畢業學年度 | 論文標題 | 連結 | 學位 | 畢業時長(years) |
關鍵字 | ||||
112 | 4-5歲習... 4-5歲習華語兒童之大腦語言功能側化及語言能力 (Language Lateralization and Language Ability in 4–5–year–old Mandarin-speaking Children) | NTHU | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
語言偏側化(cerebral lateralization)、學前兒童(preschool children)、語言理解(language comprehension)、語言表達(expression)、功能性顱內都卜勒超音波(functional transcranial Doppler ultrasound (fTCD)) 語言偏側化... | ||||
112 | 典型發展兒... 典型發展兒童和發展性語言障礙兒童 在句子學習處理的腦側化差異 (Cerebral Lateralization of Sentence Processing in Typically Developing Children and Children with Developmental Language Disorder) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 4.47 |
典型發展學齡兒童(typically developing children)、發展性語言障礙(developmental language disorders)、功能性經顱多普勒(functional transcranial Doppler)、語言訓練(language training, lateralization)、腦側化(undefined) 典型發展學... | ||||
112 | 中文閱讀障... 中文閱讀障礙兒童之聲韻和視覺空間處理之大腦側化 (Lateralization of Phonological and Visuospatial Processing in Chinese Children with Developmental Dyslexia) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩(外籍生) | 2.46 |
閱讀障礙(DevelopmentalDyslexia)、大腦側化(CerebralLateralization)、聲韻處理(PhonologicalProcessing)、視覺空間處理(VisuospatialProcessing) 閱讀障礙(... | ||||
112 | 習華語發展... 習華語發展性語言障礙兒童程序學習之探討 (Exploring Procedural Learning in Mandarin-Speaking Children with Developmental Language Disorder) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.46 |
發展性語言障礙(Procedural Learning)、程序學習(Developmental Language Disorder)、習華語兒童(Mandarin-speaking children) 發展性語言... | ||||
110 | 習華語發展... 習華語發展性語言障礙兒童之工作記憶與表達性句法 (Relationship Between Working Memory and Expressive Syntax in Mandarin-speaking Children With Developmental Language Disorder) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 3.98 |
發展性語言障礙(Developmental language disorder)、表達性句法(expressive syntax)、工作記憶(working memory) 發展性語言... | ||||
109 | 家長回應行... 家長回應行為與學齡前兒童口語表現 (Parental Responsiveness and Expressive Language Skills in Preschool Children) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 3.97 |
主要照顧者(parental responsiveness)、回應式行為(parent behaviors with children coding)、自由遊戲(children behaviors with parent coding)、學齡前典型發展兒童(preschool children)、發展遲緩兒童(undefined) 主要照顧者... |