畢業學年度 | 論文標題 | 連結 | 學位 | 畢業時長(years) |
關鍵字 | ||||
112 | 美國職棒大... 美國職棒大聯盟先發投手參加世界棒球經典賽對賽季表現之統計分析 (Statistical Analysis of Major League Baseball Starting Pitchers Participating in the World Baseball Classic on Their Regular Season Performance) | NTHU | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
投球表現(pitching performance)、賽伯計量學(Sabermetrics)、傳統數據(traditional statistics)、進階數據(advanced statistics) 投球表現(... | ||||
111 | 不同運動項... 不同運動項目選手與一般生動態視力與注意力之比較 (Comparison of Dynamic Visual Acuity and Attention between Players of Different Sports and General School Children) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 4.93 |
棒球(baseball)、田徑(track and field)、籃球(basketball)、眼球運動(eye movement)、整體注意力(overall attention) 棒球(ba... | ||||
111 | 樂樂棒球課... 樂樂棒球課程介入對國小學童動態視力與注意力之影響 (Effects of Teeball Course Intervention on Dynamic Visual Acuity and Attention of Elementary School Children) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 3.93 |
動態視力(dynamic vision)、注意力(attention)、樂樂棒球(Teeball) 動態視力(... | ||||
110 | 不同熱身順... 不同熱身順序對爆發力與速度表現的影響 (Effects of different warm-up sequences on power and speed performance) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 3.98 |
動態伸展(Dynamic stretch)、滾筒按摩(Foam rolling)、爆發力(power)、速度表現(speed performance) 動態伸展(... | ||||
110 | 不同健康體... 不同健康體適能商對於國小學童的協調能力 、平衡能力、身體活動量、同儕互動 與心理特質之影響 (Effects of different health-related physical fitness quotients on coordination,balance, physical activity, peer interaction and psychological traits of primary school children) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | (竹教大學號無法計算) |
發展性協調障礙(developmental coordination disorder)、自我知覺(self-perception)、心理壓力(psychological stress)、運動體適能(physical fitness) 發展性協調... | ||||
110 | 補充小麥蛋... 補充小麥蛋白對於彈力帶訓練老年人功能性體適能和肌少症之影響 (The Effects of Wheat Gluten Supplementation on Functional Fitness and Sarcopenia in Older Adults Undergoing Elastic Band Training) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | (竹教大學號無法計算) |
小麥蛋白(wheat protein)、彈力帶訓練(elastic band training)、功能性體適能(functional fitness)、肌少症(sarcopenia) 小麥蛋白(... | ||||
109 | 體育課運用... 體育課運用差異化教學對動作協調能力、身體活動量及同儕互動之影響 (The Effects of Differentiated Instruction in Physical Education Class on Motor Coordination, Physical Activity and Peer Interaction) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.92 |
傳統教學(Conventional Instruction)、國小學童(Elementary school children)、性別(Gender)、教學效能(Teaching efficiency)、教學策略(Instructional strategy) 傳統教學(... | ||||
109 | 泛自閉症障... 泛自閉症障礙兒童與正常發育兒童動作協調及平衡能力之比較 (The Comparison in Motor Coordination and Balance between Students with and without Autism Spectrum Disorder) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | (竹教大學號無法計算) |
自閉症(autism spectrum disorders)、動作協調能力(motor coordination)、平衡能力(balance) 自閉症(a... | ||||
108 | 比較規律運... 比較規律運動與每日萬步APP智慧健康管理對銀髮族代謝指標及功能性體適能之影響 (Comparison of the effects of regular exercise and daily10,000-step APP smart health management on the metabolic indexes and functional fitness of the silver-haired people) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.96 |
血壓(blood pressure)、空腹血糖(fasting blood glucose)、血脂(lipids)、30秒椅子坐立(30-second chair-stand)、2.44公尺椅子坐立繞物(2.44 meter chair sit-and -reach) 血壓(bl... | ||||
108 | 泛自閉症障... 泛自閉症障礙兒童與一般兒童身體活動量與睡眠品質之比較 (The Comparison of Physical Activity and Sleep Quality in Students with and without Autism Spectrum Disorders) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | (竹教大學號無法計算) |
穿戴式裝置(Wearable device)、小米運動手環(Xiaomi bracelet)、步數(Steps) 穿戴式裝置... | ||||
105 | 環狀運動對... 環狀運動對老年人下肢功能性體適能與步態穩定性之影響 (not found) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
坐椅起立(30-s chair-stand test)、坐起繞物(2.44M up-and-go)、走路速度(walking speed)、步頻(cadence)、左右腳支撐時間(gait cycle duration)、跌倒(fall) 坐椅起立(... | ||||
105 | 復健運動課... 復健運動課程對腦中風患者平衡能力及 憂鬱狀況之影響 (The effects of rehabilitative exercise on balance and depression in stroke patients) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | (竹教大學號無法計算) |
康復(rehabilitation)、中風倖存者(stroke survivors)、居家運動(home exercise) 康復(re... | ||||
105 | 規律運動對... 規律運動對大學生健康識能、睡眠及體適能之影響 (The effects of regular exercise on health literacy, sleep and physical fitness in undergraduate students) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | (竹教大學號無法計算) |
身體活動量(Physical activity)、穿戴式(wearable device)、深層睡眠(deep sleep)、體適能(physical fitness) 身體活動量... | ||||
103 | 瑜珈運動對... 瑜珈運動對產後婦女生理與心理健康之影響 (Influence of Yoga Exercise on Physical and Mental Health in Postpartum Women) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
瑜珈(Yoga)、健康體適能(physical fitness)、產後情緒狀態(postpartum emotional state)、睡眠品質(sleep quality) 瑜珈(Yo... | ||||
103 | 補充樟芝菌... 補充樟芝菌絲體對衰竭運動後大鼠血液生化指標之影響 (The Effects of Antrodia camphorata Mycelium Supplementation on Blood Biochemical Parameters after Exhaustive Exercise in Rats) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
疲勞(fatigue)、肌肉損傷(muscle damage)、氧化壓力(oxidative stress)、肝損傷(liver injury)、血脂肪(plasma lipid) 疲勞(fa... | ||||
102 | 瑜珈對中風... 瑜珈對中風患者平衡能力、睡眠與生活品質之影響 (not found) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
瑜珈(yoga)、平衡能力(balance ability)、睡眠品質(quality of sleep)、生活品質(quality of Life) 瑜珈(yo... | ||||
102 | 有氧舞蹈對... 有氧舞蹈對ADHD國中生體適能、動作協調能力之影響 (The Effects of Aerobic Exercise on Physical Fitness and Motor Coordination in Junior High School Students with ADHD) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
注意力缺陷過動症(attention deficit hyperactivity disorder)、體適能(physical fitness)、協調性能力(motor coordination) 注意力缺陷... |