畢業學年度 | 論文標題 | 連結 | 學位 | 畢業時長(years) |
關鍵字 | ||||
112 | 透過插值晶... 透過插值晶格波茲曼法模擬具壁面之紊流 (Simulations of Wall Bounded Turbulent Flow via Interpolation-Based Lattice Boltzmann Method) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.00 |
晶格波茲曼法(lattice Boltzmann method)、直接數值模擬(direct numerical simulation)、非均勻網格(non-uniform grids)、紊流模擬(turbulent flow) 晶格波茲曼... | ||||
112 | 以多層次數... 以多層次數據集方法訓練物理資訊神經網路 (Multi-level datasets training method in Physics-Informed Neural Networks) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.00 |
流體模擬(Fluid simulation)、物理資訊神經網路(Physics-Informed Neural Network)、機器學習(Machine Learning) 流體模擬(... | ||||
112 | 應用晶格波... 應用晶格波茲曼法模擬剪切流動下之液滴互動現象 (Application of lattice Boltzmann method to simulate droplet interaction phenomenon under shear flow) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.00 |
晶格波茲曼法(Lattice Boltzmann method)、兩相流(Two-phase flow)、液滴互動(droplet interaction)、圖形顯示卡(GPU) 晶格波茲曼... | ||||
112 | 應用圖形顯... 應用圖形顯示卡叢集於不可壓縮複雜流場模擬演算法之開發 (Development of numerical algorithms for incompressible complex flow on GPU cluster) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩逕博 | 5.01 |
計算流體力學(Computational Fluid Dynamics)、顯式方法(Explicit Method)、黏彈性流體(FENE-P Fluid)、自然對流(Natural Convection)、兩相流(Two-phase Flow)、圖形顯示卡(GPU) 計算流體力... | ||||
111 | 對基於插值... 對基於插值的晶格波茲曼法對複雜流場模擬表現的探討 (Investigating the Performance of Interpolation-Based Lattice Boltzmann Method in Complex Flows) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩(外籍生) | 2.99 |
晶格波茲曼法(lattice Boltzmann method)、非均勻網格(interpolation streaming step)、紊流模擬(non-uniform grids)、直接數值模擬(turbulent flow) 晶格波茲曼... | ||||
111 | 應用圖形顯... 應用圖形顯示卡叢集與晶格波茲曼法模擬液滴聚結現象 (Simulation of the Droplet Coalescence with Two-Phase Lattice Boltzmann Method on GPU Cluster) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.99 |
晶格波茲曼方法(Lattice Boltzmann method)、兩相流(Two-phase flow)、液滴聚結(Droplet coalescence)、圖形顯示卡(GPU) 晶格波茲曼... | ||||
111 | 具噴流的渠... 具噴流的渠道紊流和周期性山坡紊流中的分解摩擦係數分析 (Analysis of Decomposed Friction Coefficient in Turbulent Channel Flow with Wall Transpiration and Turbulent Flow over Periodic Hills in Channel) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.99 |
計算流體力學(Computational Fluid Dynamics)、晶格波茲曼法(Lattice Boltzmann Method)、紊流(Turbulence)、噴吸作用(Wall Transpiration)、周期性山坡(Periodic Hill)、圖形顯示卡(GPU) 計算流體力... | ||||
111 | 損失權重與... 損失權重與模型複雜度對物理資訊神經網路在計算流體力學中的影響 (Impact of Loss Weight and Model Complexity on Physics-Informed Neural Networks for Computational Fluid Dynamics) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.99 |
物理資訊神經網路(PINN)、計算流體力學(CFD)、深度學習(deeplearning)、損失權重(lossweight)、模型複雜度(complexity) 物理資訊神... | ||||
110 | 使用Gen... 使用General pressure equation 方法模擬泡泡上升運動 (Numerical simulation of bubble rising using general pressure equation) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.98 |
泡泡上升(bubble rising)、兩相流(two phase flow) 泡泡上升(... | ||||
110 | 利用沉浸式... 利用沉浸式邊界法結合弱可壓縮壓力方程式模擬流固耦合問題 (Fluid-structure interaction simulations using immersed boundary method and general pressure equation) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.98 |
沉浸式邊界法(staggered grid)、弱可壓縮壓力方程式(immersed boundary method)、流固耦合(fluid-structure interaction)、GPU平行計算(general pressure equation) 沉浸式邊界... | ||||
110 | 沉浸邊界法... 沉浸邊界法結合晶格波茲曼法於固液耦合問題之數值分析 (Numerical simulation of fluid-structure interaction problems using immersed boundary-lattice Boltzmann method) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.98 |
沉浸邊界法(Immersed boundary method)、晶格波茲曼法(lattice Boltzmann method)、固液耦合(fluid-structure interaction) 沉浸邊界法... | ||||
110 | 應用圖形處... 應用圖形處理器叢集模擬壓力驅動方管紊流 (Numerical simulation of Poiseuille duct flow on multi-GPU cluster) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.98 |
圖形顯示卡(GPU)、紊流(Turbulence)、直接數值模擬(DNS)、平行運算(Parallel computing) 圖形顯示卡... | ||||
110 | 多鬆弛時間... 多鬆弛時間晶格波茲曼法於圖形顯示卡叢集模擬方管内週期性山坡之二次流動 (Simulation of secondary motion in duct with periodic hill via multiple-relaxation time lattice Boltzmann method on multi-GPU cluster) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩(提早入學) | 1.47 |
計算流體力學(computational fluid dynamics)、晶格波茲曼法(CFD)、二次流(lattice Boltzmann method)、週期性山坡(secondary motion)、紊流(periodic hill) 計算流體力... | ||||
110 | 金屬陰極流... 金屬陰極流道板之圓角半徑設計對燃料電池性能之影響研究 (The design and fabrication of metallic cathode fillet radii on the performance of PEMFC) | NTHU NDLTD | 博 | 7.33 |
燃料電池(fuel cell)、接觸阻抗(contact resistance)、金屬雙極板(metal bipolar plate)、MEA孔隙率(MEA porosit) 燃料電池(... | ||||
109 | 添加高分子... 添加高分子聚合物的過渡和臨界紊流於管道拉板流的數值模擬 (Numerical simulation of transitional and marginally turbulent Couette duct flows with polymer additives) | NTHU NDLTD | 博 | 8.23 |
臨界雷諾數(Critical Reynolds number)、黏彈流體(Viscoelastic fluid)、減阻(FENE-P model)、直接數值模擬(Drag reduction)、拉板管流(Couette duct flow) 臨界雷諾數... | ||||
109 | 多鬆弛時間... 多鬆弛時間晶格波茲曼法於圖形顯示卡叢集模擬渠道與方管之週期性山坡流場 (The flows over periodic hills in channel and duct simulations with multiple-relaxation time lattice Boltzmann method on multi-GPU cluster) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.08 |
計算流體力學(Computational Fluid Dynamics)、多鬆弛係數晶格波茲曼方法(multiple relaxation time lattice Boltzmann method)、渠道之週期性山坡流場(periodic hill in the channel)、方管之週期性山坡流場(periodic hill in the duct)、曲面邊界(curve boundary)、層流(laminar flow)、紊流(turbulent flow)、圖型顯示卡(Graphics Processing Unit)、平行運算(parallel computing) 計算流體力... | ||||
109 | 應用單鬆弛... 應用單鬆弛時間熱晶格波茲曼法及圖形顯示卡叢集計算有熱傳的壓力驅動渠道流的噴流現象 (Simulations of thermal turbulent channel flow with wall transpiration using single-relaxation-time thermal lattice Boltzmann method on multi-GPU cluster) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.02 |
計算流體力學(CFD)、熱晶格波茲曼法(thermal lattice Boltzmann method)、單鬆弛係數(single-relaxation-time)、紊流(turbulenct flow)、渠道流(channel flow)、反彈格式(halfway bounce-back)、圖形顯示卡(GPU)、平行運算(parallel computing)、噴流(turbulence) 計算流體力... | ||||
109 | 結合相場及... 結合相場及水平集方程應用於多圖形顯示卡叢集之兩相流演算法 (A phase-field coupled with level set method based on GPE solver for two-phase flow on GPU cluster) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.02 |
兩相流(Two-phase flow)、相場方程(Phase-filed)、水平集方程(Level-set)、弱可壓縮流(Weakly compressible flow)、多圖形顯示卡叢集(GPU-cluster) 兩相流(T... | ||||
109 | 使用多圖形... 使用多圖形處理器與晶格波茲曼法模擬萊利-泰勒不穩定性問題 (Simulations of Rayleigh-Taylor instability problems with Lattice Boltzmann Method on Multi-GPU Cluster) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.98 |
晶格波茲曼法(Lattice Boltzmann method)、多相流模型(Multiphase flow)、萊利-泰勒不穩定性(Rayleigh-Taylor instability)、圖形顯示卡(GPU) 晶格波茲曼... | ||||
109 | 結合 Au... 結合 AutoEncoder加速 Fractional step method的運算 (Accelerating Fractional step simulation with AutoEncoder) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩(提早入學) | 1.47 |
分步法(Fractional step method)、自動編碼器(AutoEncoder)、單板驅動空腔流(Lid-driven cavity flow)、帕松方程式(Poisson equation)、非監督式學習(Unsupervised learning) 分步法(F... | ||||
109 | 在圖形顯示... 在圖形顯示卡叢集上應用適應性網格加密晶格波茲曼法直接數值模擬壁面具噴流的平板渠道紊流 (Direct numerical simulations of turbulent channel flows with wall transpiration by utilizing adaptive mesh-refinement lattice Boltzmann methods on GPU cluster) | NTHU NDLTD | 博 | 7.94 |
晶格波茲曼法(Lattice Boltzmann method(LBM))、多鬆弛時間(multi-relaxation-time(MRT))、適應性網格加密(adaptive mesh refinement(AMR))、圖形處理器(graphics processing unit(GPU))、平板渠道紊流(turbulent channel flow)、壁面噴流(wall transpiration)、直接數值模擬(direct numerical simulation(DNS)) 晶格波茲曼... | ||||
109 | 應用多圖形... 應用多圖形顯示卡叢集與晶格波茲曼法模擬液滴碰撞之研究 (Numerical simulation of droplet collision with two-phase lattice Boltzmann method on multi-GPU cluster) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.48 |
液滴碰撞(droplet collision)、晶格波茲曼法(lattice Boltzmann method)、Cahn-Hilliard 方程(Cahn-Hilliard equation)、圖形顯示卡(GPU) 液滴碰撞(... | ||||
108 | 應用質量守... 應用質量守恆晶格波茲曼法於圖形顯示卡叢集模擬週期性山坡流場 (Simulations of flows over periodic hills with mass conserving lattice Boltzmann method on multi-GPU cluster) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.00 |
計算流體力學(CFD)、晶格波茲曼法(lattice Boltzmann method)、多鬆弛係數(multiple-relaxation-time)、週期性山坡(periodic hills)、曲面邊界(curve boundary)、紊流(turbulence)、質量守恆(mass conserve)、反彈格式(halfway bounce-back)、圖形顯示卡(BFL)、平行運算(GPU) 計算流體力... | ||||
108 | 使用沉浸邊... 使用沉浸邊界法模擬果蠅翅膀的交互作用對飛行表現之影響 (Simulations of wing-wing interaction effects of insect wings on aerodynamic performance using immersed boundary method) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.06 |
沉浸邊界法(immersed boundary method)、微型飛行機械(micro air vehicle)、昆蟲飛行(insect-like flapping)、翼間交互作用(wing-wing interaction)、果蠅(fruit fly) 沉浸邊界法... | ||||
108 | 應用圖形處... 應用圖形處理器叢集與晶格波茲曼法模擬二相流問題 (Lattice Boltzmann simulation of two-phase flow on multi-GPU cluster) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.05 |
晶格波茲曼法(LatticeBoltzmannmethod)、Allen-Cahn模型(Allen-Cahnequation)、旋節分解(Spinodal decomposition)、圖形顯示卡(GPU) 晶格波茲曼... | ||||
107 | 使用沉浸邊... 使用沉浸邊界法分析移動物體之流場 (Simulation of flow around a moving object by immersed boundary method) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.98 |
沉浸邊界法(Immersed boundary method)、流固耦合(Fluid–structure interaction)、移動座標系統(Moving coordinate system)、渦流結構(Vortex structures)、掉落問題(Falling problem) 沉浸邊界法... | ||||
107 | 應用晶格波... 應用晶格波茲曼法於圖形顯示卡叢集對周期性山坡紊流進行直接數值模擬 (Direct numerical simulations of turbulent flows over periodic hill with Lattice Boltzmann method on multi-GPU cluster) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.97 |
晶格波茲曼法(LBM)、週期性山坡(Periodic hill)、紊流(turbulent flow)、圖形顯示卡(GPU) 晶格波茲曼... | ||||
107 | 應用GPU... 應用GPU叢集與顯式多重網格方法求解不可壓縮流動問題 (An explicit multigrid scheme using artificial compressibility method for the simulation of unsteady incompressible flows on multi-GPU cluster) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩(外籍生) | 0.83 |
人工壓縮方法(artificial compressibility method)、多重網格法(multigrid method)、多GPU(multi-GPU)、不可壓縮流動(incompressibility flow) 人工壓縮方... | ||||
107 | 使用沉浸邊... 使用沉浸邊界法與移動計算範圍於流固耦合問題之模擬 (The simulation of fluid and solid interaction problem using immersed boundary method and moving computational domain) | NTHU NDLTD | 博 | 6.81 |
沉浸邊界法(immersed boundary method)、矩陣解法(matrix solver)、平行處理(parallel computing)、高速運算(high performance computing)、移動計算範圍(moving domain method)、流固耦合(solid-fluid interaction problem) 沉浸邊界法... | ||||
107 | 湍流管道流... 湍流管道流動的特徵:實驗和直接數值模擬 (Characterisation of turbulent duct flows: experiments and direct numerical simulations) | NTHU NDLTD | 博 | 2.36 |
湍流(Turbulent flows)、管流(Duct flows) 湍流(Tu... | ||||
106 | 應用多圖形... 應用多圖形顯示卡叢集與晶格波茲曼法模擬單顆液滴撞擊液膜之研究 (Numerical simulation of a single droplet impact onto a liquid film using lattice Boltzmann method on multi-GPU cluster) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.96 |
晶格波茲曼法(Lattice Boltzmann method)、多相流模型(Multiphase flow)、液珠碰撞(Droplet impact)、圖形顯示卡(Allen-Cahn equation) 晶格波茲曼... | ||||
106 | 應用晶格波... 應用晶格波茲曼法及局部加密網格於圖型顯示卡叢集計算紊流平板流 (Lattice Boltzmann simulations of turbulent channel flows with local grid refinement on multi-GPU cluster) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.96 |
晶格波茲曼法(lattice Boltzmann method) 晶格波茲曼... | ||||
106 | 使用沉浸邊... 使用沉浸邊界法模擬翅膀運動方式對飛行表現之影響 (Simulations of wing kinematics on aerodynamic performance using immersed boundary method) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.96 |
沉浸邊界法(immersed boundary method)、微型飛行機械(micro air vehicle)、昆蟲飛行(insect-like flapping) 沉浸邊界法... | ||||
106 | 應用多鬆弛... 應用多鬆弛時間晶格波茲曼法模擬大範圍雷諾數下周期性山坡紊流流場 (MRT-LBM simulations of turbulent flows over periodic hills at different Reynolds numbers) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.96 |
晶格波茲曼法(Lattice Boltzmann method)、多鬆弛時間(MRT)、曲面邊界(curved boundary)、圖形顯示卡計算叢集(GPU cluster)、平行處理(MPI)、BFL邊界修正法(BFL method) 晶格波茲曼... | ||||
105 | 使用沉浸邊... 使用沉浸邊界法進行串聯翼相位偏移與中心距離對昆蟲飛行性能影響分析 (Performance Analyses on Tandem-wing Phase Shift and Center Distance for Insect Flight with Immersed Boundary Method) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩(外籍生) | 2.99 |
特徵正交分解(Proper Orthogonal Decomposition)、相位偏移(Phase Shift)、蜻蜓飛行(Dragonfly Flight)、渦旋結構(Vortex Structure) 特徵正交分... | ||||
105 | 一般型與改... 一般型與改良型薩沃紐斯風力機性能之實驗與數值模擬研究 (Wind Tunnel and Numerical Study of Conventional and Modified Savonius Wind Turbines) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩(外籍生) | 1.99 |
薩沃紐斯(Savonius)、垂直軸風力機(Bach)、實驗(Wind Turbine)、數值模擬(Experimental)、阻塞比(Numerical Simulation) 薩沃紐斯(... | ||||
105 | 使用沉浸邊... 使用沉浸邊界法模擬風力發電機流固耦合現象 (Simulating the flow-structure interaction of wind turbine using Immersed Boundary Method) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩(外籍生) | 1.99 |
流固耦合(Flow-Structure Interaction)、沉浸邊界法(Immersed Boundary Method)、風機(Wind Turbine)、能源效率(Power efficient) 流固耦合(... | ||||
105 | 應用多鬆弛... 應用多鬆弛時間晶格波茲曼法及圖形顯示卡叢集模擬周期性山坡紊流 (Simulations of turbulent flow over periodic hills with multiple-relaxation-time Lattice Boltzmann method on multi-GPU cluster) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.99 |
多鬆弛時間晶格波茲曼法(multiple-relaxation-time Lattice Boltzmann method)、圖形顯示卡叢集(multi-GPU cluster)、周期性山坡紊流(turbulent flow over periodic hills) 多鬆弛時間... | ||||
105 | 基於浸潤邊... 基於浸潤邊界法的流固耦合演算法研究 (Fluid-Structure Interaction Method Development with Immersed Boundary Method) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩(外籍生) | 0.99 |
流固耦合(fluid-solid interaction)、浸潤邊界法(immersed boundary method)、多重網格(multigrid)、彈性體(elastic solid) 流固耦合(... | ||||
105 | 使用多圖形... 使用多圖形顯示卡叢集與晶格波茲曼法模擬氣泡上升動力學問題 (Lattice Boltzmann Simulations of Bubbles Rising Dynamics on Multi-GPU Cluster) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.99 |
晶格波茲曼法(lattice Boltzmann method)、多相流模型(multi-phase)、高密度差(large density ratio)、假性速度(spurious velocity)、氣泡上升(Bubble rising)、圖形顯示卡(GPU) 晶格波茲曼... | ||||
105 | 應用晶格波... 應用晶格波茲曼法及局部加密網格於圖形顯示卡叢集計算平板流 (Simulation of channel flow with lattice Boltzmann method and local grid refinement on multi-GPU cluster) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.99 |
晶格波茲曼法(lattice Boltzmann method)、平板流(channel flow)、局部網格加密(local grid refinement)、圖形顯示卡(multi-block) 晶格波茲曼... | ||||
104 | 應用多圖形... 應用多圖形顯示卡叢集與晶格波茲曼法 計算高密度差之二相流問題 (Lattice Boltzmann Simulations of Two-phase Flow at High Density Ratio on Multi-GPU Cluster) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 暫無口試日期 |
晶格波茲曼法(lattice Boltzmann method;)、多相流模型(multi-phase model)、圖形顯示卡(GPU) 晶格波茲曼... | ||||
104 | Simul... Simulation of two and three-dimensional incompressible flows using artificial compressibility method (應用人工壓縮法計算二維及三維不可壓縮流流場) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩(外籍生) | 暫無口試日期 |
應用人工壓縮法(Artificial compressibility method)、不可壓縮流流場(Incompressible flow)、多重格點法(Multigrid method) 應用人工壓... | ||||
104 | 於圖形顯示... 於圖形顯示卡上應用晶格波茲曼法 及局部加密網格計算流場 (Simulation of fluid flow with Lattice Boltzmann method and local grid refinement on GPU) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 暫無口試日期 |
晶格波茲曼法(lattice Boltzmann method)、加密局部網格(GPU)、三維拉板驅動空穴(local grid refinement)、圖形顯示卡(lid driven cavity) 晶格波茲曼... | ||||
104 | 使用沉浸邊... 使用沉浸邊界法模擬流固耦合問題 (Simulations of flow and structure interaction using Immersed Boundary Method) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 暫無口試日期 |
沉浸邊界法(immersed boundary method) 沉浸邊界法... | ||||
104 | 應用單鬆弛... 應用單鬆弛時間熱晶格波茲曼法及圖形顯示卡叢集計算有熱傳的壓力驅動渠道流 (Simulations of thermal turbulent channel flow with single-relaxation-time thermal lattice Boltzmann method on multi-GPU cluster) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 暫無口試日期 |
晶格波茲曼法(lattice Boltzmann method)、圖形顯示卡(graphic processor unit)、渠道流(channel flow)、紊流(turbulent flow) 晶格波茲曼... | ||||
104 | 應用基因演... 應用基因演算法進行水平軸風力機性能之最佳化 (Optimize the performance of horizontal-axis wind turbine with adapting genetic algorithm) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 暫無口試日期 |
最佳化(optimization)、水平軸風力發電機(horizontal axis wind turbine)、基因演算法(Genetic Algorithm)、貝茲曲線(Bezier Curve)、年發電量(annual energy production) 最佳化(o... | ||||
103 | 使用沉浸邊... 使用沉浸邊界法探討不同尺寸交互作用之兩球體之DKT現象 (Investigation of the DKT Phenomenon of Two Different-size Interacting Spheres using Immersed-Boundary Method) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 暫無口試日期 |
DKT現象(DKT phenomenon)、沉浸邊界法(Immersed-boundary method) DKT現象... | ||||
103 | 應用多圖形... 應用多圖形顯示卡叢集以單鬆弛時間與熵晶格波茲曼法計算方管紊流 (Turbulent Duct Flow Simulations with Single-Relaxation Time and Entropic Lattice Boltzmann Method on Multi-GPU Cluster) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 暫無口試日期 |
紊流(turbulence)、晶格波茲曼法(turbulent flow)、圖形顯示卡計算(CUDA) 紊流(tu... | ||||
102 | 以晶格波茲... 以晶格波茲曼法預測壁面上不同邊界條件對微流道內流場的影響 (Influence of boundary condition in the prediction of microchannel flow with Lattice Boltzmann Method) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 暫無口試日期 |
晶格波茲曼(LBM)、微流道(Stops' wall function)、過渡流(transition) 晶格波茲曼... | ||||
102 | 沉浸邊界法... 沉浸邊界法結合平行化疊代求解器於移動邊界問題之數值分析 (Numerical Simulations of the Immersed Boundary Formulation with a Parallel Iterative Solver for Flow with Moving Boundary) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 暫無口試日期 |
沉浸邊界法(Immersed boundary method)、固體施力(solid-body forcing)、物體掉落(falling objects) 沉浸邊界法... | ||||
102 | 應用二維切... 應用二維切割和多圖形顯示卡叢集電腦於晶格波茲曼法數值模擬 (Implementation of Lattice Boltzmann method simulations on multi-GPU cluster using two-dimensional domain decomposition) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 暫無口試日期 |
GPU GPU... | ||||
102 | 應用不同界... 應用不同界面捕捉方程式於三維晶格波茲曼法模擬液珠於平面與微結構表面之行為 (Simulation of Droplet Resting on Flat and Micro-structured Surface by Lattice Boltzmann Method with Different Interface Capturing Equations) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 暫無口試日期 |
晶格波茲曼法(lattice Boltzmann method)、多相流模型(multi-phase model)、濕潤性控制(wettability control)、表面粗糙度(roughness surface)、修正後Allen-Cahn方程式(revised Allen-Cahn equation)、Cahn-Hilliard方程式(Cahn-Hilliard equation) 晶格波茲曼... | ||||
102 | 應用熵晶格... 應用熵晶格波茲曼法與大渦數值模擬分析方管內紊流流場 (Large Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Square Duct Flow with Entropic Lattice Boltzmann Method) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 暫無口試日期 |
熵晶格波茲曼法(Entropic lattice Boltzmann method)、大渦數值模擬(Large eddy simulation) 熵晶格波茲... | ||||
102 | 有無外加導... 有無外加導流板對於一般型與改良型薩沃紐斯風力機之性能的影響探討 (The Performance Study of Conventional and Modified Savonius Wind Turbines with and without Deflectors) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 暫無口試日期 |
薩沃紐斯、風力機 薩沃紐斯、... | ||||
101 | 應用多重鬆... 應用多重鬆弛時間晶格波茲曼法與大渦數值模擬分析方管內紊流流場 (Analysis of Turbulent Flow in Square Duct by using Multiple-Relaxation Time Lattice Boltzmann Method and Large Eddy Simulation) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 暫無口試日期 |
晶格波茲曼法(lattice Boltzmann method)、大渦數值模擬(large eddy simulation)、方管(square duct)、壓力驅動流(Poiseuille flow)、紊流(turbulence) 晶格波茲曼... | ||||
101 | 晶格波爾茲... 晶格波爾茲曼方法應用於多圖形顯示卡計算 (Lattice Boltzmann model with multi-GPU implementation) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 暫無口試日期 |
晶格波茲曼(LBM)、圖形顯示卡計算(GPU) 晶格波茲曼... | ||||
101 | 利用晶格波... 利用晶格波爾茲曼方法模擬微結構表面對液滴的影響 (Simulation of Structure Effects on Droplet Using Lattice Boltzmann Method) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 暫無口試日期 |
晶格波茲曼 晶格波茲曼... | ||||
101 | 三維驅動拉... 三維驅動拉板之空穴使用平行化的多級預處理疊代的壓力波松求解器 (A parallel multilevel preconditioned iterative pressure Poisson solver for 3D lid-driven cavity) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 暫無口試日期 |
拉板(lid)、平行化(parallel)、多級處理(multilevel)、壓力波松(Poisson)、紊流(turbulence) 拉板(li... |