畢業學年度 | 論文標題 | 連結 | 學位 | 畢業時長(years) |
關鍵字 | ||||
112 | 靶向口服β... 靶向口服β-葡聚醣功能化奈米粒子治療肝纖維化及NIR-II影像技術無創監測進展 (Targeted Oral Delivery of β-Glucans-Functionalized Nanoparticles for Liver Fibrosis Treatment and Noninvasive Progress Monitoring Using NIR-II Imaging) | NTHU | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
肝臟纖維化(liver fibrosis)、靶向口服投遞藥物(targeted oral delivery)、紅外二區影像(NIR-II imaging)、β-葡聚醣(β-glucan)、巨噬細胞(macrophage) 肝臟纖維化... | ||||
112 | 摩擦奈米發... 摩擦奈米發電機對生物分子和材料的鑒定 (Identification of Biomolecules and Materials by Triboelectric Nanogenerators) | NTHU NDLTD | 博 | 5.49 |
摩擦電系列(Triboelectric series)、摩擦納米發電機 (TENG)(Triboelectric nanogenerator (TENG))、功函數(Work function)、原子百分比(Atomic percentage)、材料感測(Material sensing)、機器人感測器(Robotic sensor)、自供電感測(Self-powered sensing) 摩擦電系列... | ||||
112 | 柔性自供電... 柔性自供電自主微流體感測器用於非侵入式之汗液分析 (Self-Powered Autonomous Microfluidic-Based Flexible Sensor for Noninvasive Sweat Analysis) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩(提早入學) | 1.99 |
基於汗液的診斷(Sweat based diagnosis)、微流體(Microfluidics)、摩擦電奈米感測器 (TENS)(Triboelectric nanosensors (TENS))、自供電感測器(Self-powered sensors) 基於汗液的... | ||||
112 | 開發基於核... 開發基於核酸適體的摩擦奈米感測器用於細菌的有效偵測 (Development of Aptamer-based Triboelectric Nanosensor for the Efficient Detection of Bacteria) | NTHU NDLTD | 博 | 5.49 |
自供電系統(Self-powered system)、摩擦式納米發電機(TENG)(Triboelectric nanogenerator (TENG))、液接觸帶電(Solid-liquid contact electrification)、機器手臂(Robot hand)、自動化學傳感(Automated chemical sensing) 自供電系統... | ||||
111 | 開發自供電... 開發自供電智能監測系統用於水環境重金屬離子檢測 (Development of Self-powered and Intelligent Monitoring System for Detecting Heavy Metal Ions in Aquatic Environment) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.99 |
重金屬離子感測(Intelligent monitoring)、能量收集(Energy harvest)、機器人感測器(Robotic sensor)、智慧監控(Heavy metal ion detection)、自驅動摩擦奈米感測器(Self-powered triboelectric nanosensor) 重金屬離子... | ||||
111 | 開發穿戴式... 開發穿戴式壓力感測系統於智慧識別的應用 (Development of Wearable Pressure Sensing System for Intelligent Identification Applications) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.99 |
摩擦奈米發電機(triboelectric nanogenerator)、穿戴式(wearable device)、壓力感測(foot pressure)、足底壓力(saddle pressure)、腳踏車坐墊壓力(smart lifestyle)、智慧生活(undefined) 摩擦奈米發... | ||||
111 | 調控外部電... 調控外部電場對於葡萄糖的拉曼定量分析 (Raman quantification of glucose with modulated external electric field) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.98 |
表面增強拉曼(Surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy)、葡萄糖定量(glucose quantification)、電場應用(electric field application) 表面增強拉... | ||||
111 | 開發基於摩... 開發基於摩擦起電效應之新型藥物靶點篩選平台 (Development of a Novel Drug Target Screening Platform based on Triboelectrification.) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.98 |
摩擦起電(triboelectrification)、藥物篩選(drug screening) 摩擦起電(... | ||||
111 | 開發基於微... 開發基於微針的自供電生物標記實時監測平台 (Development of Self-Powered Wearable Microneedle-Based Platform for Real-Time Biomarkers Monitoring) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.98 |
電化學傳感器(Electrochemical sensor)、離子選擇電極(Ion selective electrode)、不鏽鋼微針(Stainless steel microneedles)、組織液(Interstitial fluid) 電化學傳感... | ||||
111 | 開發穿戴式... 開發穿戴式壓力感測系統及其於步態分析及身份辨識之應用 (Development of Wearable Pressure Sensing System and its Application in Gait Analysis and Identity Recognition) | NTHU NDLTD | 博 | 4.95 |
步態偵測(Gait detection)、身份辨識(identification)、步行週期(walking cycle)、無線傳輸(wireless transmission) 步態偵測(... | ||||
111 | 西拉雅語語... 西拉雅語語法探究 (A Study of Siraya Grammar) | NTHU NDLTD | 博 | 5.87 |
西拉雅語(Siraya)、音韻(phonology)、構詞(morphology)、句法(syntax) 西拉雅語(... | ||||
111 | 溫州話中跨... 溫州話中跨範疇的強化現象研究 (Intensification Across Categories in Wenzhounese) | NTHU NDLTD | 博 | 5.80 |
温州話(Wenzhounese)、強化現象(Intensification)、強化詞(Intensifier)、修飾(Modification)、可度量性(Gradability)、詞彙強化(Lexical Intensification)、語用強化(Pragmatic Intensification)、精確化(Precisification)、模態協同現象(Modal Concord Phenomenon) 温州話(W... | ||||
111 | 穿戴式自驅... 穿戴式自驅動熱電整合系統結合非侵入式傷口癒合監控於慢性傷口癒合之應用 (A Wearable and Self-Powered Thermoelectric system with Non-invasive Wound Recovery Tracking Function for Chronic Wound Healing Application) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩(提早入學) | 2.01 |
電刺激(electrical stimulation)、熱電(wearable thermoelectric generator)、穿戴式元件(wound)、糖尿病傷口(diabetes)、復原追蹤(recovery tracking) 電刺激(e... | ||||
111 | 自驅動系統... 自驅動系統應用於環境監測與傷口癒合 (Self-Powered Systems for Environmental Monitoring and Wound Healing Applications) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩逕博 | 4.45 |
自供電系統(Self-powered systems)、摩擦 式納米發電機(Triboelectric nanogenerator (TENG))、電刺激(Electrical stimulation)、傷口癒合(Wound healing)、固 液接觸帶電(Solid-liquid contact electrification)、機器 手臂(Robot hand)、自動化學傳感(Automated chemical sensing) 自供電系統... | ||||
111 | 二維過渡金... 二維過渡金屬硫族化物之壓電催化與循環降解有機污水之研究 (Piezocatalysis and Cyclic Degradation of Organic Wastewater based on Two-dimensional Transition Metal Chalcogenides) | NTHU NDLTD | 博 | 6.01 |
壓電材料(Piezoelectric material)、觸媒(Catalyst)、降解(Degradation)、有機污染物(Organic pollutants)、零排放(Zero discharge)、二硫化鉬(Molybdenum disulfide) 壓電材料(... | ||||
110 | 利用摩擦起... 利用摩擦起電效應判別生物分子之手性結構 (Biomolecular Chirality recognition based on contact electrification) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.99 |
接觸起電(contact-electrification)、摩擦奈米發電機(triboelectric-nanogenerators)、胺基酸(amino-acids)、手性辨識(chiral-recognition) 接觸起電(... | ||||
110 | 開發基於免... 開發基於免標記奈米摩擦感測器之藥物篩選平台 (Development of Label-Free Triboelectric Nanosensor as a Drug Screening Platform) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.99 |
藥物篩選(drug screening)、自驅動摩擦奈米感測器(triboelectric nanosensor)、無標籤系統(label-free system) 藥物篩選(... | ||||
110 | 受砂魚蜥皮... 受砂魚蜥皮啟發之摩擦奈米發電機用於沙漠環境中風吹沙動能收集 (Sandfish Skin-inspired Triboelectric Nanogenerator for Wind-blown Sand Kinetic Energy Harvesting in Desert Environment) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.99 |
摩擦奈米發電機(triboelectric nanogenerator)、可持續能源(sustainable energy)、風吹砂動能(wind-blown sand kinetic energy)、砂魚蜥皮(sandfish skin)、低沾黏(low adhesion)、耐磨耗(wear resistance)、自癒合能力(self-healing ability) 摩擦奈米發... | ||||
110 | 開發用於檢... 開發用於檢測組織液中葡萄糖濃度的微侵入式電化學感測器 (Development of mini-invasive electrochemical sensor for the detection of glucose level in interstitial fluid) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.99 |
微針(Microneedle)、葡萄糖電化學感測器(Glucose biosensor)、雙金屬奈米粒子(Bimetallic nanoparticle)、細胞間質液(Interstitial fluid) 微針(Mi... | ||||
110 | 用於遠程和... 用於遠程和實時監測重金屬離子的自驅動機器人感測器 (Self-Powered Robotic Sensor for Remote and Real-time Monitoring of Heavy Metal Ions) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.99 |
固-液摩擦奈米感測器(Solid-liquid Triboelectric Nanosensor)、熱電(Thermoelectricity)、電池(Wireless Monitoring System)、無線監控系統(Battery)、離子選擇(Ion selective)、自驅動機器人化學感測器(Self-powered Robotic Chemical Sensor) 固-液摩擦... | ||||
110 | 熱電材料應... 熱電材料應用於感測和催化 (Thermoelectric Materials for Sensing and Catalysis Applications) | NTHU NDLTD | 博 | 4.99 |
熱電效應(Thermoelectric effect)、溫度感測器(temperature sensor)、熱催化劑(thermocatalysts)、過氧化氫(ROS hydrogen peroxide (H2O2))、羥基 自由基(Hydroxyl radical (.OH))、染料降解(dye degradation) 熱電效應(... | ||||
110 | 藉由化學和... 藉由化學和結構修飾法以提高摩擦奈米發電機的性能 (Enhanced Performance of Triboelectric Nanogenerators by Chemical and Structural Modification) | NTHU NDLTD | 博 | 4.99 |
摩擦起電(Contact electrification)、化學增強(chemical enhancement)、摩擦奈米發電機(triboelectric nanogenerator)、二氧化鈦(TiO2)、金屬奈米管陣列(metallic nanotube array)、結構修飾(structural modification)、表面電位(surface potential)、超疏水性(super-hydrophobicity)、結構工程(structural engineering) 摩擦起電(... | ||||
109 | 基於壓電催... 基於壓電催化二硫化鉬奈米花之超音波誘導藥物釋放應用於消炎治療 (An Ultrasound-controlled Drug Delivery System Based on Piezocatalytic MoS2 Nanoflowers for Anti-inflammation Therapy) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.03 |
二硫化鉬(MoS2)、壓電催化(Piezocatalyst)、活性氧物質(Reactive oxygen species)、藥物遞送系統(Drug delivery system) 二硫化鉬(... | ||||
109 | 靜電誘導之... 靜電誘導之雙穩態電致變色系統應用於智慧玻璃與自驅動視力矯正裝置 (Triboelectricity Induced Bistable Electrochromic System for Smart Glass and Self-powered Vision Correcting Application) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.03 |
智慧玻璃(smart glass)、摩擦奈米發電機(triboelectric nanogenerator)、膽固醇液晶(cholesteric liquid crystal)、自驅動光學開關(self-powered optical switch)、電致變色裝置(electrochromic device) 智慧玻璃(... | ||||
109 | 具自驅動熱... 具自驅動熱電輔助傷口癒合與非侵入式傷口癒合監控之穿戴式集成系統 (An Integrated Wearable System with Self-powered Thermoelectric-assisted Wound Healing and Non-invasive Wound Recovery Tracking Functions) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.03 |
熱電(thermoelectric)、傷口癒合(wound healing)、傷口電阻(wound resistance)、自供電(self-powered)、穿戴式系統(wearable system)、無線傳輸技術(wireless transmission technology) 熱電(th... | ||||
109 | 基於液珠生... 基於液珠生成系統之摩擦奈米能量裝置 (Hydropower Energy Harvest By Triboelectric Nanogenerator Performed In Droplet-Based Microfluidic System) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.70 |
摩擦奈米發電機(triboelectric-nanogenerator)、微流體液珠生成(droplet-based-microfluidic) 摩擦奈米發... | ||||
108 | 利用甘露糖... 利用甘露糖官能化奈米金固液接觸電荷轉移 作為選擇探針用於快速檢測大腸桿菌 (Solid-Liquid Contact Electrification of Mannose Functionalized Gold Nanoparticle as a Selective Probe for Rapid E. coli Detection) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.99 |
固-液摩擦奈米發電機(Solid-liquid Triboelectric Nanogenerator)、自供電感測器(Self-power Sensor)、大腸桿菌檢測(E. coli Detection)、無標籤系統(Label-free system) 固-液摩擦... | ||||
108 | 一種鯊魚皮... 一種鯊魚皮膚啟發的感測平台用於即時步態感測和創傷術後監測 (A Bioinspired Shark Skin Sensing Platform for Real Time Gait Phase Detection and Postoperative Trauma Monitoring) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.99 |
步態偵測(TENG)、醫療診斷(gait phase sensing)、復原追蹤(medical diagnostics)、仿生結構(wearable devices) 步態偵測(... | ||||
108 | 整合抗磨損... 整合抗磨損蛇皮特性的摩擦奈米發電機用於生物機械能收集及自驅動感測應用 (Wear-resistant Bionic Snake Skin Integrated Triboelectric Nanogenerator for Biomechanical Energy Harvesting and Self-Powered Sensing Applications) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.99 |
摩擦奈米發電機(triboelectric nanogenerator)、自供電(bionic design)、仿生設計(self-powered sensor)、耐磨(wear-resistant)、薄膜(thin film) 摩擦奈米發... | ||||
108 | 是非疑問句... 是非疑問句的新觀點: 焦點機制的應用在漢語和英文 (A New Perspective on Polar Questions: The Focus Mechanism in Generating Answering Patterns in Mandarin Chinese and English) | NTHU NDLTD | 博 | 8.98 |
是非問句(polar questions)、疑問範域/命題(question proposition)、焦點運符(Negation)、焦點機制(focus opretor)、否定詞(focus mechanism)、歧義的現象(ambiguity)、難道問句(A-not-A questions) 是非問句(... | ||||
108 | 越南語名詞... 越南語名詞組結構 (The syntactic structure of Vietnamese DP) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.97 |
越南語(Vietnamese)、名詞組(nominal phrase)、句法結構(DP)、名詞前修飾語(syntactic structure)、名詞後修飾語(pre-nominal modifier) 越南語(V... | ||||
107 | 主動性傷口... 主動性傷口敷料的開發及其應用於細菌感染的預防 (Development of active wound dressings and their application for the prevention of bacterial infections) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.99 |
摩擦奈米發電機(triboelectric nanogenerator)、碲化鉍(bismuth telluride)、雙氧水(hydrogen peroxide)、殺菌(disinfection)、傷口敷料(wound dressing) 摩擦奈米發... | ||||
107 | 溫度效應對... 溫度效應對於摩擦轉移電荷的影響及其在自供電溫度感測器的應用 (Temperature effect on triboelectrification and its application as a self-powered temperature sensor) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.99 |
摩擦奈米發電機(TENG)、自供電溫度感測器(Self-powered)、摩擦效應(Temperature)、無線藍牙系統(Sensor) 摩擦奈米發... | ||||
106 | 開發高效率... 開發高效率三碲化二鉍熱觸媒及其在過氧化氫生成與抗菌的應用 (Development of High Efficient Bi2Te3 Thermalcatalyst and its Application for Hydrogen Peroxide Generation and Antibacterial Application) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.98 |
熱電效應(Thermoelectric effect)、三碲化二鉍(bismuth telluride (Bi2Te3))、熱觸媒(thermalcatalysts)、過氧化氫(hydrogen peroxide (H2O2))、殺菌(disinfection) 熱電效應(... | ||||
106 | 基於穿戴式... 基於穿戴式摩擦奈米發電機所建立之自供電殺菌系統與手勢辨識系統 (Wearable Triboelectric Nanogenerators for Self-Powered Disinfection and Gesture Recognition Systems) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.98 |
摩擦發電機(TENG)、自供電感測系統(self-powered system)、穿戴式電子裝置(wearable electronics)、抗菌(disinfection)、手勢感測(gesture sensing) 摩擦發電機... | ||||
106 | 開發自供電... 開發自供電固-液摩擦奈米感測器應用於汞離子之偵測 (Development of a Self-Powered Solid-Liquid Triboelectric Nanosensor for Mercury Ion Detection) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.98 |
固-液摩擦奈米發電機(Solid-Liquid Triboelectric Nanogenerator)、自供電感測器(Self-powered Sensor)、汞離子感測器(Mercury Ion Detection)、碲奈米線(Tellurium Nanowires)、碲化汞奈米線(Mercury Telluride Nanowires)、摩擦效應(Triboelectricity)、液體摩擦序列表(undefined) 固-液摩擦... | ||||
106 | Matu’... Matu’uwal汶水泰雅語原住民族語教材閱讀書寫篇之語法分析 (A Grammatical Analysis of the Reading and Writing Chapters of the Matu’uwal Atayal Language Course Materials) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 5.95 |
Matu’uwal汶水泰雅語(Matu’uwal Wensui Atayal)、《閱讀與書寫篇》(“The Reading and Writing Chapter”)、語法分析(Grammatical Analysis) Matu’... | ||||
106 | 論漢語助動... 論漢語助動詞「得」之句法結構 (On the Modal de Constructions) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.91 |
得(de-construction)、可能性(potentiality)、允許(demand)、要求(permissive)、漢語(de) 得(de-... | ||||
106 | 以結構方法... 以結構方法分析漢語動相補語 (A Structural Approach to Phase Complements in Mandarin Chinese) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.91 |
動相補語(phase complement)、內部型態(inner aspect)、輕動詞(light verb)、完(dao)、到(wan)、好(hao) 動相補語(... | ||||
105 | 開發內源性... 開發內源性胞外泌體之雙重造影平台 (A Dual Imaging Platform for Endogenously Released Extracellular Vesicles) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.97 |
胞外泌體(Extracellular Vesicles)、分子影像工具(Bio-imaging tools)、生物能量共振轉移(BRET) 胞外泌體(... | ||||
105 | 結合能量收... 結合能量收集與人體健康監測系統的多功能纖維 (Multifunctional Textile for Energy Harvesting and Self-Powered Sensing Applications) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.96 |
摩擦發電機(Triboelectric generator)、自供電感測系統(Self-powered sensing system)、穿戴式裝置(Wearable electronics)、健康監測系統(Healthcare monitor) 摩擦發電機... | ||||
105 | 自驅動熱電... 自驅動熱電感測系統應用於汞離子的偵測 (A Self-Powered Thermoelectric Sensing System for the Detection of Mercury Ions) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.96 |
自驅動熱電感測系統(Self-powered thermoelectric sensing system)、汞離子感測器(Mercury detection)、碲奈米線陣列(Tellurium nanowires)、碲化汞奈米線(Telluride nanowires)、熱電效應(Thermoelectricity) 自驅動熱電... | ||||
105 | 高效且可控... 高效且可控之二硫化鉬奈米催化劑 於水消毒的應用 (A Highly Efficient and Tunable MoS2 Nanocatalyst for Water Disinfection) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.96 |
二硫化鉬(MoS2)、壓電(piezoelectric)、光電(photoelectric)、觸媒(catalytic)、殺菌(disinfection) 二硫化鉬(... | ||||
104 | Tempo... Temporal Clauses in Mandarin Chinese (漢語的時間修飾子句) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
漢語的時間修飾子句(temporal clause)、「的時候」(shi)、同位子句(dang)、「時」(de shihou)、「當」(NP-ellipsis)、條件句(appositive clause) 漢語的時間... | ||||
104 | Licen... Licensing Mandarin Complex Sentences (論漢語複雜句之核可) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
讓步條件句(concessive-conditional clause)、讓步句(concessive clause)、因果句(reason clause)、核可成分(licensing element)、就(jiu)、才(cai)、還是(ye)、仍然(haishi/rengran)、關係性(relationality)、選擇(alternatives) 讓步條件句... | ||||
104 | 製備具光輔... 製備具光輔助電催化活性之硒/金/鈀奈米粒子及其於自供電感測系統之應用 (Controlled synthesis of Se-supported Au/Pd nanoparticles with photo-assisted electrocatalytic activity and their application in self-powered sensing systems) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
自供電感測系統(Self-powered sensing system)、葡萄糖感測器(Glucose biosensor)、雙金屬奈米粒子(Bimetallic nanoparticle)、燃料電池(Fuel cell)、乙醇氧化反應(Ethanol oxidation)、乙醇氧化反應(Photo-assisted effect) 自供電感測... | ||||
104 | 廣東話句末... 廣東話句末助詞「乜滯」與「咁滯」再探 (Revisiting the Particles Matzai and Gamzai in Cantonese) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩(外籍生) | 無口試日期 |
廣東話(Cantonese)、咁滯(attenuating NPI)、乜滯(imperfective paradox) 廣東話(C... | ||||
104 | A Syn... A Syntactic Approach to the Existential Constructions in Squliq Atayal (賽考利克泰雅語存在句型之句法研究) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
賽考利克泰雅語(Squliq Atayal)、存在句型(Existential Constructions)、存在謂語(Existential Predicates)、maki(maki)、kya(kya)、cyux/nyux(cyux/nyux)、nya(nya) 賽考利克泰... | ||||
104 | 以結構方法... 以結構方法分析漢語「tough-結構」 (A Structural Approach to the Mandarin Tough Constructions) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
容易(Mandarin tough constructiont)、難(tendency reading)、傾向語意(A’-movemen)、非論元移位(experiencer argument)、經驗者(undefined) 容易(Ma... | ||||
104 | Degre... Degree or Non-degree? The Adverb geng in Mandarin Chinese (論漢語副詞「更」之用法:程度修飾或非程度修飾) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
中文「非但/不但/不只」(Mandarin feidan/budan/buzhi)、加強詞「更」(intensifier geng)、關聯句式(correlative construction)、三分結構(tripartite structure)、量化意涵(quantificational reading)、期望違反意涵(expectation-violation) 中文「非但... | ||||
104 | 論發生與出... 論發生與出現 (The Grammar of Happening and Appearance) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
輕動詞(light verb)、非賓格動詞(unaccusative verb)、處所倒裝(locative inversion)、生成詞彙理論(Theory of Generative Lexicon) 輕動詞(l... | ||||
104 | 自供電電化... 自供電電化學成長金屬奈米粒子及其於乳酸檢測上的應用 (Self-powered electrochemical growth of metal nanoparticles and their use in lactate detection) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
摩擦起電(Contact electrification)、能量收集(Energy harvesting)、奈米發電機(Nanogenerator)、自供電感測器(Self-powered sensor)、電化學(Electrochemical)、乳酸檢測(Lactate detection) 摩擦起電(... | ||||
104 | 自驅動抗菌... 自驅動抗菌系統的開發與應用 (Development and applications of self-powered antibacterial system) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
自供電抗菌系統(Self-powered antibacterial system)、抗菌材料(Antibacterial material)、碲奈米線(Tellurium nanowires)、摩擦奈米發電機(Triboelectric nanogenerator)、電穿孔(Electroporation) 自供電抗菌... | ||||
104 | 碲奈米線陣... 碲奈米線陣列:作為有效的平台供熱電奈米發電機及表面輔助雷射脫附游離質譜的應用 (Tellurium nanowire arrays: an efficient platform for thermoelectric nanogenerator and surface-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry applications) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
碲奈米線陣列(tellurium nanowire arrays)、表面輔助雷射脫附游離質譜法(SALDI-MS)、碲化銀(silver telluride)、熱電奈米發電機(thermoelectric nanogenerator)、碲化汞(mercury telluride) 碲奈米線陣... | ||||
102 | 漢語表改變... 漢語表改變與變化之句法語意探究 (The Syntax and Semantics of Changing and Becoming in Mandarin Chinese) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
輕動詞(light verb)、程度化達成謂語(degree achievement)、終結點(telicity)、中心語後置(head-final)、變(bian)、成(cheng) 輕動詞(l... | ||||
102 | 以結構方法... 以結構方法分析「上」結構之ㄧ詞多義現象 (A Structural Approach to the Polysemy of the Shang Constructions) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
趨向補語(directional complement)、輕動詞(light verb)、一詞多義(polysemy)、語意延伸(sense extension) 趨向補語(... |