畢業學年度 | 論文標題 | 連結 | 學位 | 畢業時長(years) |
關鍵字 | ||||
110 | 使用立基於... 使用立基於Hull-White 雙因子模型的三元樹演算法評價可贖回債券 (Evaluation of Callable Bonds Using Trinomial Tree Based on Hull-White Two-Factor Model) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.99 |
利率模型(Hull-White Model)、美元可贖回債券(Callable Bond)、利率三元樹(Interest Rate Tree)、校正參數(Parameter Calibration)、單因子利率模型(One-Factor Model)、雙因子利率模型(Two-Factor Model) 利率模型(... | ||||
109 | 美元可贖回... 美元可贖回債券之評價與分析 (Evaluation and Analysis of Callable Bonds) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.08 |
可贖回債券(Callable Bond)、利率模型(Hull-White Model)、利率三元樹(Black-Karasinski Model)、校正參數(Interest Rate Tree)、參數因時而變(Parameters Calibration) 可贖回債券... | ||||
109 | 以 Hul... 以 Hull-White 模型計算美元零息可贖回債券風險值 (Calculating Vale at Risk of Zero Coupon Callable Bonds Based on Hull-White Model) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.99 |
Hull-White模型(Hull-White Model)、零息可贖回債券(Zero Coupon Callable Bond)、風險值(Value at Risk)、歷史模擬法(Historical Simulation Approach)、回溯測試(Backtesting) Hull-... | ||||
108 | 台幣、人民... 台幣、人民幣在換匯交易的美金隱含利率相關係數探討 (The correlation between USDTWD and USDCNY’s Implied USD interest rate) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.00 |
美金隱含利率(implied USD interest rate) 美金隱含利... | ||||
108 | 結合Hul... 結合Hull-White雙因子模型與Nelson-Siegel模型在信用風險上之應用 (Application of The Combination of Nelson-Siegel and Hull-White 2 factor Models on Credit Risk) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.96 |
利率期限結構(interest rate term structure)、Hull-White雙因子模型(Hull-White two-factor model)、Nelson-Siegel模型(Nelson-Siegel model) 利率期限結... | ||||
108 | 結合Hul... 結合Hull-White模型與Nelson-Siegel模型之應用 (Application on The Combination of Nelson-Siegel and Hull-White Models) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 2.88 |
利率期限結構(term structure of interest rate)、Hull-White模型(Hull-White model)、Nelson-Siegel模型(Nelson-Siegel model)、無風險利率(risk-free interest rate)、信用利差(credit spread)、估值(pricing) 利率期限結... | ||||
107 | 小額消費信... 小額消費信貸信用評分模型的建置 –以台灣某銀行為例 (Constructing The Credit Scoring Model for Small-Amount Consumer Unsecured Loan with Data from A Taiwanese Bank) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.85 |
信用評分模型(Logistic regression)、小額消費者信用貸款(Default risk variables)、違約率(consumer credit loans) 信用評分模... | ||||
107 | Hull-... Hull-White 利率模型在美國公債估值中的研究 (Application of Hull-White Model in the U.S. Treasury Bond) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩(外籍生) | 2.86 |
利率期限結構(Interest rate term structure)、Hull-White模型(Hull-White model)、公債(U.S. Treasury bonds)、估值(Pricing) 利率期限結... | ||||
107 | 台灣境外基... 台灣境外基金之投資偏誤與基於泡沫偵測之投資對策 (The Behavior Bias of Investors of Taiwan Offshore Funds and Trading Strategies Based on Price Bubble Detecting) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.86 |
行為財務(behavioral finance)、泡沫檢定方法(bubble detection methods)、境外基金資金(fund flows of off-shore funds) 行為財務(... | ||||
107 | 根據隨機森... 根據隨機森林演算法解析十年期美國公債期限貼水及其下降趨勢 (Analysis of 10 year US Treausry's term preimum and its downtrend using random forest algorithm) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.86 |
隨機森林(Term Structure of Interest Rate)、美國公債(random forest)、期限貼水(USTreausry) 隨機森林(... | ||||
107 | 創投投資決... 創投投資決策的評估準則 –以積層製造業為例 (The Evaluation Criteria on Venture Capital Industry – A Case Study of Additive Manufacturing) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.86 |
創業投資事業(venture capital)、評估準則(evaluation criteria)、積層製造業(additive manufacturing)、Google搜尋趨勢(google trends) 創業投資事... | ||||
107 | 企業信用評... 企業信用評分模型-以太陽能電廠放款為例 (The Corporate Scoring Model for Solar Power Plants Loan) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.86 |
太陽能電廠(Solar)、信用風險(power)、羅吉斯迴歸(plants) 太陽能電廠... | ||||
107 | 比特幣價格... 比特幣價格泡沫的偵測並以最佳停步法建置比特幣交易策略 (Detecting Bitcoin Price Bubble and Constructing Bitcoin Trading Strategy Based on Optimal Stopping Rule) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.86 |
比特幣(Bitcoin)、資產泡沫(Asset Bubble)、最佳停步法(Optimal Stopping Rule)、PSY法(PSY Method) 比特幣(B... | ||||
106 | 基於LIB... 基於LIBOR市場利率模型的歐式利率交換選擇權定價研究 (Research on European Swaption Pricing Based on LIBOR Market Model) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩(外籍生) | 1.99 |
LIBOR市場模型(LIBOR market model)、交換選擇權定價(interest rate swaption pricing)、蒙特卡洛模擬(Mont-Carlo simulation) LIBOR... | ||||
106 | 以雙向信用... 以雙向信用價值調整探討交易對手信用風險與錯向風險 (Study on counterparty risk and wrong way risk with Bilateral Credit Valuation Adjustment) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 1.99 |
交易對手信用風險(Counterparty Credit Risk)、錯向風險(BCVA)、信用價值調整(Wrong Way Risk) 交易對手信... | ||||
106 | Basel... Basel III 流動性風險架構下中國金融系統風險之研究 (Research on China’s Financial Systemic Risk on the Framework of Basel III Liquidity Risk) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩(外籍生) | 3.10 |
流動性風險(Basel III)、中國金融系統風險(Liquidity Risk) 流動性風險... | ||||
105 | 金融商品市... 金融商品市場風險研究與實證分析 (Research on Market Risk of Financial Products and Empirical Analysis) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩(外籍生) | 無口試日期 |
損失分配(Loss Distribution)、風險值(Value at Risk (VaR))、市場風險(Market Risk)、回溯測試(Backtesting) 損失分配(... | ||||
105 | 金融商品之... 金融商品之信用風險利差的建模與探究 (Estimating Credit Risk Spreads From Bond Prices) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩(外籍生) | 1.98 |
債券(bond)、信用價差(Credit Risk Spreads)、Vasicek(Vasicek) 債券(bo... | ||||
105 | 交易對手信... 交易對手信用風險與錯向風險的建模與應用 (The Modeling of Counterparty Credit Risk and Wrong Way Risk) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩(外籍生) | 1.98 |
交易對手信用風險(Counterparty Credit Risk)、單方向信用價值調整(Unilateral Credit Value Adjustment (UCVA))、錯向風險(Wrong Way Risk) 交易對手信... | ||||
104 | 清算支付系... 清算支付系統之轉帳風險因子與透支分析 (Transfer Risk Factor and Overdraft in Transfer System) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
支付系統(payment system)、透支(overdraft) 支付系統(... | ||||
104 | 衍生性金融... 衍生性金融商品在交易對手信用風險和錯向風險下的風險值 (Value at Risk of Derivatives including Counterparty Credit Risk and Wrong Way Risk) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
交易對手信用風險(counterparty credit risk)、信用價值調整(CVA) 交易對手信... | ||||
103 | 基於巴塞爾... 基於巴塞爾III交易對手信用風險框架下的信用估值調整(CVA)及其風險值計算 (Calculation of Credit Value Adjustment (CVA) and its VaR under Basel III Counterparty Credit Risk Framework) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩(外籍生) | 無口試日期 |
交易對手信用風險(Counterparty Credit Risk)、信用風險估值調整(CVA)(Credit Value Adjustment (CVA))、CVA風險值(CVA VaR) 交易對手信... | ||||
103 | 衡量信用違... 衡量信用違約交換的利率風險與信用風險 (Measuring Interest Rate Risk and Credit Risk of Credit Default Swaps) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
信用違約交換(Credit Default Swap)、違約強度(Default Intensity)、違約機率(Default Probability)、利率期限結構(Term Structure of Interest Rates)、DNS模型(Dynamic Nelson-Siegel)、損失分配(Loss Distribution)、風險衡量(Risk Measurement) 信用違約交... | ||||
102 | 基於Bas... 基於Basel III交易對手信用風險架構下的信用估值調整研究 (Research on Credit Value Adjustment Based on Basel Ⅲ Counterparty Credit Risk Framework) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩(外籍生) | 無口試日期 |
交易對手信用風險(Counterparty Credit Risk)、信用估值調整(Credit Value Adjustment)、錯向風險(Wrong Way Risk) 交易對手信... | ||||
101 | 基於Bas... 基於BaselⅢ流動性風險架構下之金融系統風險研究 (Research on Financial Systemic Risk Based on Basel Ⅲ Liquidity Risk Framework) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩(外籍生) | 無口試日期 |
Basel III(Basel III)、流動性風險(Liquidity Risk)、系統風險(Systemic Risk)、流動性覆蓋率(Liquidity Coverage Ratio)、淨穩定資金比率(Net Stable Funding Ratio) Basel... | ||||
101 | 以Nels... 以Nelson-Siegel系列模型計算債券風險值 (Calculating Value at Risk of Bonds by using Nelson-Siegel series models) | NTHU NDLTD | 碩 | 無口試日期 |
Nelson and Siegel模型(Nelson and Siegel model)、利率風險(interest rate risk)、風險值(Value at Risk) Nelso... |