畢業學年度 | 論文標題 | 連結 | 學位 | 畢業時長(years) |
關鍵字 | ||||
112 | 電鍍枝狀晶... 電鍍枝狀晶銅膜於散熱均溫板之應用研究 (Implementation of electrodeposited dendritic copper capillary wicks in heat dissipation vapor chambers) | NTHU | 碩逕博 | 無口試日期 |
散熱(Heat dissipation)、封裝(Packaging)、均溫板(vapor chamber)、電鍍(electroplating)、枝狀晶(dendrite)、模擬(simulation) 散熱(He... | ||||
112 | 高密度雙晶... 高密度雙晶銅奈米線之形成機制與抗腐蝕性質探討 (Electrodeposition of Cu nanowires with ultrahigh-density twin boundaries: A mechanistic understanding of nanotwin formation and anti-corrosion property) | NTHU | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
奈米雙晶銅(Nanotwinned copper)、脈衝電鍍(Pulse electrodeposition)、抗腐蝕性質(Anti-corrosion property) 奈米雙晶銅... | ||||
112 | 以無電電鍍... 以無電電鍍鎳作為雙晶銅奈米線電鍍晶種層之開發研究 (Development of Electroless Nickel Seed Layers for Electrodeposition of Nanotwinned Copper Nanowires) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.15 |
無電電鍍鎳(Electroless Nickel)、雙晶銅奈米線(Nanotwinned Copper Nanowires)、電鍍晶種層(Seed Layers)、陽極氧化鋁(Anodic Aluminum Oxide)、電鍍銅奈米線(Electrodeposited Copper Nanowires) 無電電鍍鎳... | ||||
112 | Pb-Sn... Pb-Sn-Bi-Se-S 多元熱電合金材料之製程與特性分析 (Synthesis and Characterization of Lead–Tin–Bismuth–Selenium–Sulfur Multi-element Thermoelectric Materials) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.06 |
熱電材料(Thermoelectric)、熱壓燒結(Hot-pressing)、硫化鉛(Multi-element alloying)、硒化鉛(Low thermal conductivity)、晶格扭曲(undefined) 熱電材料(... | ||||
111 | 氧化亞銅電... 氧化亞銅電鍍薄膜表面修飾處理暨光電化學特性研究 (Surface modification and photoelectrochemical characterization of electrodeposited Cu2O films) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.08 |
氧化亞銅薄膜(cuprous oxide thin film)、鈀共催化劑(palladium co-catalyst)、檸檬酸鈉表面改質(trisodium citrate surface treatment)、電鍍(electrodeposition) 氧化亞銅薄... | ||||
110 | 無電鍍鎳/... 無電鍍鎳/銀鍍層應用於碲化鉛鍺熱電材料與銅電極接合之研究 (Bonding of Ge-Pb-Te thermoelectric material and Cu electrode by electroless plated Ni/Ag layers) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.99 |
低溫(Low temperature)、無電鍍(Electroless plating)、碲化鍺(GeTe)、直接接合(Direct bonding)、銀薄膜(Sliver film) 低溫(Lo... | ||||
110 | Ge-Sb... Ge-Sb-Ag-Sn-S-Se-Te 高熵熱電材料之製程與特性分析 (Process and Characterization of Germanium–Antimony–Silver–Tin–Sulfur–Selenium–Tellurium High-Entropy Thermoelectric Materials) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.91 |
相轉變(Phase transformation)、高熵合金(High-entropy alloy)、晶格扭曲(Lattice distortion)、熱導率(Thermal conductivity) 相轉變(P... | ||||
109 | 具層狀界面... 具層狀界面結構氧化亞銅薄膜及銅/氧化亞銅核殼奈米線之製備及光電化學特性分析 (Synthesis and photoelectrochemical property of junction-structured Cu2O films and Cu/Cu2O core-shell nanowires) | NTHU NDLTD | 學逕博 | 7.23 |
光電催化(Photoelectrochemical)、水分解(Water splitting)、氧化亞銅(Cu2O)、同質接面(homojunction) 光電催化(... | ||||
109 | 以噴印法製... 以噴印法製備可撓式碲化鉍系厚膜熱電發電器 (Flexible Bi-Te based thick-film thermoelectric generators fabricated by dispenser printing method) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.96 |
熱電材料(Thermoelectric material)、噴印(Dispenser printing)、厚膜(Thick film)、可撓式(Flexible)、能源採集(Energy harvesting) 熱電材料(... | ||||
108 | Ge-Sb... Ge-Sb-S-Se-Te高熵熱電合金之製程與特性研究 (Process and characterization of germanium-antimony-sulfur-selenium-tellurium high-entropy thermoelectric materials) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.98 |
熱電材料(thermoelectric)、高熵材料(high-entropy)、複合結構(composite)、低熱導率(low-thermal-conductivity)、熱壓燒結(hot-pressing) 熱電材料(... | ||||
108 | 電流輔助燒... 電流輔助燒結Ge-Pb-Te系化合物之微結構與熱電特性效應 (Microstructure and thermoelectric properties of electrically sintered Ge-Pb-Te compounds) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.98 |
熱電材料(Thermoelectric)、碲化鍺(GeTe)、能帶理論(GPT) 熱電材料(... | ||||
108 | Cu2O奈... Cu2O奈米線陣列製備與分析及其在光電催化水分解之應用 (Preparation and characterization of Cu2O nanowire array for solar water splitting applications) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.97 |
氧化亞銅(Cu2O)、光電催化(photoelectrochemical catalyst)、奈米線(nanowire)、水分解(water splitting) 氧化亞銅(... | ||||
108 | 透過Cu2... 透過Cu2Te電洞傳輸層提升Cu2O電鍍薄膜光電催化效能之研究 (Enhanced Photoelectrocatalytic Performance of Electroplated Cu2O Films with Cu2Te Hole Transmission Layer) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.97 |
氧化亞銅(Cu2O)、光電催化(Photoelectrocatalytic)、能帶排列(Band alignment)、薄膜(Thin film)、電鍍(Electroplating) 氧化亞銅(... | ||||
108 | ZIF-6... ZIF-67衍生碳/二氧化鈦複合材料應用於氣相光催化二氧化碳還原生成C2-C3含氧化合物之研究 (Gas-Phase Photocatalytic CO2 Reduction to C2-C3 Oxygenates on ZIF-67 Derived Carbon/TiO2) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.96 |
二氧化碳還原(CO2-reduction)、光催化(photocatalysis)、多碳數產物(multi-carbon)、動力學(kinetics)、三重活性位置(triple-active-sites) 二氧化碳還... | ||||
108 | 電鍍型多孔... 電鍍型多孔性銅薄膜於散熱裝置中之應用 (Electroplated copper porous films for heat dissipation applications) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.44 |
熱導管(Heat pipe)、均溫版(Vapor chamber)、散熱裝置(Heat dissipation applications)、電鍍(Electrodeposition)、多孔性結構(Porous structure)、枝狀晶(Dendrite)、毛細表現參數(Capillary performance) 熱導管(H... | ||||
107 | 可撓式碲化... 可撓式碲化鉍系熱電厚膜模組製備研究 (Fabrication and characterization of Bi-Te based thermoelectric module on a flexible substrate) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.98 |
熱電(thermoelectric)、碲化鉍(Bi2Te3)、厚膜(thickfilm)、模組(module) 熱電(th... | ||||
107 | 以電流輔助... 以電流輔助熱壓製程製備高效能鉍-銻-碲系熱電厚膜 (High-performance Bi-Sb-Te thermoelectric thick film prepared by current-assisted hot pressing) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.98 |
電流輔助燒結(Current-assisted sintering)、網版印刷熱電厚膜(Screen-printed thermoelectric thick film) 電流輔助燒... | ||||
107 | 電流輔助燒... 電流輔助燒結碲化鍺鉛合金之熱電性質研究 (Thermoelectric properties of (Ge,Pb)Te alloys prepared by current-assisted sintering method) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.98 |
熱電材料(Thermoelectric material)、碲化鍺-碲化鉛系統(GeTe-PbTe system)、碲化鍺相變化(GeTe phase transition)、低溫熱壓燒結(Low-temperature hot-pressed sintering)、電流輔助燒結(Current-assisted sintering method)、電流焦耳熱效應(Joule heating effect caused by current) 熱電材料(... | ||||
107 | 奈米雙晶銅... 奈米雙晶銅奈米線表面原子結構與擴散特性研究 (Atomic structure and diffusion properties of copper nanowire surface modified by nanoscale twin boundaries) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩逕博 | 5.51 |
電遷移(Electromigration)、臨場式穿透式電子顯微鏡(In situ TEM)、銅奈米線(Copper nanowire)、奈米雙晶(Nanotwin)、銅銀核殼結構(Cu-Ag core shell structure) 電遷移(E... | ||||
107 | 鈷-鐵-磷... 鈷-鐵-磷合金奈米線陣列結構之製備與電催化特性研究 (Fabrication and Electrocatalytic Characterization of Co-Fe-P Nanowire Array Structures) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.39 |
鹼性水電解(Alkaline water electrolysis)、陽極氧化鋁(Anodic aluminum oxide)、合金奈米陣列(Alloy nanowire array)、過渡金屬磷化物(TMP)、電沉積法(Electrodeposition) 鹼性水電解... | ||||
106 | 花狀氧化銅... 花狀氧化銅奈米線陣列結構電極於非酵素型葡萄糖感測器之應用 (Flower-like Cu/CuxO Nanowire Array Electrodes for Non-enzymatic Glucose Sensing) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.97 |
非酵素型葡萄糖感測器(non-enzymatic glucose sensor)、氧化銅(copper oxide)、銅奈米線(Cu nanowire)、電化學(electrochemical)、循環伏安法(cyclic voltammetry) 非酵素型葡... | ||||
106 | 利用電流輔... 利用電流輔助熱壓製程製備摻雜鍺之碲化鉍 化合物微結構及熱電性質研究 (Microstructure and thermoelectric properties of Ge-doped Bi2Te3 compounds fabricated by current-assisted hot-pressing) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.93 |
鍺摻雜碲化鉍系統(Ge-doped Bi2Te3 system)、熱電材料(thermoelectric materials)、鍺(Germanium)、電致遷移(electronmigration) 鍺摻雜碲化... | ||||
106 | 高密度奈米... 高密度奈米雙晶銅線之腐蝕與氧化特性研究 (Corrosion and oxidation behavior of Cu nanowires with high-density nanoscale twin boundaries) | NTHU NDLTD | 博 | 6.38 |
奈米線(nanowires)、雙晶(twin boundary)、氧化(oxidation)、克肯達爾效應(Kirkendall effect) 奈米線(n... | ||||
105 | 電流輔助燒... 電流輔助燒結碲化鉛塊材之熱電傳輸性質研究 (Thermoelectric transport properties of PbTe prepared by current-assisted sintering method) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.99 |
碲化鉛(PbTe)、電流輔助燒結(Current-assisted sintering method)、能帶結構(Band structure)、熱電性質(Thermoelectric properties) 碲化鉛(P... | ||||
105 | 高效能印刷... 高效能印刷型碲化鉍系熱電厚膜與模組製備研究 (High-performance Bi-Te based thick films and thermoelectric devices prepared by screen printing technology) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.96 |
熱電(thermoelectric)、厚膜(thickfilm)、印刷(print)、碲化鉍(Bi2Te3)、模組(module)、能源(energy) 熱電(th... | ||||
104 | 具接面結構... 具接面結構碲化鉍系化合物之熱電特性量測與模擬分析 (Thermoelectric characterization and modeling of junction structured bismuth telluride based compounds) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩逕博 | 無口試日期 |
熱電材料(thermoelectric material)、碲化鉍系化合物(bismuth telluride based compounds)、熱電模組(thermoelectric module)、接面結構材料(junction structured material)、摻雜(Doping) 熱電材料(... | ||||
104 | 摻雜銀之碲... 摻雜銀之碲化銻鉍系統電致遷移現象與熱電傳輸性質研究 (Electromigration and thermoelectric transport properties of Ag-doped Bi-Sb-Te systems) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
銀(Ag)、碲化銻鉍(Bi-Sb-Te)、電致遷移(electromigration)、電洞風(hole wind)、熱電性質(thermoelectric property) 銀(Ag)... | ||||
104 | 製備銅/鎳... 製備銅/鎳核殼結構奈米線及其於可撓式透明導電膜之製程與特性研究 (Synthesis and characterization of Cu-Ni core-shell nanowires for flexible transparent conducting film applications) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
核殼結構(Core-shell structure)、銅奈米線(Copper nanowires)、雙晶(nano-twin)、透明導電膜(transparent conductive films) 核殼結構(... | ||||
104 | 銅/銀核殼... 銅/銀核殼結構奈米線製備分析及其於透明導電薄膜之應用研究 (Synthesis and characterization of Cu−Ag core-shell nanowires for transparent conductive film applications) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
銅奈米線(Copper nanowires)、奈米雙晶(Nanotwin)、核殼結構奈米線(Core-shell nanowires)、透明導電薄膜(Transparent conductive films) 銅奈米線(... | ||||
104 | Bi-Sb... Bi-Sb-Te/Te複合濺鍍薄膜熱電性質與微結構之研究 (Thermoelectric Properties and Microstructure of Sputtered Bi-Sb-Te/Te Multilayered Thin Films) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
熱電材料(thermoelectric materials)、碲化鉍(bismuth telluride)、多層膜結構(multilayer structure) 熱電材料(... | ||||
103 | 具反蛋白石... 具反蛋白石結構之碲化鉍電鍍膜層微結構與熱電性質研究 (Microstructure and thermoelectric properties of electrodeposited Bi2Te3 films with inverse opal structure) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
反蛋白石結構(inverse opal structure)、碲化鉍(bismuth telluride)、熱電(thermoelectric)、電鍍(electrodeposition) 反蛋白石結... | ||||
103 | 超音波震盪... 超音波震盪攪拌及電鍍液添加劑對電鍍銅膜微結構與機械特性影響之研究 (Effects of ultrasonic agitation and electrolyte additives on microstructure and mechanical property of electroplated Cu films) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
直流電鍍(electroplating)、超音波(ultrasound)、添加劑(additive)、奈米雙晶(nanotwin) 直流電鍍(... | ||||
103 | 循環拉伸應... 循環拉伸應力與電流輔助熱退火對可撓式基板上碲化鉍系薄膜微結構與熱電性質影響之研究 (Effect of cyclic stress and current-assisted annealing on microstructure and thermoelectric properties of Bi-Sb-Te films on flexible substrates) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
碲化鉍(Bi2Te3)、拉伸應力(tensile stress)、裂紋(crack) 碲化鉍(B... | ||||
103 | 銅/鎳核殼... 銅/鎳核殼結構奈米線之製備與特性研究 (Synthesis and characterization of Cu-Ni core-shell nanowires) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
銅鎳(Copper Nickel)、核殼結構(core-shell structure)、導電性質(electrical property)、奈米線(nanowire) 銅鎳(Co... | ||||
102 | 摻雜效應和... 摻雜效應和晶體結構對Bi-Sb-Te化合物熱電傳輸特性影響之研究 (Effects of doping and crystallographic texture on thermoelectric transport properties of Bi-Sb-Te compounds) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
熱電材料(thermoelectrics)、摻雜(doping)、碲化鉍(bismuth telluride)、擴散(diffusion)、塊材(bulk) 熱電材料(... | ||||
102 | 具非均勻銀... 具非均勻銀原子摻雜結構之碲化鉍系薄膜熱電傳輸性質研究 (Thermoelectric transport properties of Bi-Te based thin films with Ag overlaid junction structure) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
熱電材料(thermoelectrics)、薄膜(thin films)、碲化鉍(bismuth telluride)、銀摻雜(sliver-doping)、擴散(diffusion) 熱電材料(... | ||||
101 | 殘餘應力效... 殘餘應力效應對沉積於可撓式基板之碲化鉍系薄膜熱電傳輸性質的影響 (Effect of residual stress on thermoelectric transport properties of Bi-Te based thin films on flexible substrates) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
熱電材料、殘餘應力 熱電材料、... | ||||
101 | 以熱壓法製... 以熱壓法製備非均勻銀摻雜鉍-銻-碲化合物之特性研究 (Properties of hot-pressed Bi-Sb-Te compounds with non-uniform Ag doping) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
熱電材料(Thermoelectric material)、熱壓(Hot press)、橫向西貝克效應(Transverse Seebeck effect)、銀(silver)、非均勻摻雜(non-uniform doping) 熱電材料(... |