畢業學年度 | 論文標題 | 連結 | 學位 | 畢業時長(years) |
關鍵字 | ||||
112 | 評估思覺失... 評估思覺失調症患者之照顧者的羞恥與罪惡感:發展以台灣照顧情境為基礎的量表 (Assessing Shame and Guilt in Caregivers of Schizophrenia Patients: Development of a Taiwanese Caregiving Context-Based Scale) | NTHU | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
羞恥感(Shame)、罪惡感(Guilt)、量表發展(Scale)、思覺失調症(Development)、台灣照顧者(Schizophrenia) 羞恥感(S... | ||||
112 | 不同犯罪類... 不同犯罪類型與注意力不足/過動症狀嚴重度之成年男性受刑人學業/職業與人際社交功能差異分析 (Analysis of achievement/occupation and Interpersonal/social function of the Adult male prisoner with different criminal types and ADHD symptom severity.) | NTHU | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
注意力不足過動症(Attention- deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD))、受刑人(prisoners)、犯罪類型(types of crime)、生活功能表現(functional deficits) 注意力不足... | ||||
112 | 探討從反芻... 探討從反芻到憂鬱,不執著與正念為中介變項之橫斷研究 (From rumination to depression, a cross-sectional study exploring nonattachment and mindfulness as the mediation variables) | NTHU | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
反芻(Rumination)、正念(Mindfulness)、不執著(Nonattachment)、憂鬱(Depression)、幸福感(Well-being)、心理健康(Mental Health) 反芻(Ru... | ||||
112 | 探討溝通姿... 探討溝通姿態對於親密關係暴力之影響:以相對人為觀點 (Discussing the Effect of Communication Stances on Intimate Partners Violence:From Perspectives of Respondents) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 4.34 |
親密關係暴力(intimate partner violence)、親密關係暴力相對人(intimate partner violence respondents)、溝通姿態(communication stances) 親密關係暴... | ||||
112 | 獨處經驗的... 獨處經驗的情緒調節策略量表發展與現況 (Development and current status of the emotional regulation strategy scale for solitary experience) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 4.32 |
獨處經驗(solitude experience)、情緒調節策略(emotion regulation strategy)、量表發展(scale development) 獨處經驗(... | ||||
111 | 社會功能訓... 社會功能訓練對提升慢性思覺失調症生活功能之初探 (The Study of Social Function Training to Improve Daily Function for The Chronic Schizophrenia Patients) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.97 |
慢性思覺失調症(chronic schizophrenia)、社會功能訓練(social function training)、注意力(attention)、神經認知(neurocognition)、適應表現(adaptive performance) 慢性思覺失... | ||||
111 | 生活緊張因... 生活緊張因素跟家庭功能及復原力對於大專院校在學學生非法藥物使用程度之影響 (The impact of stressful life events, dysfunctional family functioning, and resilience on the extent of illegal drug use among college students) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 3.97 |
大學生非法藥物使用(illicit drug use among college students)、復原力(resilience)、家庭功能(family functioning)、負向情緒(negative emotions) 大學生非法... | ||||
111 | 從徑路分析... 從徑路分析驗證負向情緒、無望感、自殺意念與自殺行為之關係:以Dcard文章為例 (The results of pathanalysis for relationships between negative emotion, hopelessness,suicidal ideation, and suicidal behavior:The example of Dcard diary) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 4.95 |
負向情緒(negative emotion)、無望感(hopelessness)、自殺意念(suicidal ideation)、自殺行為(suicidal behavior)、徑路分析(pathanalysis) 負向情緒(... | ||||
111 | 復原力的調... 復原力的調節效果對青少年生活緊張因素與非法藥物使用之影響研究 (The moderated role of resilience between strain and illicit drug use in a population of adolescents) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 5.91 |
非法藥物使用(illegal drug use)、青少年(adolescents)、復原力(resilience)、自我覺察(self-awareness) 非法藥物使... | ||||
111 | 發展安非他... 發展安非他命使用疾患辨識量表: 信效度之初探研究 (Development of Amphetamine Use Disorder Identification Test: the Psychometric Results of a Preliminary Study) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.87 |
安非他命(Amphetamine)、安非他命使用疾患辨識量表(Amphetamine Use Disorder Identification Test)、動機(Motivation)、正向效果(Positive Effects)、負向效果(Negative Effects) 安非他命(... | ||||
111 | 大專院校學... 大專院校學生之無望感、創傷經驗、受霸凌經驗、無能累贅感與受挫的歸屬感對自殺危機程度的相關研究 (The Relationship Between College Students’ Hopelessness, Experience of Maltreatment, Experience of Bullying, Perceived Burdensomeness, Thwarted Belongingness and the Degree of Suicidal Risk) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 4.45 |
無望感(hopelessness)、創傷經驗(maltreatment)、受霸凌經驗(bully)、無能累贅和受挫的歸屬感(perceived burdensomeness and thwarted belonging)、自殺危機程度(degree of suicide risk) 無望感(h... | ||||
111 | 透過AI字... 透過AI字詞辨識輔助評估自殺風險 —以Dcard心情板為例 (Suicide Risk Assessment with Assistance of Words Recognition- Mood Board of Dcard as An Example) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 4.39 |
自殺風險(suicide risk)、無望感(hopelessness)、虐待(abuse)、主觀幸福感(subjective well-being)、心理治療(psychotherapy) 自殺風險(... | ||||
110 | 羞恥與否,... 羞恥與否,那正是問題:復原階段酒精使用障礙症成年男性在婚姻家庭關係中的處境結構 (Ashamed or Not, That is The Question: The Situated Structure in Marital-Familial Relationship of Adult Male Recovering from Alcohol Use Disorder) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 3.96 |
羞恥經驗(Ashamed Experience)、酒精使用障礙症(Alcohol Use Disorder)、婚姻家庭關係(Marital-Familial Relationship)、復原(Recovery)、詮釋現象學(Hermeneutic Phenomenology) 羞恥經驗(... | ||||
110 | 發展CBM... 發展CBME架構下的醫療諮商心理師核心能力 (Developing the Core Competencies of the Medical Counseling Psychologist on CBME Model) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 3.92 |
諮商心理師(counseling psychologist)、專業發展(professional development)、核心能力(core competency)、核心能力導向教育(CBME)(competence-based medical education (CBME)) 諮商心理師... | ||||
110 | 正念親職教... 正念親職教養團體對於改善兒童網路遊戲成癮傾向療效之初探研究 (A Preliminary Study on the Efficacy of Mindful-Parenting Program in Improving Children's Addiction to Internet Games) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 3.85 |
正念(mindfulness)、正念親職教養(mindful parenting)、網路遊戲(internet gaming disorder)、網路遊戲障礙症(addiction)、成癮(undefined) 正念(mi... | ||||
110 | 中年跑者的... 中年跑者的跑步動機在韌性及生活品質影響的差異性 (The Differential Impact of the Motives of Running on Resilience and Quality of Life in Middle-Aged Runners) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 3.33 |
中年危機(the middle-aged stress)、跑步動機(running motivation)、韌性(resilience)、生活品質(quality of life) 中年危機(... | ||||
109 | 檢驗以社會... 檢驗以社會自我概念為中介變項之自我污名影響主觀幸福感與憂鬱模式:以嚴重精神疾病患者家屬為例 (To Examine the Mediated Role of Social Self-Concept among Self-Stigma, Well-being and Depression among the Caregivers of Patients with Severe Mental Illness) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | (竹教大學號無法計算) |
嚴重精神疾病(severe mental illness)、家屬(caregivers)、自我污名(self-stigma)、社會自我概念(social self-concept)、憂鬱(depression)、幸福感(well-being) 嚴重精神疾... |