畢業學年度 | 論文標題 | 連結 | 學位 | 畢業時長(years) |
關鍵字 | ||||
112 | 一維柯西型... 一維柯西型隨機漫步的艾狄胥-泰勒定理 (Erdős-Taylor Theorem for a one-dimensional Cauchy-type random walk) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.87 |
機率(Probability)、隨機理論(Random walk)、隨機漫步(Stochastic)、指向性聚合物(Directed polymer)、統計物理(statistical mechanics) 機率(Pr... | ||||
110 | 隨機過程之... 隨機過程之散射變換 (Scattering Transform of Random Processes) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.47 |
散射變換(Scattering transform) 散射變換(... | ||||
109 | 碎形維度與... 碎形維度與疊代函數系統之間的關係及其在股價預測上的應用 (Relations Between Fractal Dimensions and Iterated Function Systems and Their Applications in Stock Market Prediction) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.92 |
碎形(fractal)、股價預測(stock market prediction)、維度(dimension)、疊代函數系(iterated function system)、測度空間(measure space) 碎形(fr... | ||||
109 | 緊緻實代數... 緊緻實代數簇上的實代數K理論 (Real algebraic K-theory of compact real algebraic varieties) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.84 |
實代數簇(Real algebraic variety)、實代數向量叢(Real algebraic vector bundle)、K理論(K-theory) 實代數簇(... | ||||
108 | 基於小波散... 基於小波散射變換探討心肌梗塞心電圖的分類方法 (Wavelet Scattering Network Model for Detection and Classification of Myocardial Infarction Electrocardiography (ECG) Signals) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.97 |
小波散射變換(wavelet scattering transform)、心肌梗塞(Myocardial Infarction)、心電圖(Electrocardiography (ECG) Signals)、機器學習(machine learning) 小波散射變... | ||||
108 | 無線感測網... 無線感測網路中的邊界覆蓋問題 (Barrier Coverage Problems in Wireless Sensor Networks) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.93 |
無線感測網絡(Wireless sensor network)、覆蓋問題(coverage problem)、邊界覆蓋(barrier coverage)、最大壽命(maximum lifetime)、圖論(graph theory)、最長路徑(longest path)、雙隨機矩陣(doubly stochastic matrix) 無線感測網... | ||||
108 | 實係數全純... 實係數全純鏈的兩種刻劃方法與在代數圈上的應用 (Two Characterizations of Real Holomorphic Chains and Applications in the study of Algebraic Cycles) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.43 |
全純鏈(holomorphic)、代數圈(chains) 全純鏈(h... | ||||
交互擴散(alternating diffusion)、擴散映射(diffusion map)、降維度(dimensionality reduction)、共變數(common vairable)、睡眠階段(sleep stage) 交互擴散(... | ||||
107 | 扭結不變量... 扭結不變量的比較 (Comparison of Some Knot Invariants) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.92 |
扭結(knot)、拓樸不變量(topological invariants)、扭結群(knot group)、亞歷山大多項式(Alexander polynomials) 扭結(kn... | ||||
107 | 關於費馬簇... 關於費馬簇和費馬型阿貝爾簇的霍奇猜想之研究 (A study of the Hodge conjecture on Fermat varieties and abelian varieties of Fermat type) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩(博降轉碩) | 1.90 |
霍奇猜想(Hodge conjecture)、費馬簇(Fermat varieties)、費馬型阿貝爾簇(abelian varieties of Fermat type)、演算法(algorithms) 霍奇猜想(... | ||||
107 | 兩種宇纖維... 兩種宇纖維叢構造方式的等同與分類空間的應用 (An Equivalence between two Constructions of Universal Bundles and Applications of Classifying Spaces) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.43 |
宇纖維叢(universal bundle)、分類空間(bundle)、鄰域變形收縮(classifying)、拓樸群(space) 宇纖維叢(... | ||||
106 | 生滅鏈的相... 生滅鏈的相變現象 (Total variation cutoffs for birth and death chains) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.89 |
馬可夫鏈(Markov chains)、生滅鏈(birth and death chains)、相變現象(cutoff phenomenon) 馬可夫鏈(... | ||||
106 | 控制集在強... 控制集在強弦圖及仙人掌圖上的轉換 (Mutual Transferability of Dominating Sets in Strongly Chordal Graphs and Cactus Graphs) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.51 |
控制集(dominating sets)、強弦圖(strongly chordal graphs)、仙人掌圖(cactus graphs)、轉換(transferability) 控制集(d... | ||||
105 | 基於調和多... 基於調和多項式的重力透鏡成像數之研究 (A Study of the Number of Gravitationally Lensed Images Based on Harmonic Polynomials) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 3.99 |
調和多項式(harmonic polynomial)、調和有理函數(harmonic rational function)、重力透鏡(gravitational lensing) 調和多項式... | ||||
105 | 無序混沌下... 無序混沌下SK模型上的中央極限定理 (A central limit theorem for the overlaps in disorder chaos SK model) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.87 |
混沌(Chaos)、重疊量(Overlap)、中央極限定理(Central limit theorem) 混沌(Ch... | ||||
102 | 單期交易成... 單期交易成本模型中的不對稱資訊 (Asymmetric Information in one-period model with transaction cost) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 暫無口試日期 |
內線交易者(insider)、均衡解(equilibrium)、最佳策略(optimal strategy)、手續費(transaction cost) 內線交易者... | ||||
102 | 極小沙利文... 極小沙利文模型與有理同倫群 (Minimal Sullivan Models and Rational Homotopy Groups) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩(提早入學) | 暫無口試日期 |
沙利文模型(Sullivan Model)、極小沙利文模型(Minimal Sullivan Model)、有理同倫群(Rational Homotopy Group)、同倫群(Homotopy Group)、沙利文(Sullivan) 沙利文模型... | ||||
101 | A Gal... A Galois Correspondence in Batyrev's Construction of Mirror Pairs (not found) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 暫無口試日期 |
輪胎簇(Toric Variety)、加洛瓦對應(Galois Correspondence)、環形圓紋曲面(Torus)、成對鏡像(Mirror Pairs)、巴提列夫(Batyrev)、凸分析(Convex Analysis) 輪胎簇(T... |