composed of Crown Ether and Ferrocene-Containing Ammonium Salts) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.94 |
光誘導機械運動(Photoinduced Mechanical Motions)、晶體(Crystals)、準輪烷(Pseudorotaxane)、含二茂鐵銨鹽(Ferrocene-Containing Ammonium Salts)、二苯30冠10醚(dibenzo[30]crown-10 ether) 光誘導機械... | ||||
107 | 含偶氮苯超... 含偶氮苯超分子晶體之光熱誘導機械運動 (Stimuli-induced Mechanical Motions of Azobenzene Containing Pseudorotaxane Crystals) | NTHU NDLTD | 博 | 4.50 |
超分子(pseudorotaxane)、晶體(crystal)、偶氮苯(azobenzene)、光熱誘導(photo-responsive) 超分子(p... | ||||
106 | 環狀共軛高... 環狀共軛高分子排列與開環聚合反應之觀察 (Self-assembly and ring-opening metathesis polymerization of cyclic conjugated molecules on HOPG) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 3.00 |
開環聚合(STM)、共軛高分子(AFM)、掃描穿隧顯微镜(ROMP)、原子力顯微鏡(conjugated polymer) 開環聚合(... | ||||
106 | 超分子材料... 超分子材料的光誘導機械運動 (Photoinduced Mechanical Motions of Supramolecular Materials) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩逕博 | 5.95 |
超分子(Supramolecular)、晶體(Crystal)、準輪烷(Pseudorotaxane)、分子機械(Molecular Machine)、光誘導行為(Photoinduced Motions) 超分子(S... | ||||
106 | 二茂鐵輪烷... 二茂鐵輪烷晶體之光照引發機械運動 (Photo-responsive mechanical motions of ferrocene-based anthryl rotaxane crystals) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.95 |
超分子化學(Supramolecule)、晶體分子機械(Chemistry) 超分子化學... | ||||
106 | 利用開環聚... 利用開環聚合方法合成新型態全共軛共嵌段高分子 (Synthesis of Conjugated Block Copolymers Composed of Dithienyl-Cyclopentadithiophene via Ring-Opening Metathesis Polymerization) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.95 |
開環歧化聚合反應(Ring-opening metathesis polymerization)、予體受體共軛嵌段聚合物(donor-accptor conjugated block copolymer)、聚亞芳香基乙烯(poly(arylenevinylene)s)、共軛橋(Conjugated bridge)、共軛高分子(Conjugated polymer)、活性聚合(living polymerization) 開環歧化聚... | ||||
106 | 含聚甲基丙... 含聚甲基丙烯酸正丁酯及發色團之光感應啟動器 (Photoresponsive actuators containing poly(n-butyl methacrylate) and chromophore) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.41 |
高分子(polymer)、發色團(chromophore)、光感應(photo-responsive)、玻璃轉化溫度(glass transition temperature)、自我修復(self-healing) 高分子(p... | ||||
105 | Synth... Synthesis and Characterization of Pseudorotaxanes: Solid-State Photo-Induced Molecular Switches (Pseudorotaxane構成之光控固態分子開關的合成與特性探討) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
超分子(Supermolecule)、光反應性(Photo-responsive)、晶體(Crystal)、分子開關(Molecular switches) 超分子(S... | ||||
105 | 全嵌段共軛... 全嵌段共軛共聚物高分子與高阻氣性高分子之發展 (Development of All-Conjugated Block Copolymers and High Gas Resistance Polymer) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.90 |
全嵌段(All-Conjugated Block Copolymers)、共軛高分子(High Gas Resistance)、高阻氣性(gas barrier) 全嵌段(A... | ||||
105 | 新型共軛高... 新型共軛高分子黏著劑之合成並應用於鋰離子電池矽基陽極 (Synthesis of cyclopentadithiophene-terephthalic acid copolymers via direct arylation and saponification for use in lithium-ion batteries) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.90 |
鋰離子電池(Lithium-ion battery)、共軛導電高分子(Conjugated polymer)、黏著劑(Binder) 鋰離子電池... | ||||
104 | Synth... Synthesis and Characterization of Photo-responsive Rotaxanes with Biferrocenyl-containing Axle (合成與分析:含雙二茂鐵之光反應超分子Rotaxane) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩(提早入學) | 無口試日期 |
超分子(supermolecule)、單晶繞射(pseudorotaxane)、再結晶(biferrocene) 超分子(s... | ||||
104 | 含二茂鐵之... 含二茂鐵之超分子衍生物及高分子膜的光引導之機械運動 (Photo-induced Mechanical Motion of Ferrocene Containing Rotaxane Crystals and Polymer Film) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
二茂鐵(Photo-induced mechanical motion)、高分子薄膜(Ferrocene)、超分子(Rotaxane)、機械式運動(Polymer) 二茂鐵(P... | ||||
104 | 以開環歧化... 以開環歧化聚合合成聚亞芬香基乙烯之共軛嵌段共聚物 (Conjugated Block Copolymers of Poly(arylenevinylene)s by Ring-Opening Metathesis Polymerization) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
開環歧化聚合反應(Ring-opening metathesis polymerization)、予體受體共軛嵌段聚合物(donor-accptor conjugated block copolymer)、聚亞芳香基乙烯(poly(arylenevinylene)s) 開環歧化聚... | ||||
104 | 具高耐候性... 具高耐候性及耐熱老化性之TPEE研究 (Improvement of thermal stability of thermoplastic polyether-ester elastomer) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
熱塑性彈性體(Thermoplastic polyether-ester elastomer (TPEE))、添加劑(Additives)、耐熱性(Thermal stability) 熱塑性彈性... | ||||
103 | 應用於有機... 應用於有機電子元件之共軛分子的新合成方法 (New Synthesis Strategies for Conjugated Architectures and their Applications in Organic Electronics) | NTHU NDLTD | 學逕博 | 無口試日期 |
有機光伏打電池(low bandgap) 有機光伏打... | ||||
103 | 可熱交聯共... 可熱交聯共軛高分子之合成及其在有機場效電晶體的應用 (Synthesis and characterization of thermally crosslinkable conjugated copolymers for use in organic field-effect transistors) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
熱交聯(thermal crosslinking)、共軛高分子(conjugated polymer)、有機場效電晶體(Heck coupling)、熱穩定性(organic field-effect transistor) 熱交聯(t... | ||||
103 | 含二茂鐵與... 含二茂鐵與噻吩寡聚物的Pseudorotaxane所構成之固態分子開關的合成及特性探討 (Synthesis and characterization of pseudorotaxanes: solid state molecular switches comprising ferrocene and oligothiophenes) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
超分子(Supermolecule)、分子開關(Pseudorotaxane)、維度變化(Molecular Switch)、單晶(Photo-responsive Behavior)、再結晶(Dimension Change) 超分子(S... | ||||
103 | 以環境友善... 以環境友善的製程製備聚苯醚及其衍生物 (Eco-friendly Synthesis of Poly(2,6-dimethyl-1,4-phenylene oxide) Derivatives) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
聚苯醚(poly(2,6-dimethyl-1,4-phenylene oxide))、環境友善(eco-friendly)、高分子配位基(polymer ligand)、水溶性觸媒(water-soluble catalyst)、非線性結構(branched polymer) 聚苯醚(p... | ||||
102 | 以溶液製程... 以溶液製程製備有機場效電晶體 (Fabrication and Characterization of Solution-Processed Organic Field-Effect Transistors) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
有機場效電晶體(Organic Field-Effect Transistors) 有機場效電... | ||||
102 | Direc... Direct Arylation for Synthesis of Cyclopentadithiophene-Methylbenzoate Copolymers and Their Application as Conductive Binders in Lithium Ion Batteries (not found) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
共軛導電高分子(conjugated polymer)、鋰離子電池(lithium ion battery) 共軛導電高... | ||||
101 | Synth... Synthesis and Characterization of Cyclic Conjugated Architectures Composed of Thiophene and Benzothiadiazole Units (not found) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
conjugated molecules、McMurray coupling、donor-acceptor-donor conju... | ||||
101 | Therm... Thermo- and photo-driven crystalline molecular switches comprising pseudorotaxanes (not found) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
Supermolecule、Molecular switch、Thermo-responsive、Photoresponsive、Pseudorotaxane Super... | ||||
101 | Synth... Synthesis and characterization of cyclopentadithiophene (CPDT)-naphthalene (NDI) push-pull ABA-type oligomers and copolymers (not found) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
conjugated polymer、n-type material、C-H direct arylation conju... |