畢業學年度 | 論文標題 | 連結 | 學位 | 畢業時長(years) |
關鍵字 | ||||
112 | 基於生成對... 基於生成對抗式網路之印刷瑕疵檢測研究 (Print Defect Detection Research Based On Generative Adversarial Networks) | NTHU | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
生成對抗式網路(Generative Adversarial Network (GAN))、異常檢測(Anomaly Detection) 生成對抗式... | ||||
112 | 基於深度學... 基於深度學習之快速三維表面形貌拼接 (Faster 3D Surface Topography Stitching Based on Deep Learning) | NTHU | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
表面形貌(Surface topography)、影像拼接(Image stitching)、深度學習(Deep learning)、機器學習(Machine learning) 表面形貌(... | ||||
112 | 基於雷射異... 基於雷射異質材料焊接成長奈米碳管陣列之場發射性能研究 (Study on Field Emission Characteristics of Growing Carbon Nanotube Arrays Based on Laser Welding of Dissimilar Materials) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.47 |
雷射異質材料焊接(Laser welding of dissimilar materials)、奈米碳管(Carbon nanotubes)、場發射(Field emission)、圖案化(Patterning)、石英基板(Quartz substrate) 雷射異質材... | ||||
112 | 基於液滴分... 基於液滴分布圖案探討紫外光奈米壓印技術之填充性研究 (Research on the Fillability of UV Nanoimprinting Lithography based on Droplet Distribution Patterns) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.46 |
液滴分布(Droplet distribution)、大面積拼接(large-area splicing)、紫外光壓印(UV imprinting)、晝光導光(Sunlight guiding) 液滴分布(... | ||||
112 | 提升PC/... 提升PC/ASA高分子混摻物的力學性質與抗紫外老化性質之研究 (Study of Mechanical Properties and UV Ageing Resistance of PC/ASA Blends) | NTHU NDLTD | 博 | 5.41 |
力學性能(mechanical properties)、微觀形貌分析(microstructural analysis)、抗老化(anti-ageing)、改性納米碳管(modified carbon nanotubes)、還原氧化石墨烯(reduced graphene oxide)、UV-P(UV-P)、紫外線老化(ultraviolet irradiation)、抗腐蝕(corrosion) 力學性能(... | ||||
111 | 基於強化學... 基於強化學習的金屬積層製造之疊層優化 (Parameter Policy of Manufacturing Process for 3D Printing of Metals Using Reinforcement Learning) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩(外籍生) | 無口試日期 |
強化學習(Reinforcement Learning)、人工智慧(Artificial Intelligence)、3D列印(3D printing)、積層製造(Additive Manufacturing)、影像拼接(Image Stitching)、邊緣檢測(Edge detection) 強化學習(... | ||||
111 | 基於強化學... 基於強化學習於陶瓷互連元件之雷射加工參數研究 (A Study of Laser Processing Parameters for Ceramic Interconnect Devices Based on Reinforcement Learning) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.99 |
雷射加工(Laser processing)、陶瓷互連元件(Ceramic interconnect devices)、影像處理(Digital image processing)、強化學習(Reinforcement learning)、參數優化(Process parameters optimization) 雷射加工(... | ||||
111 | 針印自動化... 針印自動化異常檢測之研究 (Study on Anomaly Detection for Probe Mark Automatic Inspection) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.99 |
針印檢測(Probe Mark Inspection)、深度學習(Deep Learning)、影像分割(Image Segmentation)、異常檢測(Anomaly Detection) 針印檢測(... | ||||
111 | 基於包覆性... 基於包覆性複合材料之高效能磁流變彈性膠體製作與特性研究 (Study on process and characteristics of high performance magnetorheological elastic device based on core-shell structure composite material) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.99 |
磁流變彈性體(Pressurized conductive rubber)、導電壓縮膠體(Fullerene)、富勒烯碳(Magnetic field)、磁場(Semiconductor assembly and test)、半導體封測(undefined) 磁流變彈性... | ||||
111 | 應用生成式... 應用生成式對抗網路於深度強化學習之機械手臂虛實整合研究 (Study on Sim-to-Real system of robotic arm using deep reinforcement learning with generative adversarial networks) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.99 |
生成式對抗網路(Generative Adversarial Networks)、強化學習(Reinforcement Learning)、機械手臂(Robotic arm)、虛實整合(Sim-to-Real) 生成式對抗... | ||||
111 | 雷射定義圖... 雷射定義圖樣之碳系複合材料特性研究 (A study on the characteristics of laser defined pattern designed carbon-based composite material) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩逕博 | 8.94 |
雷射(Laser)、微波化學氣相沉積法(MPCVD)、奈米碳片球(CNFB)、場發射(Field Emission)、圖樣定義(Pattern-Designed) 雷射(La... | ||||
111 | 影像處理於... 影像處理於果蠅社交行為監測之研究 (Study on social behavior monitoring in Drosophila by image processing) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩逕博 | 10.47 |
社交行為(Social interaction)、果蠅(Drosophila)、嗅覺突變(Orco mutant)、視覺突變(White mutant) 社交行為(... | ||||
110 | 基於雙向語... 基於雙向語言模型之法律諮詢系統 (Law Consultation System Based on Bidirectional Language Model) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.99 |
自然語言處理(Natural language processing)、預訓練語言模型(Pre-trained language model)、法律條文(Statute)、判決(Legal case)、智慧財產權(Intellectual property right) 自然語言處... | ||||
110 | 基於氧化石... 基於氧化石墨烯結合片狀富鋅環氧複合材料之抗腐蝕塗層 (Corrosion-resistant composite material based on graphene oxide and modified flaky epoxy zinc-rich coating) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.96 |
環氧樹脂(Epoxy resin)、片狀鋅粉末(Flake zinc powder)、片狀鋅粉末(Graphene oxide) 環氧樹脂(... | ||||
110 | 基於雷射加... 基於雷射加工製備奈米碳管場發射針尖陣列暨研究場發射陣列之特性 (Fabrication of Carbon Nanotube Field Emission Tip Array Based on Laser Processing and Research on the Characteristics of Field Emission Array) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.96 |
奈米碳管(Carbon nanotubes)、場發射(Field emission)、雷射(Laser) 奈米碳管(... | ||||
110 | 適用強化學... 適用強化學習的數位孿生六軸機械手臂研究 (Digital Twin Study of Six-DoF Robotic Arm by Reinforcement Learning) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.96 |
機器學習(Machine Learning)、機械手臂(Robotic Arm)、機械控制(Control)、人工智慧(Artificial Intelligent)、數位孿生(Digital Twin) 機器學習(... | ||||
110 | 基於自編碼... 基於自編碼器變形之影像異常檢測 (Image Anomaly Detection Based on Deformed Autoencoder) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.96 |
機器學習(Machine Learning)、深度學習(Deep Learning)、異常檢測(Anomaly Detection) 機器學習(... | ||||
110 | 基於深度學... 基於深度學習與三維立體資訊之機械手臂夾取 (Robot grasping based on deep learning and three-dimensional information) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.96 |
機械手臂(robotic arm)、機械手臂夾取(robot grasp)、手眼校正(hand eye calibration)、點雲匹配(point cloud registration) 機械手臂(... | ||||
110 | 鹽溶液低溫... 鹽溶液低溫應用吸收式能源循環 (Absorption power cycle with aqueous salt solution for low temperature heat utilization) | NTHU NDLTD | 博 | 5.84 |
吸收式製冷(Absorption chiller)、卡林那循環(Kalina cycle)、吸收式動力循環(absorption power cycle)、低溫(low temperature)、廢熱回收(waste heat recovery)、實驗(experimental)、溫度驟降(temperature glide)、LiBr(LiBr)、概念驗證(proof of concept)、膨脹機(expander)、3d列印(additive manufacturing) 吸收式製冷... | ||||
109 | 以雷射誘發... 以雷射誘發金屬化技術製備可撓性觸覺感測器研究 (Study of Flexible Tactile Sensor Fabricated by Laser Induced Metallization) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩(外籍生) | 1.97 |
雷射誘發金屬化(LIM)、可撓性(Flexible)、觸覺感測器(Tactile Sensor)、雷射(Laser)、化鍍(Electroless Plating) 雷射誘發金... | ||||
109 | 基於片狀羰... 基於片狀羰基鐵粉與還原氧化石墨烯製備功能性電磁波屏蔽材料 (Study on Fabrication of Functional Electromagnetic Shielding Material Based on Flake Carbonyl Iron Powder and Reduced Graphene Oxide) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.97 |
電磁波屏蔽(Electromagnetic shielding)、片狀羰基鐵粉(Flake carbonyl iron powder)、還原氧化石墨烯(Reduced graphene oxide)、抗腐蝕(Anti-corrosion) 電磁波屏蔽... | ||||
109 | 基於基因演... 基於基因演算法之晝光導光幾何結構最佳化 (Optimization of Sunlight Guide Geometric Structure using Genetic Algorithm) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.97 |
基因演算法(genetic algorithm)、導光結構(sunlight guiding structure)、導光系統(daylighting system)、幾何最佳化(geometric optimization) 基因演算法... | ||||
109 | 以生成對抗... 以生成對抗網路產生特定瑕疵類別之掃描式電子顯微鏡影像 (Specific Defect Generation of Scanning Electron Microscope Images by Using Generative Adversarial Networks) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.97 |
影像擴增(Image augmentation)、生成對抗網路(Generative adversarial network)、影像轉譯(Image translation)、瑕疵檢測(Defect detection)、掃描式電子顯微鏡影像(Scanning electron microscope images)、邊緣特徵(Edge feature) 影像擴增(... | ||||
109 | 基於卷積神... 基於卷積神經網絡之表面瑕疵偵測系統 (Detection System of Surface Defects Based on Convolutional Neural Network Method) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.97 |
表面瑕疵偵測(defect_detection)、卷積神經網絡(neural_network) 表面瑕疵偵... | ||||
109 | 化學氣相沈... 化學氣相沈積法製備可紡奈米碳管陣列研究 (Study on the spinnable carbon nanotube arrays prepared by chemical vapor deposition) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩(外籍生) | 2.96 |
可紡奈米碳管陣列(spinnable carbon nanotube arrays)、化學氣系沈積法(Chemical vapor deposition)、二茂鐵蒸發溫度(Ferrocene evaporation temperature)、田口法(Taguchi Method)、變異數分析(Analysis of variance) 可紡奈米碳... | ||||
109 | 基於影像處... 基於影像處理與強化學習的金屬電弧積層製造之研究 (Study on Wire and Arc Additive Manufacturing of Metals Using Image Processing and Reinforcement Learning) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.35 |
金屬電弧積層製造(Wire and arc additive manufacturing)、強化學習(Image processing)、影像處理(Reinforcement learning) 金屬電弧積... | ||||
109 | 基於奈米碳... 基於奈米碳片球製作力量感測器之研究 (Study on Fabrication of Force Transducer Based on Carbon Nano-Flake Balls) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩(外籍生) | 2.25 |
奈米碳片球(carbon nano-flake balls)、微波電漿化學氣相沉積(MPCVD)、力量感測器(force sensor)、電阻值(resistivity)、靈敏度(sensitivity) 奈米碳片球... | ||||
109 | 奈米碳管/... 奈米碳管/形狀記憶高分子複合材料之研究及於無線蠕蟲致動器應用 (Study on carbon nanotube/shape memory polymer composites and its applications in wireless worm actuator) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.13 |
奈米碳管(carbon nanotube)、微波(microwave)、形狀記憶高分子複合材料(shape memory polymer composite) 奈米碳管(... | ||||
108 | 錫鉍合金線... 錫鉍合金線材熔融積層製造之截面輪廓變化與拉伸應力研究 (Study on the relationship between the tensile stress and the cross-section profile of fused Sn-Bi alloy filament deposition manufacturing) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.98 |
積層製造(Additive manufacturing)、數值模擬(Numerical simulation)、錫鉍合金(Sn-Bi alloy)、截面輪廓(Cross-section profile) 積層製造(... | ||||
108 | 基於影像處... 基於影像處理與機器學習對影像之字元印刷瑕疵檢測研究 (Printed character defects inspection research on image based on image processing and machine learning) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.98 |
影像處理(image processing)、機器學習(machine learning)、光學字元驗證(optical character verification) 影像處理(... | ||||
107 | 基於強化學... 基於強化學習建立機械手臂之速度規劃 (The Robotic Arm Velocity Planning Based on Reinforcement Learning) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.97 |
強化學習(Reinforcement learning)、速度曲線規劃(Velocity planning)、機械手臂(Robotic arm) 強化學習(... | ||||
107 | 基於強化學... 基於強化學習建立多光源之打光策略以檢測多型態缺陷面積 (Formulation of Multi-Light Source Lighting Strategy Based on Reinforcement Learning to Detect Multi-Type Defect Area) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.97 |
自動化光學檢測(Automatic optical inspection)、多光源打光策略(Multi-light source lighting strategy)、影像處理(Image processing)、強化學習(Reinforcement learning) 自動化光學... | ||||
107 | 以雷射前處... 以雷射前處理探討奈米碳片球之成長機制 (Study on the Growth Mechanism of Carbon Nano-Flake Balls by Laser Pretreatment) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.96 |
奈米碳片球(CNFB)、成長機制(Growth Mechanism)、雷射(Laser) 奈米碳片球... | ||||
107 | 奈米碳管/... 奈米碳管/氧化鋁雙層薄片之場發射性質及其手持式電漿產生器應用研究 (Study on Field Emission Properties of Carbon Nanotube/Al2O3 Double-layer Sheet and its Application for Handheld Plasma Generator) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.96 |
奈米碳管(Carbon Nanotube)、場發射(Field Emission)、常壓電漿(Atmospheric Plasma) 奈米碳管(... | ||||
107 | 超奈米晶鑽... 超奈米晶鑽石奈米碳管雙層材料之場發射特性應用於手持式常壓電漿產生器研究 (Study on field emission properties of UNCD/CNTs double-layered materials and the application for handheld atmospheric pressure plasma generator) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.96 |
場發射(field emission)、奈米碳管(carbon nanotubes)、超奈米晶鑽石(ultrananocrystalline diamond)、常壓電漿(atmospheric pressure plasma) 場發射(f... | ||||
107 | 應用熱壓製... 應用熱壓製程及表面改質方法改善奈米碳材/碳纖維/共聚物高分子複合材料積層板之分散性補強機械性質及扭轉疲勞壽命之研究 (Investigation of the Hot-press Process and Surface Modification Method to Reinforce Mechanical Strength and Torsional Fatigue Life of Nanocomposite Laminates Through Improving the Dispersibility of Nanofiller) | NTHU NDLTD | 博 | 6.96 |
氧代氮代苯并環己烷(Polybenzoxazine)、奈米石墨烯片(Graphene nanosheets)、多壁奈米碳管(Multi-wall Carbon nanotubes)、積層板(Laminates)、表面改質(Surface Modification)、扭轉疲勞壽命(Torsional Fatigue Life)、共聚物高分子(co-polymer) 氧代氮代苯... | ||||
107 | 奈米碳系複... 奈米碳系複合材料製作與場發射特性研究 (Fabrication and Field Emission Characteristics of Carbon-Based Nano Composite Materials) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩逕博 | 6.33 |
奈米碳管(carbon nanotube)、奈米碳片球(carbon nano-flake ball)、奈米結構碳材料(nanostructured carbon material)、微米鑽石/奈米碳管雙層材料(microcrystalline diamond/carbon nanotube double-layered)、奈米碳片球/奈米碳管複合材料(carbon nano-flake ball/carbon nanotube hybrid)、場發射(field emission) 奈米碳管(... | ||||
107 | 自動化細胞... 自動化細胞繼代培養系統 (Automated Cell Culture System) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.10 |
自動化(Automated)、繼代培養(Cell culture)、樹莓派(Raspberry Pi)、物聯網(Internet of Things)、影像處理(Image Processing) 自動化(A... | ||||
106 | 智慧仿生義... 智慧仿生義肢設計與深度學習之複合手指及手腕動作肌電圖分析辨識與控制 (Intelligent Robotic Hand Design and Control with Analysis and Classification of EMG Signals of Multi-Finger and Wrist Motion Using Deep Learning) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.99 |
肌電圖(Electromyography)、深度學習(Deep learning)、仿生假肢(Intelligent prosthetics) 肌電圖(E... | ||||
106 | 基於影像處... 基於影像處理及深度學習實現自動光學檢測影像的缺陷分類 (Automatic defects classification from AOI images based on image processing and deep learning) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.96 |
自動光學檢測(AOI)、影像處理(image processing)、深度學習(deep learning)、自動化製程(automatic process) 自動光學檢... | ||||
106 | 微波電漿化... 微波電漿化學氣相沉積法成長奈米碳管於微波加熱之升溫影響研究 (Study on the microwave heating effect of carbon nanotubes fabricated by MPCVD) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.95 |
奈米碳管(Carbon nanotubes)、微波加熱升溫曲線(Microwave induced-heating)、微波電漿化學氣相沉積法(Temperature curves)、九水硝酸鐵(Microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition) 奈米碳管(... | ||||
105 | 基於電腦視... 基於電腦視覺技術發展籃球競賽之球員狀態數據獲取系統 (Developing Player Status Data Acquisition System in Basketball Competition based on Computer Vision Technology) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
人物偵測(human detection)、人物動作辨識(human action recognition)、籃球球員追蹤(basketball player tracking)、籃球球員數據分析(player status data analysis) 人物偵測(... | ||||
105 | 於高速移動... 於高速移動載具行進間利用多相機影像處理建立即時二維鳥瞰模型 (Establishing Real Time Two Dimensional Aerial View Model Using Multiple Camera Image Processing On High Speed Moving Vehicle) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.00 |
車輛(vehicle)、追蹤(tracking)、日間(daytime)、夜間(night)、車道(lane)、辨識(recognition) 車輛(ve... | ||||
105 | 使用影像處... 使用影像處理技術實現三維工件之外型缺陷檢測 (3-Dimensional Defect Inspection of Workpieces Profile by Digital Image Processing) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.00 |
三維工件檢測(3D workpieces inspection)、缺陷檢測(defect detection)、影像處理(image processing)、系統整合(system integration) 三維工件檢... | ||||
105 | 以微波電漿... 以微波電漿化學氣相沉積法進行單一步驟成長奈米碳混合材料之場發射研究 (Study on field emission characteristics of hybrid nano-carbon materials fabricated by MPCVD in one step) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.99 |
場發射(field emission)、奈米碳片(carbon nano-flake)、成長機制(growth mechanism)、奈米碳片球(carbon nano-flake ball)、化學氣相沉積法(Microwave Plasma Chemical Vapor Deposition) 場發射(f... | ||||
105 | 微波電漿輔... 微波電漿輔助化學氣相沉積法成長碳材料應用於場發射手持式常壓電漿產生裝置之設計研究 (Study on the field emission enhanced handheld atmospheric pressure plasma jet based on nano-carbon materials by MPCVD) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.99 |
微波電漿化學氣相沉積法(Microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition)、奈米碳材料(Carbon nanomaterials)、場發射(Field emission)、常壓電漿(Atmospheric plasma)、電漿裝置(Plasma device)、表面處理(Surface treatment) 微波電漿化... | ||||
105 | 基於奈米碳... 基於奈米碳材料場發射特性所設計之手持式常壓電漿產生系統 (Development of handheld atmospheric pressure plasma generated system based on field emission characteristic of nano-carbon materials) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.99 |
電泳沉積(electrophoretic deposition)、場發射(field emission)、常壓電漿(atmospheric plasma)、表面處理(surface treatment) 電泳沉積(... | ||||
105 | 具定位與解... 具定位與解碼功能之影像系統與其於高精度影像量測之應用 (Image processing system with positioning and decoding function and its application in high precision image measurement) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.96 |
影像處理(image process)、定位(positioning)、解碼(decoding)、機器視覺(machine vision)、影像尺(image scale) 影像處理(... | ||||
105 | 基於影像處... 基於影像處理與電腦視覺運用特徵點建立具定位與量測功能之影像系統 (Image System Development on Positioning and Measurement by Feature Point based on Image Processing and Computer Vision) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.96 |
影像處理(image process)、特徵點(feature point)、影像定位(image positioning)、彈性特徵影像尺(flexible feature image scale)、量測(measurement)、機器視覺(computer vision) 影像處理(... | ||||
105 | 氧化鉻薄膜... 氧化鉻薄膜在可見光與近紅外光波段光學特性之研究 (Study on optical properties of chromium oxide film in visible light and near infrared region) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.26 |
氧化鉻(Chromium oxide)、消光係數(Extinction coefficient)、穿透率(Transmittance)、單層吸收膜(Monolayer absorbing film)、衰減濾光片(Neutral density filter)、離子源助鍍(Ion beam assisted deposition) 氧化鉻(C... | ||||
104 | 積層製造熔... 積層製造熔融沉積成型製程影像監控之研究 (Image Monitoring Study On Fused Deposition Modeling(FDM) Fabrication Process) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
積層製造(Additive Manufacturing)、熔融沉積成型(Fused Deposition Modeling)、影像監控(undefined) 積層製造(... | ||||
104 | 製造參數與... 製造參數與環境因子對碳纖/環氧樹脂複合材料機械性質的影響 (The Effect of Manufacturing Parameters and Environmental Factors on Mechanical Properties of Carbon Fiber/Epoxy Composites) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
碳纖複合材料(carbon composite)、機械性質(Mechanical properties)、高濕度(high humidity) 碳纖複合材... | ||||
104 | 在著色器中... 在著色器中實作基於力學模型之虛擬塑形系統 (Implementation of Mechanics-based Virtual Sculpturing System in Shader) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
電腦圖學(Computer Graphic)、虛擬實境(Virtual Reality)、虛擬塑形(Virtual Sculpturing) 電腦圖學(... | ||||
104 | 飛秒雷射誘... 飛秒雷射誘導表面週期性結構於STAVAX與其鍍鎳表面之研究 (The Study on Femtosecond Laser Induced Periodic Surface Structures (FLIPSS) on STAVAX and Ni-coated STAVAX) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
飛秒雷射誘導表面週期結構(Femtosecond laser-induced periodic surface structure)、金屬微結構模具(Metal sub-microstructure template)、飛秒雷射表面處理(Femtosecond laser surface modification)、熱壓印(Hot-embossing)、射出成形轉印(Injection molding) 飛秒雷射誘... | ||||
104 | 奈米複合材... 奈米複合材料薄膜與板材之奈米補強效應之研究 (Investigation of Improvement on Nano Materials for Film and Bulk Composites) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
氧代氮代苯并環己烷樹脂(Benzoxazine)、環氧樹脂(Epoxy)、奈米碳管(Carbon nanotube)、石墨烯片(Graphene nanoplates)、板材(Bulk)、薄膜(Film)、複合材料(Composite)、碳纖維積層板(Carbon fiber reinforced polymer)、機械性質(Mechanical properties)、扭轉疲勞(Torsion fatigue) 氧代氮代苯... | ||||
104 | 微波電漿化... 微波電漿化學氣相沉積法合成奈米碳材料複合鑽石薄膜之場發射特性研究 (Study on field emission characteristic of nano-carbon material/diamond composite films synthesized by MPCVD) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
場發射(field emission)、奈米碳管(carbon nanotube)、奈米碳片球(carbon nanoflake ball)、奈米晶體鑽石薄膜(nanocrystalline diamond film)、化學氣相沉積法(chemical vapor deposition)、溶膠凝膠法(sol-gel process) 場發射(f... | ||||
104 | 奈米銀線/... 奈米銀線/石墨烯之複材製備、熱電性質暨機械性質之研究 (The investigations of preparing, thermal, electrical, and mechanical properties of silver nanowires/graphene nanocomposites) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
奈米銀線(Silver nanowire)、Benzoxazine 樹脂(Benzoxazine)、石墨烯(Graphene)、複合材料(Nanocomposite)、聲子(Mechanical properties)、機械性質(Fatigue)、疲勞(Phonon) 奈米銀線(... | ||||
104 | 奈米碳管接... 奈米碳管接枝4, 4-二異氰酸二苯甲烷/碳纖維/共聚物高分子之機械性質暨疲勞行為 (Investigation of Mechanical Properties and Fatigue Behavior of 4, 4’-Methylenediphenyl diisocyanate grafted Carbon Nanotubes / Copolymer / Carbon Fiber Reinforced Laminated Composite) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
改質奈米碳管(Chemical modified carbon nanotubes)、環氧樹脂(Epoxy)、氧代氮代苯并還己烷(Benzoxazine)、碳纖維(Carbon fiber)、機械性質(Mechanical properties)、疲勞行為(Fatigue behavior)、複合材料(Composite) 改質奈米碳... | ||||
104 | 電漿處理對... 電漿處理對於奈米碳管/鑽石針尖陣列複合之場發射性質研究 (Field emission characteristics of plasma treated carbon nanotubes on diamond tip arrays) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
場發射(field emission)、奈米碳管(carbon nanotubes)、鑽石針尖陣列(diamond tip arrays)、電漿處理(plasma treatment) 場發射(f... | ||||
103 | 利用低電壓... 利用低電壓壓電材料設計一具大範圍的XY平台至微奈米之應用 (Design of a low voltage XY positioning stage using a piezo disk with large scanning range for micro/nano application) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩(外籍生) | 無口試日期 |
壓電致動器(Piezoelectric actuator)、微米移動平台(Micro positioning stage) 壓電致動器... | ||||
103 | 鑽石薄膜複... 鑽石薄膜複合垂直寡層石墨之場發射特性研究 (Field Emission Characteristic Study on Vertical Few-layer Graphite/Diamond Composite Film) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
場發射(field emission)、垂直寡層石墨(vertical few-layer graphite)、微奈米鑽石(microcrystalline and ultrananocrystalline diamond)、八角錐體針尖(octagonal cone)、場增益因子(field enhancement factor) 場發射(f... | ||||
102 | 果蠅種類影... 果蠅種類影像辨識及群組互動監測研究 (Study on Species Classification of Drosophila and Monitoring of Interactions within Groups) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
果蠅(Drosophila)、影像分類(Image Classification)、群組互動(Interactions within Groups) 果蠅(Dr... | ||||
101 | 小球藻超音... 小球藻超音波破壁實驗與數值分析 (Cell-wall Fracture Study on Chlorella pyrenoidosa by Sonication Method and Numerical Analysis) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
微藻類(Microalgae)、超音波震盪(Sonication)、細胞破壞(Cell disruption)、空蝕現象(Cavitation) 微藻類(M... | ||||
101 | 化學氣相沉... 化學氣相沉積法合成片狀奈米微晶石墨薄膜場發射特性之研究 (Study on field emission characteristics of flake-like nanocrystalline graphite films fabricated by CVD method) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
化學氣相沉積(CVD)、場發射(field emission)、奈米微晶石墨(nanocrystalline graphite) 化學氣相沉... | ||||
101 | 晶圓級顯微... 晶圓級顯微影像之樣板比對研究 (Study on Template Matching of Microscopic Image at Wafer Level) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
樣板比對(template matching)、特徵描述器(feature descriptor)、關鍵點(keypoint)、旋轉不變(rotation-invariant) 樣板比對(... | ||||
101 | 使用加入空... 使用加入空間資訊之形狀內容特徵應用於自然場景中字元辨識 (Using Shape context with Spatial Information for Character Recognition in Natural Images) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
形狀內容(Shape contexts)、自然場景影像(Natural scene images)、數字辨識(character recognition)、空間資訊(spatial information) 形狀內容(... |