畢業學年度 | 論文標題 | 連結 | 學位 | 畢業時長(years) |
關鍵字 | ||||
112 | 基於虛擬實... 基於虛擬實境之正面心理意象訓練對面試情境焦慮與自我效能之影響 (The Effects of VR-Based Positive Mental Imagery on Interview Anxiety and Self-Efficacy) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.60 |
虛擬實境(virtual reality)、心理意象(mental imagery)、社交焦慮(social anxiety)、面試焦慮(interview anxiety)、面試自我效能(interview self-efficacy) 虛擬實境(... | ||||
112 | 群際接觸於... 群際接觸於虛擬實境降低物種主義及肉類消費意願之探討 (Exploring the Effects of Intergroup Contact in Virtual Reality on Reducing Speciesism and Meat Consumption Intentions) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.24 |
認知失調(Cognitive dissonance)、群際接觸(Intergroup contact)、減少肉食(Meat reduction)、物種主義(Speciesism)、虛擬實境(Virtual reality) 認知失調(... | ||||
111 | 探索虛擬世... 探索虛擬世界中的偏見對抗:虛擬和面對面互動中受測者對偏見對抗之反應差異 (Explore prejudice confrontation in a virtual world: Reactions to prejudice confrontation in virtual and face-to-face interaction) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 3.76 |
偏見對抗(prejudice confrontation)、虛擬實境(virtual reality)、面對面互動(face-to-face interaction)、衝突(conflict) 偏見對抗(... | ||||
110 | 透過情境式... 透過情境式虛擬科技與換位體驗培養醫學生同理心之初探研究 (Preliminary research of empathy education in medical students through virtual scenario experience and perspective taking) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.34 |
同理教育(empathy education)、精神疾病(mental illness)、情境式設計(scenario design)、虛擬體驗(virtual experience)、換位思考(perspective taking) 同理教育(... | ||||
109 | 以虛擬實境... 以虛擬實境為媒介探討不同框架效應下強化環保行為之因素 (Investigating Factors Promoting Pro-Environmental Behaviors under Framing Effect by Virtual Reality) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.66 |
虛擬實境(virtual reality)、環保行為(pro-environmental behavior)、行為改變(behavior changing.) 虛擬實境(... | ||||
108 | 使用視障模... 使用視障模擬器提高護眼意識及行為 – 以黃斑部病變為例 (Improving Visual Health Awareness and Behavior Using Visual Impairment Simulation – Macular Degeneration as an Example) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.16 |
視障模擬器(Visual impairment simulation)、虛擬實境(virtual reality)、視力保健(visual healthcare)、黃斑部病變(macular degeneration)、行為改變(behavior change) 視障模擬器... | ||||
107 | 虛擬實境中... 虛擬實境中體驗霸凌受害者經歷對旁觀者在同理心、角色轉換、和態度上的影響 (Effects of Experiencing VR Bullying Victims on Bystander Empathy, Role Change, and Attitude in Bullying Situations) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.46 |
校園霸凌(Bullying)、旁觀者(Bystander)、角色扮演(Role-play)、同理心(Empathy)、態度(Attitude)、虛擬環境(Virtual Environment) 校園霸凌(... | ||||
106 | 依附風格傾... 依附風格傾向和社群軟體上關係維持行為與愛情滿意度之關係研究 (A Study of Connectionsa among Attachment Style Orientations, Relational Maintenance Behaviors through Social Media, and Romantic Relationship Satisfaction) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 3.95 |
社群軟體(Social Media)、依附理論(Attachment Theory)、關係維持行為(Relational Maintenance Behavior)、結構方程式(Structural Equation Model)、使用者經驗(User Experience) 社群軟體(... | ||||
105 | 透過普羅透... 透過普羅透斯效應探討使用者性別與虛擬角色性別對尋路能力之影響 (Applying the Proteus Effect to Investigate User's and Avatar's Gender Differences in Wayfinding Performance) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
人機互動(Human-Computer Interaction)、普羅透斯效應(Proteus Effect)、尋路能力(Wayfinding)、刻板印象(Stereotype) 人機互動(... | ||||
104 | 溝通媒介與... 溝通媒介與匿名性對團體互動中個體的感受與行為之影響 (The Impact of Communication Media and Anonymity on Individual's Feelings and Behavior in Group Interaction) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
虛擬世界(Virtual world)、匿名性(Anonymity)、團體互動(Group interaction)、團體影響(Group influence)、從眾行為(Conformity) 虛擬世界(... | ||||
103 | 體感式虛擬... 體感式虛擬化身與人際面對面互動之情緒感受與行為差異 (Comparison of Emotion and Behavior Between Kinetic Virtual Avatar and Face to Face) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
虛擬化身(Avatar)、社會臨場感(social cues)、匿名性(anonymity)、阻隔(shield)、社會線索(social presence)、情緒(emotion)、溝通行為(behavior) 虛擬化身(... |