畢業學年度 | 論文標題 | 連結 | 學位 | 畢業時長(years) |
關鍵字 | ||||
109 | 以閉環式深... 以閉環式深腦電刺激治療帕金森氏症之高效演算法與其硬體實現 (Computationally-efficient algorithms and hardware implementation for treating the Parkinson's disease by closed-loop deep brain stimulation) | NTHU NDLTD | 博 | 7.61 |
帕金森氏病(Parkinson's Disease)、異常同步高電壓震盪(High-Voltage Spindles)、閉環 深部腦刺激(Closed-Loop Deep Brain Stimulation)、卡尔曼滤波(Kalman Filter)、脑机界面(Brain-Machine Interface)、神经调节(Neuromodulation) 帕金森氏病... | ||||
109 | 以運動皮質... 以運動皮質區神經活性為指標改善治療帕金森氏症的深腦刺激術的刺激方式 (Neuron activity in motor cortex serves as an indicator to improve the stimulation pattern of deep brain stimulation in Parkinson’s disease) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.49 |
帕金森氏症(Parkinson's disease)、運動皮質(motor cortex)、深腦刺激(deep brain stimulation) 帕金森氏症... | ||||
106 | 植物乳桿菌... 植物乳桿菌PS128藉由與左旋多巴胺及深腦刺激不同機制緩和帕金森氏症 (Lactobacillus plantarum PS128 Alleviates Parkinson’s Disease by Different Mechanisms from DBS and Levodopa Treatments) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.98 |
深腦刺激(Deep brain stimulation)、植物乳桿菌PS128(Lactobacillus plantarum PS128)、左旋多巴胺(Levodopa)、單側誘導帕金森氏症大鼠(hemi-Parkinson)、精神益生菌(Psychobiotics) 深腦刺激(... | ||||
105 | 以巴金森氏... 以巴金森氏模式鼠運動皮質之不正常訊號為指標,探討生物製劑及閉循環腦深層刺激控制器的功效 (Abnormal Signals are Suppressed by Bioreagent and Closed-loop STN-DBS in Hemi-Parkinsonian Rats’ Motor Cortex) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.99 |
帕金森氏症(Parkinson disease)、生物製劑(Bioregent) 帕金森氏症... |