畢業學年度 | 論文標題 | 連結 | 學位 | 畢業時長(years) |
關鍵字 | ||||
112 | 探究族語和... 探究族語和班級教師在幼兒泰雅語讀本課程之合作模式 (Exploring the collaborative teaching of Indigenous language and classroom teachers in an Atayal book program for Indigenous kindergarteners) | NTHU | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
學習第二語言(Second language learning)、合作教學(collaborative teaching)、族語讀本課程(Indigenous language reading program) 學習第二語... | ||||
111 | 運用原住民... 運用原住民知識之幼兒方案課程在雙語與科學實作之學習成效 (The Effects of A Project in Kindergarten Based on Indigenous Knowledge: Bilingual Performances and Scientific Practices) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 3.95 |
原住民(Indigenous)、方案課程(curriculum-based)、雙語課程(bilingual program)、科學實作(scientific practices) 原住民(I... | ||||
111 | 在幼兒園實... 在幼兒園實施多元家庭型態課程之挑戰、因應與成效 (The challenges, responses, and effects: A project of family diversities in preschool) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.87 |
多元家庭型態(family diversities)、家庭概念(family concepts)、家庭功能(family function)、多元文化(multiculturalism)、幼兒教育(preschool education) 多元家庭型... | ||||
111 | 運用泰雅族... 運用泰雅族知識之幼兒雙語課程:教學歷程及幼兒語言學習 (An Early Bilingual Curriculum Using Atayal Knowledge:Implementation and Language Learning) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | (竹教大學號無法計算) |
泰雅族(Atayal)、原住民族知識(indigenous knowledge)、雙語課程(Bilingual Curriculum) 泰雅族(A... | ||||
110 | 運用繪本促... 運用繪本促進泰雅族幼兒族語發展之個案研究 (A case study on using children’s books to promote young Atayal children’s Indigenous language) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.47 |
族語繪本教學(Indigenous language children’s book teaching)、教學策略(teaching strategies)、幼兒族語發展(children's Indigenous language development)、個案研究法(case study method) 族語繪本教... | ||||
110 | 原住民地區... 原住民地區教保服務人員多元文化素養及實踐之探討 (An investigation on multicultural literacy and practices of early childhood educators in Indigenous areas) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | (竹教大學號無法計算) |
原住民地區(Indigenous areas)、教保服務人員(Early childhood educators)、多元文化素養(Multicultural literacy) 原住民地區... | ||||
109 | 探究原住民... 探究原住民地區幼教師實施STEM方案之教學策略與幼兒科學實作 (Exploring the teaching strategies and kindergarteners’ scientific practices of a STEM project in an Indigenous area) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.98 |
教師教學策略(teaching strategies)、科學實作(scientific practices)、STEM方案(STEM project)、原住民地區(Indigenous area) 教師教學策... | ||||
108 | 越南裔新住... 越南裔新住民於雙文化間之幼兒教養觀及策略 (Vietnamese new-immigrant mothers’ bicultural parenting concepts and strategies for young children) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩(外籍生) | 1.99 |
越南裔新住民(Vietnamese new-immigrant mother)、教養觀(parenting concepts)、教養策略(parenting strategies)、雙文化(biculture)、文化調適(cultural adjustment) 越南裔新住... | ||||
108 | 運用文化回... 運用文化回應教學於原住民族幼兒聲韻學習及族群認同之研究 (Using Cultural Responsive Teaching to Improve Indigenous Children's Development of Phonological Ability and Ethnic Identity) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | (竹教大學號無法計算) |
文化回應教學(Culturally Responsive Teaching)、聲韻學習(phonological ability)、族群認同(ethnic identity) 文化回應教... | ||||
107 | 平衡取向教... 平衡取向教學應用於幼兒園提升閱讀相關表現之探究 (The use of balanced teaching approach in a literacy curriculum to enhance kindergarteners’ reading-related performance) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | (竹教大學號無法計算) |
平衡取向教學(balanced teaching approach)、幼兒語文教學(reading-related performance)、閱讀相關表現(literacy) 平衡取向教... |