畢業學年度 | 論文標題 | 連結 | 學位 | 畢業時長(years) |
關鍵字 | ||||
112 | 開發氮化鈦... 開發氮化鈦奈米電極矩陣電化學免疫感測器於多種生物標記之檢測 (Development of an electrochemical immunosensor based on three-dimensional TiN nano-electrode arrays for various biomarker detection) | NTHU | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
電化學感測器(electrochemical sensors)、生物感測器(biosensors)、氮化鈦(titanium nitride)、互補式金屬氧化物半導體(CMOS)、奈米電極矩陣(nano-electrode arrays)、電化學阻抗圖譜(EIS)、白血球介素-6(interleukin-6)、前降鈣素(procalcitonin) 電化學感測... | ||||
112 | 新冠肺炎確... 新冠肺炎確診孕婦之免疫研究 (Immune Research on Pregnant Women Diagnosed with COVID-19) | NTHU | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
新冠肺炎(COVID-19)、新冠病毒(SARS-CoV-2)、細胞激素(cytokines)、Omicron變異株(Omicron variants)、微小核醣核酸(microRNA)、孕婦(pregnant women) 新冠肺炎(... | ||||
112 | 傷口細菌生... 傷口細菌生物膜感染檢測系統開發 (Development of Wound Biofilm Rapid Detection Kit) | NTHU NDLTD | 博 | 3.30 |
慢性傷口(Chronic wound)、細菌生物膜(bacterial biofilm)、生物膜導向傷口照護(biofilm-based wound care)、傷口拓印檢測(wound blotting rapid detection)、阿爾辛藍(Alcian blue) 慢性傷口(... | ||||
112 | 慢性傷口重... 慢性傷口重點照護檢測試片及輔助定量APP開發 (Development of point-of-care chronic wound detection device combined with smartphone APP) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩(提早入學) | 1.79 |
慢性傷口(Chronic wounds)、嗜中性白血球彈性蛋白酶(Human neutrophil elastase (HNE))、色彩分析(Color analysis)、濃度計算APP(Concentration calculation APP) 慢性傷口(... | ||||
111 | 探索新冠疫... 探索新冠疫苗接種者之免疫反應 (Immune responses after COVID-19 vaccination) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.45 |
COVID-19(COVID-19)、疫苗效價(vaccine efficacy)、追加劑(booster dose)、變異株(variants)、無病毒中和性抗體檢測(sVNT)、側向流體免疫分析法(LFIA)、抗體經胎盤轉移(transplacental antibody transfer)、IFN-γ(IFN-γ)、QuantiFERON SARS-CoV-2(QuantiFERON SARS-CoV-2) COVID... | ||||
111 | 評估施打不... 評估施打不同感染性疫苗組合對孕婦及胎兒免疫反應之影響 (Evaluation of the effect between different infectious vaccines on the immune response of pregnant women and fetuses) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.45 |
孕婦(pregnant women)、新生兒(newborns)、COVID-19(COVID-19)、mRNA疫苗(mRNA vaccines)、SARS-CoV-2變異株(SARS-CoV-2 variants)、酵素結合免疫吸附分析法(ELISA)、microRNA(microRNA)、生物標誌物(biomarker) 孕婦(pr... | ||||
111 | 感染病原體... 感染病原體及宿主免疫反應即時檢測方法開發及臨床驗證 (Development and clinical evaluation in the point-of-care devices of pathogen information and host immune response) | NTHU NDLTD | 博 | 3.39 |
敗血症(Sepsis)、即時檢測(bacteria detection)、側向流體免疫分析法(Interleukin-6 rapid diagnostic system)、IL-6快速篩檢系統(Lateral flow immunoassay)、細胞激素陣列分析(point-of care testing) 敗血症(S... | ||||
111 | 用於輔助婦... 用於輔助婦產科即時且快速篩檢臨床細菌的新型檢測工具之工程開發研究 (Engineering development study of self-collecting early, quick, alternative point-of-care bacteria screening tools for potential use in Obstetrics and Gynaecology) | NTHU NDLTD | 博 | 4.32 |
診斷(Diagnostics)、細菌檢測(Bacteria detection)、衣原體(Chlamydia)、陰道拭子(Vaginal swab) 診斷(Di... | ||||
110 | 開發控制傳... 開發控制傳遞一氧化氮與抗菌治療之 DNIC 複合材料 (Development of DNIC-loaded Composite for Controlled Delivery of Nitric Oxide and Anti-bacterial Therapy) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.95 |
一氧化氮(nitric oxide)、金屬有機骨架(metal−organic framework)、交流磁場(alternative magnetic field)、抗菌(anti-bacterial) 一氧化氮(... | ||||
110 | 前降鈣素快... 前降鈣素快速檢測系統開發-以小兒腸病毒為實施例 (Develop procalcitonin lateral flow immunoassay system in case of pediatric enterovirus patients) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.47 |
前降鈣素(procalcitonin)、快篩試片(lateral flow immunoassay)、腸病毒(spectrometer)、白血球介素-6(enterovirus)、C反應蛋白(IL-6)、光學檢測機台(C-reactive protein) 前降鈣素(... | ||||
109 | TRAIL... TRAIL與IP-10為尿液蛋白質生物標記於分辨兒童細菌或病毒感染性疾病之評估 (Assessment of TRAIL and IP-10 as urine protein biomarkers for distinguishing bacterial from viral infectious diseases in pediatric patients) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.92 |
兒童(children)、病毒與細菌感染分辨(distinguish between viral and bacterial infections)、尿液蛋白質生物標記(urine protein biomarker)、IP-10(IP-10)、TRAIL(TRAIL) 兒童(ch... | ||||
109 | 四唑鹽用於... 四唑鹽用於快速菌量檢測之可行性研究 (Feasibility Study of Tetrazolium Salt for Rapid Bacteria Detection) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.91 |
細菌檢測(Bacteria detection)、四唑鹽(Tetrazolium salt)、MTT(MTT)、CTC(CTC)、WST-8(WST-8)、mPMS(mPMS) 細菌檢測(... | ||||
108 | 分析眼房水... 分析眼房水之抗氧化系統及其與眼睛健康之關係 - 以角膜內皮細胞密度及白內障嚴重程度為例 (Analysis of antioxidant system in aqueous humor and its correlation with eye health - the case of corneal endothelial cell density and cataract severity) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 0.92 |
抗氧化能力(antioxidant capacity)、抗壞血酸(ascorbic acid)、蛋白質體學(proteomics)、眼房水(aqueous humor)、角膜內皮細胞密度(corneal endothelial cell density)、白內障(cataract) 抗氧化能力... | ||||
108 | 垂直式與側... 垂直式與側流式紙基免疫分析試片之開發 —— 以燒燙傷口深度與新冠肺炎檢測為實施例 (Development of vertical and lateral flow paper-based immunoassays — the cases of burn depth and COVID-19 detection) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.90 |
重點照護檢測(point-of-care testing)、紙基酵素免疫分析(paper-based ELISA)、燒燙傷口檢測(burn wound diagnostics)、血管生成素(angiogenin)、側流式免疫分析(lateral flow immunoassay)、新冠肺炎(COVID-19)、SARS-CoV-2(SARS-CoV-2) 重點照護檢... | ||||
108 | 新式細菌膜... 新式細菌膜檢測方法於慢性傷口之應用 (Development of the rapid detection approach for determining the biofilm growth on chronic wounds) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 3.40 |
慢性傷口(chronic wounds)、細菌膜(biofilm)、快速診斷(rapid diagnostic)、比色法(colorimetric) 慢性傷口(... | ||||
107 | 新式C反應... 新式C反應蛋白試片於感染檢測之應用 (Paper-based C-reactive protein device for infection disease detection) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
C反應蛋白(C-reactive protein)、紙基檢測試片(Paper-based diagnosis device)、血液檢測(Blood analysis)、乳膠凝集粒子抗體(Latex particle agglutination test) C反應蛋白... | ||||
107 | 新式細菌檢... 新式細菌檢測試劑開發 (New chemical reagents for bacteria detection) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.88 |
大腸桿菌(Escherichia coli)、金黃色葡萄球菌(Staphylococcus aureus)、細菌檢測(Bacterial detection)、MTT(MTT)、PMS(PMS)、伊紅Y(EosinY)、甲基藍(Methylene blue)、敗血症(Sepsis) 大腸桿菌(... | ||||
106 | 雙股核苷酸... 雙股核苷酸非同源末端黏合與同源重組之生物冷光偵測平台 (Bioluminescence Repair Reporter (BLRR): A platform for NHEJ and HDR detection.) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.95 |
基因編輯(Genome editing)、生物冷光(Bioluminescence)、同源重組(HDR)、非同源末端黏合(NHEJ) 基因編輯(... | ||||
106 | 血清中巴拉... 血清中巴拉刈及肌酸酐二合一快篩試片研製 (Development of a multiplexed diagnostic device for serum paraquat, creatinine detection) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.90 |
巴拉刈檢測(Paraquat detection)、肌酸酐檢測(Creatinine detection)、二合一檢測試片(2-in-1 PADs)、個人化醫療(POC)、紙基檢測(Paper based diagnosis) 巴拉刈檢測... | ||||
106 | 應用止血棉... 應用止血棉於骨組織工程之研究 (Applications of hemostatic gelatin sponges in bone tissue engineering) | NTHU NDLTD | 博 | 4.44 |
骨組織工程(bone tissue engineering)、明膠止血棉(hemostatic gelatin sponge)、骨誘導分化(osteogenic differentiation)、前造骨細胞(preosteoblasts)、層積細胞培養(layered cell culture) 骨組織工程... | ||||
105 | 紙基精子檢... 紙基精子檢測試片研製和豬精子活力與酵素活性之關聯性分析 (Relationship between Porcine Sperm Motility and Sperm Enzymatic Activity using Paper-based Devices) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.86 |
不孕症(Infertility)、精子活力(Sperm motility)、酵素-基紙檢測裝置(Enzymatically based paper diagnostic devices)、甘油醛-3-磷酸脫氫酶(GAPDH) 不孕症(I... | ||||
104 | Low-c... Low-cost paper and cotton-based Biochips applied to in vitro diagnosis (低成本棉基與紙基平台應用於體外醫學檢測) | NTHU NDLTD | 博 | 無口試日期 |
低成本(Low cost)、紙(paper)、棉(cotton)、生醫晶片(Biochips)、體外檢測(in vitro diagnosis)、C蛋白(CRP)、乳膠(Latex)、尿液(Urinalysis)、全血(whole blood) 低成本(L... | ||||
104 | 紙型免疫吸... 紙型免疫吸附法檢測眼中前房液 中血管新生因子 (Paper-based ELISA for detecting VEGF level in aqueous humor) | NTHU NDLTD | 博 | 無口試日期 |
紙型免疫吸附法(Paper-based ELISA)、血管新生因子(VEGF)、糖尿病視網膜病變(Diabetic retinopathy)、老年性黃斑部病變(Age-related macular degeneration)、前房液(Aqueous humor) 紙型免疫吸... | ||||
104 | 木質分析檢... 木質分析檢測裝置應用於生化檢測之開發 (Development of Lignocellulose-based Analytical Devices for Biochemical Detection) | NTHU NDLTD | 博 | 無口試日期 |
木質分析檢測裝置(Lignocellulose-based analytical devices)、竹子(Bamboo)、木頭(Wood)、生化檢測(Biochemical detection) 木質分析檢... | ||||
104 | 快速免疫螢... 快速免疫螢光染色三維擴散晶片應用於癌症病患循環癌細胞之檢測 (Rapid Circulating Tumor Cells Staining on 3D Microwell Perfusion Chip) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
生醫晶片(Biochip)、循環腫瘤細胞(circulating tumor cell)、免疫螢光(immunofluorescence) 生醫晶片(... | ||||
103 | 智慧型手機... 智慧型手機相容之紙基核酸螢光檢測裝置開發 (Development of a Paper-based Nucleotide Assay with a Smartphone-compatible Fluorescent Image Recording Device) | NTHU NDLTD | 博 | 無口試日期 |
紙基分析裝置(Paper-based analytical device)、核酸檢測(Nucleotide assay)、可攜式裝置(Portable device) 紙基分析裝... | ||||
101 | 紙型有機磷... 紙型有機磷毒害血液檢測器 (An inexpensive and rapid diagnostic device for organophosphate poisoning made out of paper) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
有機磷(organophosphorus pesticide)、血液檢測(self poisoning)、紙型檢測平台(Paper based diagnostic device)、重點照護檢驗(PADs) 有機磷(o... | ||||
101 | 微圖型化甲... 微圖型化甲殼素基材用於神經元導引之發展 (Development of Micropatterned Chitosan Substrates for Neuronal Guidance) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
甲殼素基材(Chitosan substrates)、黃光微影(Neuro-2a cells)、感應耦合式電漿反應離子蝕刻(ICP-RIE)、濕式化學蝕刻(wet chemical etching)、溶劑鑄造技術(solvent casting) 甲殼素基材... | ||||
101 | 植物維管束... 植物維管束平台於生化檢測開發 (Vascular Bundle Platform Development in Biochemical Detections) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
植物維管束、攪拌棒、竹子、木頭 植物維管束... |